According to Will Smith’s 1998 hit, Miami has some of the most organised street grids in the world.
#Miami #streetdesign #roadlayout #urbanplanning #WillSmith #facts
#miami #streetdesign #roadlayout #urbanplanning #willsmith #facts
Do these traffic speed signals do anything but waste money in a town that for all practical purposes doesn’t enforce traffic laws? This is an actual question if anyone knows. #streetDesign #ThreeEsMinusOne #TrafficSafety #visionZero #SanFrancisco
#sanfrancisco #visionzero #trafficsafety #threeesminusone #streetdesign
well worth watching and learning from.
#urbanism #UrbanPlanning #urbandesign #תכנוןעירוני #עיצובעירוני #עירוניות #streetdesign #france #תחבורהציבורית #PublicTransport
#urbanism #UrbanPlanning #UrbanDesign #תכנוןעירוני #עיצובעירוני #עירוניות #streetdesign #france #תחבורהציבורית #PublicTransport
Our last guest expert in #UNC's PLAN 639 Complete, Safe, Equitable Streets today is the incomparable (but not yet in the fediverse) Carlos Pardo. Gonna be a good one, folks!
#CompleteStreets #CommunityEngagement #StreetDesign #SafeStreetsForAll #Bogota #TransportationPlanning #BikeTooter
#unc #completestreets #communityengagement #streetdesign #safestreetsforall #bogota #transportationplanning #BikeTooter
#BikeTooter #bikes #UrbanPlanning #urbanism #urbandesign #תכנוןעירוני #עיצובעירוני #אורבניזם #איןתכנוןבלימדיניות #שביליאופניים #redesign #streetdesign
#BikeTooter #bikes #UrbanPlanning #urbanism #UrbanDesign #תכנוןעירוני #עיצובעירוני #אורבניזם #איןתכנוןבלימדיניות #שביליאופניים #redesign #streetdesign
Greatly improved Clyde St./Jamaica St. junction after redesign and installation of cycle phase on the lights. It is near the location of the recent fatality. This hard protection will remove crossing conflicts presented by left-turning motor vehicles across the path of cyclists going straight ahead. A much-needed change.
#BikeTooter #Glasgow #GlasgowCityCouncil #RoadSafety #StreetDesign #CivilEngineering
#civilengineering #streetdesign #roadsafety #glasgowcitycouncil #glasgow #biketooter
I like this in that it prioritizes the cycleways as separate lanes yet allows motorized traffic to pass safely when necessary. On street parking (though limited) does not impede the traffic lanes in any way. A civilized street to be sure.
#UrbanPlanning #streetdesign #visionzero #traffic
RT @JeffSpeckFAICP - Does your city or county not require street trees along its new roads? I've written this generic text to help you change that. Let me know if you want it in Word. #Trees #NewRoads #CityPlanning #Environmental #StreetDesign #Treebeard #Fangorn
#Trees #newroads #cityplanning #environmental #streetdesign #treebeard #fangorn
My five favorite streets in my town are a mix of walkability and nostalgia. This is in response to a question on Mastodon that I now can't find. If it was you, comment so I can give you credit! #walking #urbanism #CedarRapids #StreetDesign #Iowa #CzechVillage #MoundView #cities
#walking #urbanism #cedarrapids #streetdesign #iowa #czechvillage #moundview #cities
Do your urban streets have enough street trees? Only if your design choices prioritize them! This downtown #Vancouver street has 4 rows of trees on just 1 side! Yard trees, 2 sidewalk trees, then bike-lane buffer trees.
Don’t tell me you have to choose between density OR green! But you DO have to stop making cars the top priority in everything, and do underground street design differently.
#trees #StreetTrees #streets #urbanism #cars #cities #UrbanDesign #StreetDesign #city
#city #streetdesign #urbandesign #cities #cars #urbanism #streets #streettrees #trees #vancouver
Notice the daylighting and soft hit post treatment at LGHY and Judah. Would love to see more of this with large bulb outs at additional HIN intersections since Prop L passed. #bulbouts #streetdesign
After a couple of months of sending #Columbus increasingly-detailed descriptions of the problem, with recommendations for solutions drawn from a layman's understanding of the ODOT Multimodal Design Guide and #MUTCD, they've given in, and will make changes to the #Intersection of Hudson and North 4th. #success #VisionZero #StreetDesign #Intersections
#columbus #mutcd #intersection #success #visionzero #streetdesign #intersections
The #city's #StreetDesign #Manual heads to an #exhibition
It is a #book that many #NewYorkers don’t know about, but it has a big #impact on their daily lives. It’s called the #NewYork City #Street #Design Manual.
#city #streetdesign #manual #exhibition #book #newyorkers #impact #newyork #street #design
Are your streets for cars or for people? Just because the answer is cars right now, doesn’t mean you can’t change that if you really want to. This #TelAviv transformation before & after between 2016 and 2021 is well documented by #schlijper’s great photography. #StreetsForPeople #streetdesign #cities #urbandesign #urbanplanning #urbanism #peopleplaces #streets #people
#people #streets #peopleplaces #urbanism #urbanplanning #urbandesign #cities #streetdesign #StreetsForPeople #schlijper #telaviv
We’ve always needed safe infrastructures for people, but that need is now even greater as vehicles have gotten bigger and bigger in cities.
In 2000, an urban bike-rider next to the most common vehicle back then, a Toyota Camry, had 18 inches on either side. Today an urban bike-rider next to a now frighteningly common Ford F-150 has just 4 inches.
Stolen space.
Via @TransAlt
#streets #cities #streetdesign #bikes #bikelanes #mobility #transportation #urbanplanning #cityplanning
#cityplanning #urbanplanning #transportation #mobility #bikelanes #bikes #streetdesign #cities #streets
#WalkableCity 10 Years Later: #COVID-Safe #Streets Are #Walkable Streets – Streetsblog USA
Aside from Zoom — and, of course, mRNA vaccines — the most impactful technology to evolve thanks to COVID was the one at the very heart of Walkable City: #streetDesign
#walkablecity #covid #streets #walkable #streetdesign
Here’s some blunt truth — I haven't seen a single North American city with a stated policy goal of mobility "balance" that has actual policies, strategies, street standards/designs, infrastructure budgets, supporting land use etc that would actually ACHIEVE balance. It’s usually code for the status quo, only slightly better — aka cars first.
#transportation #mobility #streets #streetdesign #cityplanning #urbanplanning #cities #walking #biking #publictransit
#publictransit #biking #walking #cities #urbanplanning #cityplanning #streetdesign #streets #mobility #transportation
Remember, the idea of “shared streets” doesn’t work if the theory is that everyone’s on an even playing field, because they’re not. Cars need to be prioritized last, usually moving no faster than walkers stroll. The relative size of images on this #Paris street conveys priority. #cityplanning #urbanplanning #streets #streetdesign #urbandesign #walkablecities #cities #sharedstreets
#SharedStreets #cities #walkablecities #urbandesign #streetdesign #streets #urbanplanning #cityplanning #paris
Discovering a new platform. Things that matter include #urbanism #publicrealm #landscapearchitecture #urbandesign #transportplanning #planning #streetdesign
#urbanism #publicrealm #landscapearchitecture #urbandesign #transportplanning #planning #streetdesign