Oh Strawmen and Lies,
You lead us astray,
Donald Trump's deceit,
John Lauro's dismay.
The indictment released,
By special counsel Jack Smith,
We see the truth now,
Amid the lies of Trump's myth.
#trump #indictment #jacksmith #lies #strawmen #ode #poetry
@annie Kein Problem, gerne kurz erklärt: Der Begriff Strohpuppen (englisch Straw Men) bezeichnet die Unsitte im Internet, Aussagen zu „widerlegen“, die so gar nicht fielen. So hatte ich nie behauptet, von Uexküll habe das Wort Umwelt „erfunden“.
Von hier alles gut & herzliche Grüße 🖖
#strawmen #strohpuppen #strohmann
@Josiah_Mannion 100% agree. There's plenty of ways to go about pointing out the #flaws in #religion without relying on ancient #strawmen and #harmful name-calling.
If you can't be #respectful, maybe you need to #educate yourself a bit more; it's probably an indication that the #reasons that #justify your position are weak.
#flaws #religion #strawmen #harmful #respectful #educate #reasons #justify
This video by Shaun really illustrates well what the anti-woke discourses really amount to:
- empty, baseless rumbles
- often completely absurd takes on basic political topics, if not outright rhetorical #strawmen
- #disinformation, #fakenews
- crazy claims that mostly shows how ignorant about the issue at stake the anti-#woke is and how little thought and research s/he gave it to.
"The #Snowflake Generation? A Response to Thoughty2".
#snowflake #woke #fakenews #disinformation #strawmen