#WarnerBros Discovery has announced that its Upfront will be held on May 17 at The #Theater at #MadisonSquareGarden.
They'll be showing off their portfolio of premium entertainment! Think of it as #WBD's #InvestorDay.
It'll be #streamed #virtually as well
#warnerbros #theater #madisonsquaregarden #wbd #investorday #streamed #virtually #warnerbrosdiscovery
Just #streamed building a static site with #hugo live and deploying it on #DigitalOcean's #AppPlatform.
Recording here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zPZ0L-kZtoc
#streamed #hugo #digitalocean #appplatform
It has been a hot minute since I last #streamed, but I’m hoping to get back to it this week to ring in the new year.
Which, of course, means I need to get that #gaming rig’s #Windows install nuked and set up again.
I’m debating on going back to #Windows10, primarily because of the recent #Windows11 annoyances I’ve run into, but I’m a lazy creature of habit, so we’ll see.
#streamed #gaming #windows #windows10 #windows11
வன்முறை செய்வதை பேஸ்புக்கில் நேரடி ஒளிபரப்பு செய்த டிரம்ப் கட்சியின் வர்ஜினியா மாகாண சட்டமன்ற உறுப்பினர் ....
https://www.patrikai.com/west-virginia-republican-lawmaker-who-live-streamed-as-he-joined-the-trump-supporters-violent/ #west #virginia #republican #lawmaker #live #streamed #joined @realDonaldTrump@twitter.com #TrumpSupporters #violent
#violent #trumpsupporters #joined #streamed #live #lawmaker #republican #virginia #west
We need to upload our PGP fingerprint already :)
Identity and descisions: #IdentityPolitics is mostly about dividing people, based on often cherryPicking facts about a leader.
#Sortition is about randomly picking a #CitizensJury to make important decisions. Sortition with #PGP might work if you trust a persons security model is okay. Internet is not 100% reliable though. The sortition process would need to be publicised, well-attended and #streamed.
#identitypolitics #sortition #citizensJury #pgp #streamed
#Silentfilm accompanist Ben Model and comedy film historian Steve Massa present three rare #slapstick #comedy shorts, #streamed live and accompanied live on #piano, on Sunday May 17 at 3pm EDT
#silentfilm #slapstick #comedy #streamed #piano