New Yorker: Hollywood’s Slo-Mo Self-Sabotage #NewYorker #Culture/CulturalComment #StreamingPlatforms #LaborStrikes #Television #Hollywood #Netflix #Films
#newyorker #Culture #streamingplatforms #laborstrikes #television #hollywood #netflix #films
“the plum” by Angela Wai Nok Hui is #outnow digitally on our #bandcamp and on all #streamingplatforms , as well as on cassette via Weeding Records ! Reach up to pluck your plum 🍓here:
Angela writes about “the plum” :
/the plum/ for me is a bouquet of glitching memories and blurry sounds.
I'd like to dedicate these 20 mins and 19 seconds to Rémi's grandpa and my grandma.
#experimental #collage #soundart #fieldrecording #foundsounds #spokenword #sonicdiary #ambient #contemporary #forwardthinking #postpercussion #newmusic #dontlookbackrecords
#outnow #bandcamp #streamingplatforms #experimental #collage #soundart #fieldrecording #foundsounds #spokenword #sonicdiary #ambient #contemporary #forwardthinking #postpercussion #newmusic #dontlookbackrecords
New Yorker: Everything Coming to and Leaving Your Favorite Streaming Service This Month #NewYorker #StreamingPlatforms #Humor/DailyShouts #TVShows #Satire #Movies #Humor
#newyorker #streamingplatforms #humor #tvshows #satire #Movies
I comb the web each month to find the most entertaining #FrenchFilms & TV shows #ForKids of all ages available on 🇺🇸 #StreamingPlatforms. 🎄My favorite #holiday selections are listed below:
#frenchfilms #forkids #streamingplatforms #holiday
This is awesome! I was so bummed when #NYPL discontinued their partnership with Kanopy, but it seems like this will be a fine replacement.
#nyc #newyorkcity #Streamingservices #streaming #streamingplatforms
#nypl #nyc #newyorkcity #streamingservices #Streaming #streamingplatforms
Does anyone know if there is a way to #syndicate / #distribute #video to various #StreamingPlatforms, like Apple TV, the way you would with a podcast, but for video. Ideally looking for a solution like @Castopod but for video.
#syndicate #distribute #video #streamingplatforms