#MusicDiscovery just got better! #YouTubeSamples offers 30-second clips from artists, allowing more people to explore and enjoy music. #IlluminatiMusic is now more accessible than ever before. Let's use this opportunity to spread the power of music and unite the world! #StreamOn #MusicUnites http://www.techmeme.com/230815/p17#a230815p17
#musicdiscovery #youtubesamples #illuminatimusic #streamon #musicunites
Seit T-Mobile #StreamOn abschaffen musste und mein temporäres #Unlimited5G abgelaufen ist, bin ich immer wieder überrascht, was #AppleMusic bei mir so an #Datenvolumen frisst! 10GB in einer knappen Woche bei ca. 20h #Streaming aus dem Auto raus, ist schon heftig. Und ich hatte „nur“ 256kbit/s als Qualität eingestellt – nicht #LossLess. Ich werde das mal testweise weiter runter regeln.
#streamon #unlimited5g #applemusic #datenvolumen #streaming #lossless
Doch noch Unlimited Datenvolumen von der Telekom. Dachte das wäre an heute vorbei. Hatte extra gestern meinen Vertrag angepasst und zahle jetzt für doppelt Volumen ein paar Euro mehr. Hätte ich mir sparen können für Juni. #StreamOn
Ich habe gestern zu meinem #Telekom #Mobilfunk Tarif die 90 Tage #Unlimited #Datenvolumen aktiviert, die man bekommen hat, als Entschädigung für das Wegfallen der #StreamOn Option. Wer das noch machen will, heute ist der letzte Tag dafür.
#streamon #datenvolumen #unlimited #mobilfunk #telekom
@heiseonline Wenn mein Vertrag dementsprechend günstiger werden wird?
Ich verstehe NICHT: Die meisten der genannten Dienste waren bis vor kurzem Teil von #StreamOn und ähnlichem - da wurde beworben, dass das entstandene Volumen nicht mal angerechnet wird. Und jetzt sollen sie dafür bezahlen müssen?
Pew Pew Paws is five steps ahead!
--> https://twitch.tv/piratepaws
#Desperados3 #Vtuber #Vtubers #GERVtuber #smallstreamer #VTuberUprising #StreamOn
#desperados3 #vtuber #vtubers #gervtuber #smallstreamer #vtuberuprising #streamon
Ab heute noch 3 Monate unbegrenzt surfen bei der Telekom. Danach muss ich dank der Abschaffung von #StreamOn (thx Bundesnetzagentur) wieder mit meinen mobilen Daten haushalten und falle in mein Surfverhalten von vor über 10 Jahren zurück.
People are whining about the #newspotify update but #StreamOn did emphasize that, for better or for worse, #Spotify is the best place for video podcasts.
On another note, more #RSS providers really need to start supporting video podcasts.
#newspotify #streamon #spotify #RSS
New Spotify for Podcasters Brings the Best of Spotify to All Creators
Check it out! 👇
#StreamOn2023 #StreamOn #SpotifyStreamOn2023 #SpotifyStreamOn #SpotifyLabs #SpotifyForPodcasters #Qna #Polls #PodcastPreviews #Interactivity #CreatorTools #Anchor #What'sNew
#streamon2023 #streamon #spotifystreamon2023 #spotifystreamon #spotifylabs #spotifyforpodcasters #qna #polls #podcastpreviews #interactivity #creatortools #anchor #what
Markiplier’s ‘Go! My Favorite Sports Team’ and ‘Distractible’ Are Launching Exclusive Video Episodes Only on Spotify
Check it out! 👇
#WadeBarnes #VideoPodcast #TylerScheid #StreamOn #SpotifyStreamOn2023 #SpotifyStreamOn #MarkFishbach #Go!MyFavoriteSportsTeam #ExclusiveVideoPartnership #Distractible #BobMuyskens #What'sNew
#wadebarnes #videopodcast #tylerscheid #streamon #spotifystreamon2023 #spotifystreamon #markfishbach #go #exclusivevideopartnership #distractible #bobmuyskens #what
