Comparing a group of buildings in #Passau, Germany
rendered by #StreetsGL and #OSM2World with reality
Both #OSM tools are done in #typescript
Is there a fan of #OpenStreetMap that knows #babylonjs well
and likes to help optimising our 3D renderer front-end?
#passau #streetsgl #osm2world #OSM #typescript #OpenStreetMap #babylonjs
The #OpenStreetMap 3D renderer #StreetsGL is now in the slippy map of context menu (down right) next to the other ones.
@stroughtonsmith After times, all this will come up with the #VisionPro : #GoogleEarth #MapBox
and also, as i strongly hope #OpenStreetMap with #MapLibre and #StreetsGL
#visionpro #googleearth #mapbox #OpenStreetMap #maplibre #streetsgl
#StreetsGL could take some ideas from #OpenStreetMap user tordans. See also this:
#MappingChallenge (Day 305/365)
Here some progress into #3d mapping #BrockUniversity.
- JOSM: 38
- SCEE: 1
#MappingChallenge #3d #brockuniversity #OpenStreetMap #streetsgl
Herrnhausen Hanover,9.69891,11.75,13.75,1562.85
#OpenStreetMap #StreetsGL looks good
and will get even better, when it will show barrier=hedge
I just ran the sun across the sky as if it was 1844!
Where did the shadows fall? (Albeit from modern buildings not historical ones.) This helps solve a question of a colonial artist painting the streets with the sun seeming to shine from the south. I can see eventual potential for historical streetscapes.
Image: screenshot of 3D map of Adelaide, South Australia showing shadow animation for 10 August 1844
Run it on desktop or laptop:,138.59914,46.31,0.00,2549.12
Introductory article to this new tool: "Streets GL — a new 3D renderer for OSM":
#streetsgl #openstreetmap #openhistoricalmap #adelaide
Schwerin Castle / Schweriner Schloss - Germany
#StreetsGL #OpenStreetMap #3DRendering
Animation recording (is hard with 7 FPS, and no macOS-keys),11.41842,6.50,349.00,435.26
#streetsgl #OpenStreetMap #3drendering
Ist dieses 3D-Rendering des Kieler Rathauses nicht beeindruckend? Wie sieht es denn aus, wenn wir die Kamera um 180 Grad drehen? Oh... #OpenStreetMap #3D #StreetsGL
Das mit dem Penthaus ist ok, aber schon „tagging for the renderer“ und sollte mit 2 :parts gelöst werden; schließlich HAT das building 5 level.
Aber ja, #StreetsGL ist toll. Dabei ist #OpenStreetMap noch lange nicht ausgeschöpft: VR-Brille und multi-user, in world editing, indoor, Simulatoren von Autorennen bis Zeppelin, …
#streetsgl #OpenStreetMap #munchen #munich #3drendering
#OSM2Word (Anyting in 3D, usable vor VR-Devices)
with the new
#StreetsGL (Like #F4Map, 3D on 2D, terrain)
#OpenStreetMap #3DRendering
London City
#osm2word #streetsgl #F4Map #OpenStreetMap #3drendering