➡️ "Planned, but difficult" surrender of #Kherson
➡️ #Solovyov against the mobilized
➡️ The death of #Stremousov
We all go to watch, as we are told that the surrender of Kherson is a difficult, but planned decision, and the one who doubts is either a traitor or a fool and a hysteric!
:shiba: subtitle available with auto-translation, #Ukraine #Russia #tvrain
#tvrain #Russia #Ukraine #stremousov #solovyov #Kherson
Kirill #Stremousov: rise, fall and death of #Russia-installed #Kherson official
without a fight, and that #Kyiv's efforts to liberate territory would be based on intelligence data, not what he called staged television statements. Ahead of #Moscow's announcement, Russian forces were reported to have blown up bridges in territory not far from the city. #Russia's senior proxy official in the #Kherson region also announced the death of his deputy shortly beforehand. He said Kirill #Stremousov had been killed in a car accident.
#kyiv #Moscow #russia #Kherson #stremousov
Der Vize Gauleiter von #Kherson, Kirill #Stremousov, ist bei einem Autounfall in der Nähe von #Genichesk, ums Leben gekommen. Sein Fahrer überlebte den Unfall.
Dies bestätigte die zivil-militärische Verwaltung von Kherson.
⚠️ Augen auf, beim Autokauf!
#Kherson #stremousov #genichesk
Boa previsão 👀
But the "accidental" illness of two people in a row would look absurd. #Stremousov will be removed anyway - either spectacularly or with the help of a "brutal terrorist attack by the Ukrainians." (Russian false-flag)
In #Ukraine's #Kherson region the Russian-appointed deputy governor #Stremousov has been 'killed in car crash'
Een door Rusland geïnstalleerde bestuurder van de Oekraïense regio Cherson is om het leven gekomen bij een auto-ongeluk, melden Russische staatspersbureaus op basis van regionale autoriteiten. Het gaat om Kirill #Stremousov (45), plaatsvervangend hoofd van het gebied dat door Rusland illegaal is geannexeerd.
De toedracht van het auto-ongeluk is niet bekend. #Stremousov werd door de Oekraïense politie gezocht vanwege #hoogverraad. #nos
News that #Ruschist genocide leader in occupied #Kherson, #Stremousov, is dead has yet to be confirmed.
Stremousov led the forcible transfer of thousands of Ukrainian adults and children from occupied Kherson.
In September he tried to encourage further genocide from inside Muscovy - he was found out to be staying in the Marriott Hotel in Muscovy.
It is expected that Muscovy will liquidate those Ukrainian collaborators upon whom it depended to execute its genocide.
#Ruschist #Kherson #stremousov