学会出張でプラハに行っていました。今はワルシャワで帰国便を待っているところです。子供から溶連菌をうつされた状態で始まったので、本来ならなら学会には3日半参加するはずだったのが、体調が戻ったのが木曜の夜なので、参加できたのは僅か1日半になってしまいました。その意味では不完全燃焼に終わりましたが、もう一つの目的だった「研究打ち合わせ」はうまく進み、おそらく2年ぐらいで形にできるでしょう。今日は昼にプラハからワルシャワに移動し、8時間以上という乗り継ぎ時間を利用して、空港から出て市内を歩き回っていました。この体力が出張の最初からあれば良かったのに、と今言っても仕方ないですね。#ICPhS2023 #phonetics #Prague #strepthroat #Warsaw #音声学
#音声学 #warsaw #strepthroat #prague #phonetics #icphs2023
Mom, who thinks that she has really good anti-contagion hygiene (she doesn't) is completely mystified by my refusal to sit down at a restaurant, take off my mask, and eat there.
#COVID19 #RSV #influenza #strepthroat #masks #pandemic #whygodwhy #asthma #epidemiology
One thing I don't see in the news a lot... Everybody I know is getting #strep aka #StrepThroat ... Is this just an #rva thing? #trendspotting
#strep #strepthroat #rva #trendspotting
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Check out my latest #COVID weekly update
⭐️Stellar review of 200+ articles on #LongCovid
🗣️What did the press get wrong about the BMJ article?
💉Bivalent booster works great for those who got it
and much more!
#COVID #LongCOVID #Press #Media #MECFS #Bivalent #BivalentBooster #StrepThroat #Treatments #ConvalescentPlasma
#covid #LongCovid #press #media #mecfs #bivalent #bivalentbooster #strepthroat #treatments #convalescentplasma
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Check out my latest #COVID weekly update
⭐️Stellar review of 200+ articles on #LongCovid
🗣️What did the press get wrong about the BMJ article?
💉Bivalent booster works great for those who got it
and much more!
#COVID #LongCOVID #Press #Media #MECFS #Bivalent #BivalentBooster #StrepThroat #Treatments #ConvalescentPlasma
#covid #LongCovid #press #media #mecfs #bivalent #bivalentbooster #strepthroat #treatments #convalescentplasma
If you're worried about Strep A or scarlet fever this is a useful rundown of the symptoms and how to treat them.
ZOE Science & Nutrition: Should we be worried about strep A?
Episode webpage: https://joinzoe.com/
#scarletfever #strepthroat #strepa
Scarlet fever is soaring in UK after pandemic lull; invasive infections kill 8 - Enlarge / A microscope image of Streptococcus pyogenes, a common type o... - https://arstechnica.com/?p=1902735 #invasivegroupastrep #groupastreptococci #respiratoryviruses #infectiousdisease #publichealth #scarletfever #antibiotics #groupastrep #strepthroat #children #science #viruses #strepa #cdc #nhs #uk
#uk #nhs #cdc #strepa #viruses #science #children #strepthroat #groupastrep #antibiotics #scarletfever #publichealth #infectiousdisease #respiratoryviruses #groupastreptococci #invasivegroupastrep
'Group A Strep - What you need to know
Posted by: Blog Editor, Posted on: 5 December 2022 - Categories: Health Protection'. @UKHSA
#StrepA #strepthroat