I don't see #Democrats threatening to shutdown government funding every 6 months.
#veterans do not support #governmentshutdown
Trying to push "both sides" narrative is obviously a #falseflag #strawman position.
#Democrats #veterans #governmentshutdown #falseflag #strawman
Thx @mzjacobson! #CarbonCapture #CCS Projects are not successful; cost much more than #Wind, #Solar, #Battery, #Geothermal! #Strawman argument for #FossilFuel continued use! @POTUS @TheDemocrats @JustinTrudeau @liberal_party @Europarl_EN @Alberta_UCP @albertaNDP @billmckibben
#carboncapture #ccs #wind #solar #battery #geothermal #strawman #fossilfuel
The city of #Philadelphia announced it has filed civil lawsuits against three local #gunshops for facilitating illegal #strawman purchases that put 1,300 guns on the streets that were used in #crimes in the city, the WPVI ABC-6 in #Philly reports.
The lawsuit specifically cites the sales of at least 158 #guns to at least 32 #strawpurchasers between March 2018 and March 2022.
#philadelphia #gunshops #strawman #crimes #philly #guns #strawpurchasers
If pointing out the absurdity of someone's argument by taking it to an extreme is a #strawman argument, then take me to the wizard #reddit
#reductioadabsurdum is my favourite Harry Potter spell
#strawman #reddit #reductioadabsurdum #proofbycontradiction #morons
@willbaude An utterly absurd conclusion, so par for the course. #strawman #whataboutism #puhlease
#strawman #whataboutism #puhlease
Here is the Corder version of my new video where I expose the flawed arguments and strawman fallacies that Paulogia did in his video response to me. If you like what you see, feel free to subscribe, like, comment, and share!!
#apologetics #exposed #fallacy #strawman #paulogia
Here is the JoshWho TV version of my new video where I expose the flawed arguments and strawman fallacies that Paulogia did in his video response to me. If you like what you see, feel free to subscribe, like, comment, and share!!
#apologetics #exposed #fallacy #strawman #paulogia
Here is the Rumble version of my new video where I expose the flawed arguments and strawman fallacies that Paulogia did in his video response to me. If you like what you see, feel free to subscribe, like, comment, and share!!
#apologetics #exposed #fallacy #strawman #paulogia
Here is the BitChute version of my new video where I expose the flawed arguments and strawman fallacies that Paulogia did in his video response to me. If you like what you see, feel free to subscribe, like, comment, and share!!
#apologetics #exposed #fallacy #strawman #paulogia
Here is the YouTube version of my new video where I expose the flawed arguments and strawman fallacies that Paulogia did in his video response to me. If you like what you see, feel free to subscribe, like, comment, and share!!
#apologetics #exposed #fallacy #strawman #paulogia
For #Republucans, #MentalIllness is nothing more than a #StrawMan… a device to distract from legitimate calls for #firearm regulations.
#republucans #mentalillness #strawman #firearm
He ranted about how not all White Cis Het Men are rich and powerful, that I was being divisive.
My answer was (and I stand by it)
I added what I added because it is true. I do not say things to be popular, I say things to get the truth out.
I did not say that all white cis het males are rich and powerful. I said that being any of those things does help. I know this, I am white and from a powerful nation. I grew up in an upper middle class neighborhood. I tested well above average in ability in school. I got a better primary and secondary education because of where I grew up. I even worked hard to try to be what society wanted (white, cis, het and male)
None of those things boosted me into wealth, in fact working to fit into the norm broke me. I have lived in poverty for the majority of my life.
After this he blocked me.
Telling the truth sometimes makes people mad.
#Feminism #Kyriarchy #Intersectionalism #Strawman
#Capitalism #AntiCapitalism
#feminism #kyriarchy #intersectionalism #strawman #capitalism #anticapitalism
A Cis Man had a toot that made sense to me but they then blocked me because I answered with intersectionalism.
The original toot was that we grew up thinking you needed to be intelligent to be wealthy or be a world leader
But it turns out you just need to have no shame and be willing to shoot yourself in the foot over and over and claim you're the victim :)
to this I added
in order to "get ahead" it also helps to be born into a family that already has either money or power and it helps even more to be born into a family with both money and power.
It also helps to be able to fit into the mold of what society considers "proper" (mostly white cis het male - each of those that you hit gives a boost)
but he flipped out about this because not ALL white cis het men are at the top of societies pyramid (strawman argument against intersectionalism
#Feminism #Kyriarchy #Intersectionalism #Strawman
#Capitalism #AntiCapitalism
#feminism #kyriarchy #intersectionalism #strawman #capitalism #anticapitalism
Skeptoid #73: A Magical Journey through the Land of Logical Fallacies - Part 1 by Brian Dunning #logicalfallacy #strawman #adhoc #adhominem #SkeptoidPodcast #podcast #bot An examination of many of the most common logical fallacies.
#LogicalFallacy #strawman #Adhoc #adhominem #skeptoidpodcast #podcast #bot
Green #witch Cassie can't get anything to grow right. Lawyer Jack is desperate for a winning case. When Cassie's neighbors hire Jack to force Cassie off her farm, can these two work together to save her land and his life? #StrawMan - a steamy #RomanticFantasy with a botanical twist! #PNR #books #reading #Romance #bookstodon https://books2read.com/u/brWNPY
#witch #strawman #romanticfantasy #pnr #books #Reading #romance #bookstodon
My snapback game is so on point today, that #Nazis and their #transphobic apologists have been blocking me left and right on #Twitter.
It's been a hilarious night.
My favorite own was when a transphobic manlet claimed to "be fine taking the piss out of males," and I pretended to be grossed out at his admission that he liked to be peed on by strange men.
Getting peed on consensually is something that I don't enjoy but fully support other people doing. But running between men who didn't consent and their toilets to put your face in the stream just seems really fucked up, you know? 🤪
Several other people wanted to "force" me to admit that I didn't want #women to speak who disagreed with me. Their #strawman arguments were weak and easy to deflect into criticisms of their reading comprehension. Then a fellow #trans #woman and I had a very civil argument about the size of boobs in anime. Because, of course, when women disagree, we're happy to hear their counterpoints.
#Transphobia isn't a disagreement though. It's a moral stance. A detestable one worthy of nothing less than public shaming. May shame one day drive these roaches back into the holes the slithered out of.
#nazis #transphobic #twitter #women #strawman #trans #woman #transphobia #socialjustice
@stavvers Wait, /who/ says "science fiction never really predicts the future?" Not anybody I know. I say exactly the opposite, quite frequently. In fact, I've basically stopped reading science fiction because too many of the depressing things I remember reading in my youth keep happening for real and I no longer want to know.