#silentsunday #strawberryrhubarb Happy Father’s Day
#silentsunday #strawberryrhubarb
Today's #StrawberryRhubarb jam from #BonneMaman is the first flavour I definitely know they sell outside the #AdventCalendar in the UK. In fact, I have a half-empty full-size jar in my fridge right now. I enjoyed it anyway 🍓
#strawberryrhubarb #bonnemaman #adventcalendar
Today's #StrawberryRhubarb jam from #BonneMaman is the first flavour I definitely know they sell outside the #AdventCalendar in the UK. In fact, I have a half-empty full-size jar in my fridge right now. I enjoyed it anyway 🍓
#strawberryrhubarb #bonnemaman #adventcalendar