· @axelhahn
14 followers · 5 posts · Server fosstodon.org

To listen internet radio on Linux I installed - and was frustrated about the (non)functionality of the [record] button after configuring .

So I got a challenge: instead of "nothing happens" - show information on a terminal that a user can analyze.


The script reached version 1.0 now. Who tried a version 0.x before should update it now, eg. `git pull` if you used git clone to install it.

#streamtuner2 #streamripper #bash #gpl #opensource

Last updated 2 years ago

· @axelhahn
12 followers · 11 posts · Server fosstodon.org

To listen internet radio on Linux I installed - and was frustrated about the (non)functionality of the [record] button after configuring .

So I got a challenge: instead of "nothing happens" - show information on a terminal that a user can analyze.


The script reached version 1.0 now. Who tried a version 0.x before should update it now, eg. `git pull` if you used git clone to install it.

#streamtuner2 #streamripper #bash #gpl #opensource

Last updated 2 years ago