Neu bei meinen gedruckten #pnpde #Rollenspiele Büchern: #Pathfinder2e "Hort des Wissens" von Jabari Weathers. Auch auf deutsch hier ein Abenteuer in der Zauberschule Maagambya auf #Golarion - bei #ProjektMyra so wie #StrengthOfThousands an der MSM auf #Karcanon ansiedelbar. Das Abenteuer gibt es bei #UlissesSpiele für unsagbar günstige unter 5€ für die gedruckte Version, solange Vorrat reicht. Nachgedruckt wird es nicht.
Wie man im Hintergrund sehen kann: mehr #Zauberschule = mehr gut.
#pnpde #rollenspiele #pathfinder2e #Golarion #projektmyra #strengthofthousands #Karcanon #UlissesSpiele #Zauberschule
i burned myself out with TTRPG stuff, especially #Pathfinder2e at the end of june.
was just not motivated to do anything there and took a step back from pf in july.
but now i'm back!
i am motivated and have good ideas again! oh and i'm taking it easy ofc! don't wanna have that happen ever again.
i love running TTRPGs and it's my main hobby, but it should never become a burden.
excited to continue my very derailed #StrengthOfThousands campaign tomorrow xD
and finally start #GirlByMoonlight!
#pathfinder2e #strengthofthousands #GirlByMoonlight
Pathfinder Wednesday for me! Currently running Strength of Thousands for some friends/family! Still in book one but these magical apprentices seem to be having a good time so far =D
#pathfinder #pf2e #pathfinder2e #strengthofthousands
prepped the next part of the adventure for yesterday's session. but then the party mostly roleplayed and got sidetracked. meanwhile my stuff is still prepped and now i don't have to prep anything for next week xD
#GameMasterFreeTime (that's not a real tag, right? xD)
#gamemasterfreetime #pathfinder2e #strengthofthousands
I'm running the #Pathfinder #StrengthOfThousands Adventure Path! Some of my players have played PF1e and some are coming from #DnD. So yes, I'm That Nerd™️ putting together a slideshow for my pals on the game, setting, character building, and how to use #FoundryVTT ✨
I'm having fun (thanks ADHD) and hopefully it'll be useful for them, but it's also helping me learn!
#pathfinder #strengthofthousands #DnD #foundryvtt
running #StrengthOfThousands AP for #pathfinder2e and my players finally reached level 2 after 7 sessions! this might seem like a small achievement to some, but it feels like such a victory to us to finally get actual progress! they took so long with the first few quests, because they really love roleplaying and arguing with each other in character ^^ 7 sessions well spent!
and now everyone is chatting in the group chat about which archetypes they'll pick etc.
feels good 😌
#strengthofthousands #pathfinder2e
Long time nerd. New GM. Currently running the Strength of Thousands AP. GMing still overwhelms me a bit, but I am having a lot of fun.
#intro #introduction #ttrpg #pathfinder2e #strengthofthousands
#intro #introduction #ttrpg #pathfinder2e #strengthofthousands