Five Fast Facts About Podcast Creator Monetization on Spotify
Check it out! 👇
#StreamOn #SpotifyStreamOn2023 #SpotifyStreamOn #SpotifyAudienceNetwork #Span #SchwartzMedia #PodcastMonetization #Patreon #Npr #Netflix #Monetization #Megaphone #Company #What'sNew
#streamon #spotifystreamon2023 #spotifystreamon #spotifyaudiencenetwork #span #schwartzmedia #podcastmonetization #patreon #npr #netflix #monetization #megaphone #company #what
Spotify Reveals More Opportunities and Features for Creators During Stream On
Check it out! 👇
#JonasBrothers #TashSultana #StreamOn2023 #StreamOn #St.Vincent #SpotifyStreamOn2023 #SpotifyStreamOn #LukeCombs #LoudAndClear #LoudAndClear #KarolG #JoeRogan #JenniferLopez #Halsey #GustavSoderstrom #Glorilla #EmmaChamberlain #EdSheeran #DanielEk #Company #BillSimmons #ArtistRenumeration #ArtistMonetization #AlexNorström #AlexCooper #What'sNew
#jonasbrothers #TashSultana #streamon2023 #streamon #st #spotifystreamon2023 #spotifystreamon #lukecombs #loudandclear #KarolG #joerogan #jenniferlopez #halsey #gustavsoderstrom #glorilla #emmachamberlain #EdSheeran #DanielEk #company #billsimmons #artistrenumeration #artistmonetization #alexnorstrom #alexcooper #what
4 Tips and Tricks for Podcast Creators To Grow and Retain Listeners
Check it out! 👇
#StreamOn2023 #StreamOn #SpotifyStreamOn2023 #SpotifyStreamOn #PodcasterTools #PodcastAudience #JordanNewman #GrowPodcastAudience #EarToGround #CreatorTools #BehindMic
#streamon2023 #streamon #spotifystreamon2023 #spotifystreamon #podcastertools #podcastaudience #jordannewman #growpodcastaudience #eartoground #creatortools #behindmic
5 Ways Spotify Playlists Help Your Songs Reach Fans Around the World
Check it out! 👇
#SulinnaOng #StreamOn2023 #StreamOn #SpotifyStreamOn2023 #SpotifyStreamOn #Playlsits #Playlists #Playlisting #PitchingProcess #JjItaliano #Editorial #CreatorTools #CarlCherry #BryanJohnson #BlackSherif #Algatorial #BehindMic
#sulinnaong #streamon2023 #streamon #spotifystreamon2023 #spotifystreamon #playlsits #Playlists #playlisting #pitchingprocess #jjitaliano #editorial #creatortools #carlcherry #bryanjohnson #blacksherif #algatorial #behindmic
Stream On Wraps With an All-Female Musical Showcase Featuring Gwen Stefani, Rita Ora, and LÉON
Check it out! 👇
#StreamOn #SteamOn2023 #SpotifyStreamOn2023 #RoxyTheatre #Roxy #RitaOra #Podcasts+Music #PartyOn #Leon #GwenStefani #Company #What'sNew
#streamon #steamon2023 #spotifystreamon2023 #roxytheatre #roxy #ritaora #podcasts #partyon #leon #gwenstefani #company #what
RIP @Anchor, long live @ForPodcasters!
As of today, the Anchor brand is dead, replaced by Spotify for Podcasters.
#streamon #NewSpotify #releasenotes
#PickSixMovies S23E06: The Tomorrow War - #Video | #LegionPodcasts on https://www.patreon.com/posts/79631708 #StreamOn
#picksixmovies #video #legionpodcasts #streamon
Now that I have Spotify's new music experience, I'm pleasantly surprised by the #Tiktokification matched combined with the stories format.
This is awesome.
#tiktokification #NewSpotify #StoriesEverywhere #streamon
Now that I have Spotify's new music experience, I'm pleasantly surprised by the #Tiktokification matched combined with the stories format.
This is awesome.
#tiktokification #NewSpotify #StoriesEverywhere #streamon