This evening took an unexpected turn. I'm now currently watching the pilot of The Greatest American Hero (1981). Maybe I'll try Street Hawk, Manimal, or Automan next.
#tv #thegreatestamericanhero #streethawk #Manimal #automan
Last night's art stream was pretty good! voice chatting with @Bastett on stream whom wants a portrait made. A Retro Cheetah in a biker outfit! Was hyped about the idea thanks to a show in the 80s called Street Hawk. Anyone remeber this show? I watched the pilot, it's pretty good! Theme tune by Tangerine Dream!
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)b 🥔
#streethawk #art #twitch #wednesday #80s #tv #tvshow
#television #synthwave #TangerineDream
#tangerinedream #synthwave #television #tvshow #tv #80s #wednesday #twitch #art #streethawk
In my childhood I really liked #Airwolf, #KnightRider and #StreetHawk.
I always wished they would build #ateam out of them. 😉
#ATeam #streethawk #knightrider #Airwolf
The A-Team:
- Nick Fury (bottom)
- Michael Knight (right)
- Princess Leia Organa (middle)
- Columbo (left)
... and behind, the famous all-terrain attack motorcycle: Street Hawk
#TheATeam #Avengers #StarWars #DavidHasselhoff #KnightRider #Colombo #StreetHawk
#TheATeam #avengers #starwars #davidhasselhoff #knightrider #colombo #streethawk
Una volta le sigle delle serie tv le facevamo comporre a gente come i #TangerineDream🤔
#tangerinedream #streethawk #leparc #ilfalcodellastrada
Letzte Episode der leider einzigen Season01 von Street Hawk. War in den späten 80ern eine meiner Favoriten. Norman Tuttle & Jesse Mach ftw :ablobattention: Hattet ihr diesen Knightrider als Motorrad auch auf dem Schirm? :blobaviator: #tv #serien #streethawk #knightrider #80er #kodi
#tv #serien #streethawk #knightrider #80er #kodi
[1985] Street Hawk - A desk bound cop secretly fights crime as the test pilot for a prototype combat motorcycle. Starring Rex Smith as Jesse Mach and Joe Regalbuto as his sidekick Norman Tuttle.
The musical theme was composed by Tangerine Dream
#OldBritishTelly #FreeForAllFriday #StreetHawk #NormanTuttle
#OldBritishTelly #FreeForAllFriday #streethawk #NormanTuttle
#TangerineDream - #Streethawk #Suite - 1984 - From #AssortedSecrets 5 (CD2)
#TD #Tangerine #TADReam #StreethawkSuite #Music #ElectronicMusic #TVTheme #TVThemes #TVMusicScore #TVMusicScores
#tvmusicscores #tvmusicscore #TVthemes #TVTheme #electronicmusic #music #streethawksuite #TaDream #tangerine #td #assortedsecrets #suite #streethawk #tangerinedream
AI & Human Collab Art: "Street Hawk 2022 AI" /「ストリートホーク 2022 AI」
#fanart #streethawk #opensource #collab #human #ai #art
Street Hawk - Ins123 - #SoundCloud #StreetHawk #Music
#music #streethawk #soundcloud