Open Book Publishers · @OpenBookPublish
395 followers · 66 posts · Server

📢 in : ' and of the ', edited by David Atkinson and Steve Roud.

This deeply researched collection offers a comprehensive introduction to the trade in – , , and – in England and Scotland.

Offering detailed studies of a selection of the printers, types of publication, and places of publication that constituted the cheap and popular print trade during the period, these essays delve into , , , pictures, and more to push back against neat divisions between low and high culture, or popular and high .

It will be of great value to scholars and students of eighteenth-century and , and the , and studies, children’s literature, and .

This title is avalable at

#outnow #oa #cheapprint #streetliterature #longeighteenthcentury #EighteenthCentury #ballads #chapbooks #popularprints #slipsongs #storybooks #literature #popularculture #print #history #booktrade #ballad #folk #socialhistory #openaccess

Last updated 1 year ago

haq · @haq
31 followers · 384 posts · Server

Allen Clarke, 1920s, on the Lancashire moors: "Sit down here, on a summer’s day, on the green moorland under the blue sky, and though you own not a yard of land nor a stick of property, you are on a throne, and king of the world – a happier and far more innocent king than any ruler who ever held tinsel court and played havoc with the destiny of nations – you are monarch of all the magic of the moorlands, of healthy air for the lungs, of Nature’s pictures for the eye, of Nature’s music for the ear..."

#reading #uk #lancashire #rambling #hiking #workingclasshistory #RightToRoam #trespass #streetliterature #naturalhealthservice #nature

Last updated 2 years ago

haq · @haq
31 followers · 366 posts · Server

Allen Clarke's song for the 1896 Winter Hill mass trespassers, all 10,000+ of them, which was printed on thousands of song sheets just like other popular broadside ballads. (Bolton Socialist Club sang this for the centenary. Does anyone still sing it? Is there a recording available?)

Will yo’ come o’ Sunday mornin’
For a walk o’er Winter Hill?
Ten thousand went last Sunday
But there’s room for thousand still!

Oh there moors are rare and bonny
And the heather’s sweet and fine
And the roads across the hilltops –
Are the people’s – yours and mine!

Which was later echoed in veteran Kinder trespasser Ewan MacColl's 1932 song The Manchester Rambler, a song so iconic that it has it's own wikipedia page.

I may be a wage slave on Monday
But I am a free man on Sunday.

#workingclasshistory #RightToRoam #trespass #rambling #hiking #uk #lancashire #bolton #WinterHill #folk #folksong #folkmusic #song #lyrics #poetry #broadsideballads #streetliterature #sunday

Last updated 2 years ago