hannahshouse · @hannahshouse2
3 followers · 5 posts · Server beige.party
hannahshouse · @hannahshouse2
3 followers · 4 posts · Server beige.party

Spent some time clearing out my Amazon, Netflix and Disney+ watchlists. They're getting exponentially bigger and I'm not sure they're helping me find things to watch. Will rely on online buzz and word of mouth more when we're looking for something new.

Also found a good chunk of shows we'd started but forgot about, plenty to revisit!

#disneyplus #netflix #amazonprime #streamingmovies #movies #movie #films #film #streamingshows #tvshows #tv

Last updated 2 years ago

Blue Lights is a cracking BBC police drama set in Northern Ireland. Really well written, with a likeable cast, a healthy dose of tension and some nice twists and turns.

I hope this is the start of many more series!


#police #crime #drama #northernireland #bbc #bluelights #streamingshows #streaming #tvseries #tvshows #tv

Last updated 2 years ago

The Mandalorian is really going downhill. The level of quality week to week is all over the place and the only thing keeping me watching is because it's Star Wars. There's such a huge gulf between this and Andor.

#tvshows #tv #streamingshows #disneyplus #andor #themandalorian #starwars

Last updated 2 years ago

Finally got around to watching The Leftovers, which has about as satisfying an ending of any serial show I've watched. Really helps elevate the whole series. If you've never gotten around to watching it, I'd recommend you do.

⭐⭐ ⭐⭐

#damonlindelof #hbomax #hbo #theleftovers #streamingshows #streaming #tvseries #tvshows #tv

Last updated 2 years ago

If I'd needed cheering up today, this bit of news would have done it. is to return with a new adventure (minus Spartacus).

If you've never watched Spartacus or it's prequel, I highly recommend you check them out.


#streamingshows #streaming #tvseries #tvshows #stevendeknight #lionsgateplus #starz #spartacus #tv

Last updated 2 years ago

and are (so far) doing a brilliant job of expanding their universe in ways that add more detail and most importantly more emotional depth and weight.

Long may this continue and let these shows be the guiding light for how new content can enhance existing material.

#starwars #disneyplus #skyaltlantic #nowtv #hbo #hbomax #streamingshows #gaming #videogames #tvseries #tvshow #tvshows #tv #thelastofus #andor

Last updated 2 years ago

Episode 3 had me in absolute bits. What a brilliant episode, with masterful performances and writing. Give it all the awards please!

#murraybartlett #nickofferman #skyaltlantic #nowtv #hbo #hbomax #streamingshows #gaming #videogames #tvseries #tvshow #tvshows #tv #thelastofus

Last updated 2 years ago

Afternoon dear ,

I'm a mite peeved off this end of afternoon.

So I just popped by to queue up a Vibed up version of my angry playlist.

The station is OFF air and I won't be monitoring the chat but if you're in need of angry streaming, well, I've got you for the next 3.5h

I'll update the toot with the playlist after work.

πŸ“¦πŸ“» - stationhead.com/lilarmixalot

#btsarmyxmastodon #theboxradio #bts #streamingshows

Last updated 2 years ago

is going OFF air while hosts their show.

You can find πŸ³πŸ“» at stationhead.com/btskoreradio, DJ 🌊 (Tsu) is the one hosting.

#theboxradio #btskoreradio #btsarmyxmastodon #streamingshows

Last updated 2 years ago

The first episode of was great and I expect it played much better for folks who've never played the game. There is at least one moment in the episode that must have been quite the shock for anyone coming in new to it.

It's probably the perfect show to air weekly (to build buzz), but man do I wish I could just binge the hell out of it right now!

How did you all find it?

#ellie #joel #bellaramsey #pedropascal #gaming #videogames #streamingshows #streaming #tvshows #tvseries #tv #thelastofus

Last updated 2 years ago

The flood of dramas is never ending, but hopefully we're on top of the best stuff.

Just wrapped Series 2, which had its moments, but wasn't quite as good as the previous series.

Currently watching:

What shows are your current faves or recommendations?

#hbomax #amazonprime #disneyplus #netflix #tvshows #tvseries #streaming #streamingshows #wednesday #cabinetofcuriosities #kaleidoscope #theenglish #TheBear #GangsOfLondon #tv

Last updated 2 years ago

Mark Heyert · @markhhsp
14 followers · 110 posts · Server mastaudon.org

The great pianist is performing his first streaming concert of the year soon. Here’s the information, Solo Journey: New Year on a Positive Note, Saturday, January 14th, 1 PM PST. youtube.com/watch?v=a29jwxJoCv I hope to see you all at the set.

#larryvuckovich #jazz #jazzmusic #streamingshows #youtube #youtubeconcert #youtubestreaming #youtubelive #bebop #samba #gypsyjazz

Last updated 2 years ago

Super proud to be able to say I've worked with 's Father too. We cast , who plays the role of in , in our sci-fi short .

When he mentioned on set he was doing a "little" thing, which turned out to be Andor, my jaw hit the floor. I genuinely don't think he realised how big a deal it was.

#tvseries #tvshows #tv #disneyplus #streamingshows #Shortfilms #shortfilm #starwars #BlankShores #andor #clem #garybeadle #cassianandor

Last updated 2 years ago

Just wrapped up . If you like great sci-fi drama or just bloody good , it's a must watch, even if you don't like .

It's light touch with its Star Wars trappings and ultimately just a well told story about oppression and rebellion that happens to be in that universe.

If it keeps going like this it's going to add more emotional weight to and the original trilogy.


#scifi #drama #disneyplus #tvseries #tvshows #streamingshows #rogueone #starwars #tv #andor

Last updated 2 years ago

Grr, finally got around to watching 1899 which I've been super excited about and Netflix have decided to cancel it.

When they make announcements like this for shows that are planned over multiple seasons, they should pull the existing seasons from the service, it's utterly pointless watching this now. What a waste of everyone's time and efforts. Gutted for the cast and crew.

#tv #tvseries #cancelled #1899netflix #streamingshows #tvshows #netflix

Last updated 2 years ago

Talking of choose your own path tv. Netflix released a new show called Kaleidoscope yesterday. It's an eight episode series where they recommend you watch the first seven episodes in any order. So much so, that apparently every user will get the episodes presented to them in a different order.

Very much looking forward to checking that out. Has anyone binged it yet? Is it good? What order did you get the episodes in?

#season #series #kaleidoscope #netflix #streamingshows #tvshows #tv

Last updated 2 years ago