Been lying low over the festive period. We’ve both been unwell. Back today with a random photo of Blackwater, Strathgarve.
#scotland #scottishhighlands #ScotlandPhotography #blackwater #strathgarve #scottishwinter #snow #sunset #photooftheday #rossshire #photooftheday #NoFilter
#scotland #scottishhighlands #ScotlandPhotography #blackwater #strathgarve #scottishwinter #snow #sunset #photooftheday #rossshire #nofilter
Good morning wishing you a good weekend. Celebrating @capnross birthday this weekend. It has oftener snowed on his birthday in previous years, But no chance today. Here’s Blackwater at Strathgarve from a few years back. #scotland #ScottishHighlands #scottishwinter #strathgarve #snow #snowandice #ScotlandPhotography #photooftheday #nofilter
#scotland #scottishhighlands #scottishwinter #strathgarve #snow #snowandice #ScotlandPhotography #photooftheday #nofilter