#streetTrash at shell Station at Mexico Ave and #southBroadway in #Denver: very very heavy #wood #furniture trash piece out in front to the north west corner of the gas station property. Great for wood carvers.
#streettrash #southbroadway #denver #wood #furniture
36 years ago:
Street Trash (US)
A group of hobos begin melting into multicolored piles of goo after drinking sixty-year-old liquor. At the same time, the psychotic Vietnam War vet who rules the hobo camp snaps and begins killing at random. Two brothers set out to stop the liquor and the killer.
#StreetTrash #JMichaelMuro #Horror #ClassicFilm #ClassicMovies #Movies #Film
#streettrash #jmichaelmuro #horror #classicfilm #classicmovies #movies #film
Tourist-A (2010)
★★★★ 💓
C’est crade, volontairement cheap et 100% débrouille façon #Troma.
✍️ https://www.senscritique.com/film/tourist_a/critique/282835076
#TouristA #MathieuBerthon #CourtMétrage #Film #Cinema #Hommage #SérieB #StreetTrash #Contamination
#troma #tourista #mathieuberthon #courtmetrage #film #cinema #hommage #serieb #streettrash #contamination
A particular genre/phase of 80s horror really interested me.
They were called 'melters' and they are all... awful, pointless, exploitation garbage for the most part. Entertaining in a tacky kinda way though.
This one I watched called 'street trash' .
The best moment in the movie involved a dangerous homeless insane man... who for a brief moment... makes more sense than anyone else in the film.
"What the fuck is happning?!"
#horror #melter #gore #streettrash #colorful
#horror #melter #gore #streettrash #colorful