#Greece Strefi Hill is more than just an inner city #park. It’s a precious gathering space at the heart of a spirited neighbourhood that successive governments have sought – but failed – to subdue and assimilate. It’s a haven for #anarchists, #refugees and other outsiders to organise or socialise, but also a valuable community space with an open theatre, basketball courts and a playground.
With a permanent deployment of approximately 150 #police on the hill reported for the past half year, the atmosphere is intimidating, to say the least. Since August 2022 up until the time of writing, the assembly to defend the hill has reported constant harassment of those trying to use the park, including of kids coming to play basketball or simply hang out. It has counted over forty arrests in that time, as well as other acts of violence and tear gas used against local residents who refuse to back down in the face of state intimidation. Yet the assembly has sustained resistance in myriad forms – from demos, to intergenerational festivities with traditional dancing and choirs. #exarxeia
These corporate interests can be traced far beyond #Athens, with wealth being funnelled back to countries such as the #UK, #Switzerland, #Netherlands, #Denmark and the #US. The attack on the hill is part of a global struggle against the suppression of dissent, alternative lifestyles and free public spaces. But with collective resistance and solidarity, victory against the devastating forces of #gentrification is within reach.
The corporate plunder of #Strefi Hill - Corporate Watch https://corporatewatch.org/the-corporate-plunder-of-strefi-hill/
#greece #park #anarchists #refugees #police #exarxeia #athens #uk #switzerland #netherlands #denmark #us #gentrification #strefi
"No December is over. Insurrection is more necessary than ever" - Repression against underaged comrades for a banner in Strefi [#Athens] - Read more: https://enoughisenough14.org/2021/12/05/no-december-is-over-insurrection-is-more-necessary-than-ever-repression-against-underaged-comrades-for-a-banner-in-strefi-athens/ #Alexis #Exarcheia #Strefi #repression #antireport
#antireport #repression #strefi #exarcheia #alexis #athens
RT @enough14D@twitter.com
#Athen, #Exarcheia: Banner in #Strefi - Solidarität mit Ella - Weiterlesen: https://enough-is-enough14.org/2021/04/15/athen-exarcheia-banner-in-strefi-solidaritaet-mit-ella/ #DanniLebt #KeineA49 #DanniBleibt #Repression #antireport
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/enough14D/status/1382617063294918656
#antireport #repression #dannibleibt #keinea49 #dannilebt #strefi #exarcheia #athen
#Athen, #Exarcheia: Banner in #Strefi - Solidarität mit Ella - Weiterlesen: https://enough-is-enough14.org/2021/04/15/athen-exarcheia-banner-in-strefi-solidaritaet-mit-ella/ #DanniLebt #KeineA49 #DanniBleibt #Repression #antireport
#antireport #repression #dannibleibt #keinea49 #dannilebt #strefi #exarcheia #athen
#Athens, #Exarcheia: Banner in #Strefi - solidarity with Ella - Read more: https://enoughisenough14.org/2021/04/15/athens-exarcheia-banner-in-strefi-solidarity-with-ella/ #DanniBleibt #DanniLebt #KeineA49 #Repression #antireport
#antireport #repression #keinea49 #dannilebt #dannibleibt #strefi #exarcheia #athens