Make Use Of: 6 Subtle Ways Tech Can Help You Destress and Relax on an Airplane #Tech #MakeUseOf #TechNews #IT via @morganeogerbc #StressManagement #Wellness #Travel #Health
#Tech #MakeUseOf #technews #it #stressmanagement #wellness #travel #health
Can you succeed at work without sacrificing health and life fulfillment? Let's explore how setting boundaries boosts long-term productivity & passion. Time to rethink hustle culture and find joy!
#WorkLifeBalance #SelfCare #StressManagement #Burnout #DetachFromWork #LeisureTime #CreativeTime #Careers #Productivity #TimeManagement #LifeFulfillment #WorkLifeIntegration #WorkBoundaries #DigitalDetox #RestAndRelaxation #PersonalTime #ABeautifulMess
#abeautifulmess #personaltime #restandrelaxation #digitaldetox #workboundaries #worklifeintegration #lifefulfillment #timemanagement #productivity #careers #creativetime #leisuretime #detachfromwork #burnout #stressmanagement #selfcare #worklifebalance
How To Stay Calm and In Peace During Times of Stress
#StressManagement #Mindfulness #InnerPeace #CalmMind #Resilience #SelfCare #Gratitude #PositiveOutlook #SupportSystem #JoyfulLiving
Full Video HERE:
#stressmanagement #mindfulness #innerpeace #calmmind #resilience #selfcare #gratitude #positiveoutlook #supportsystem #joyfulliving
Stress can be overwhelming, but with effective management techniques, we can conquer it and lead happier, healthier lives. Today, let's delve into the significance of stress management and discover ways to find balance and enhance our well-being.
Let's prioritize our mental health and embrace stress management as an essential part of our lives! Share your favorite stress-busting activities in the comments below!
#StressManagement #SelfCareSunday #BalanceYourMind #thepsychicmantra #psychology
#psychology #thepsychicmantra #balanceyourmind #selfcaresunday #stressmanagement
Make Use Of: The Top 8 Apps to Help You Manage Stress at Work #Tech #MakeUseOf #TechNews #IT via @morganeogerbc #StressManagement #Work&Career #Procrastination #WorkplaceTips #Relaxation
#Tech #MakeUseOf #technews #it #stressmanagement #work #procrastination #WorkplaceTips #relaxation
Make Use Of: 7 Free and Minimalist Meditation Sites for Quick Mindfulness and Stress Relief #Tech #MakeUseOf #TechNews #IT via @morganeogerbc #StressManagement #MentalHealth #CoolWebApps #Relaxation #Internet
#Tech #MakeUseOf #technews #it #stressmanagement #mentalhealth #CoolWebApps #relaxation #internet
If you're feeling stressed, let lemon balm take the edge off! 💆‍♀️
Discover the benefits of this natural stress-reliever today: Lemon balm tea, also known as melissa tea, can help with relaxation, digestion, and anxiety relief. Its antioxidants may also boost immunity.
#StressManagement #NaturalRemedies 🌿 Melisa bitki çayı stres giderir, sakinleştirir, sindirimi düzenler ve bağışıklığı güçlendirir.
photo by #GABai AI #YapayZeka foto
#englishturkish translation #SuleGulmen #ingilizceturkce çeviri
#stressmanagement #naturalremedies #gabai #yapayzeka #englishturkish #sulegulmen #ingilizceturkce
Make Use Of: 7 Ways to Simulate the Great Outdoors in Your Home #Tech #MakeUseOf #TechNews #IT via @morganeogerbc #StressManagement #MentalHealth #Wellness #Health
#Tech #MakeUseOf #technews #it #stressmanagement #mentalhealth #wellness #health
One of my superiors being mentioned as an "expert" on #HybridWork and #StressManagement (reducing strain on workers) is just the humor I need on a friday.
• "Flexible working hours" meaning "arrive b/w 8–10 am and work 8hrs", while
• requiring us to do time tracking in granularity of 15mins.
• "Encouraging mobile work" in the sense of providing no special office allowance or co-working space, "Laptop, headset, deal with it"
• Reducing his own stress by not answering any questions or leading the company in any way, while also hoarding the budget like a dragon on his heap of gold
At this point, if the rest of the team doesn't leave or burn out soon, I'd be surprised.
Make Use Of: 4 Kinds of Aromatherapy Gadgets for Relaxation and Stress Relief #Tech #MakeUseOf #TechNews #IT via @morganeogerbc #StressManagement #Relaxation #Wellness
#Tech #MakeUseOf #technews #it #stressmanagement #relaxation #wellness
I’ve written about this before, but it’s still true. I know that I’m blessed. I know that I have plenty to be grateful for. I know the benefits of gratitude, both from a research perspective and from a visceral, personal experience perspective. And yet, gratitude is something that I have to remind myself to do.
I’ve been playing with a morning practice of gratitude along with my meditation routine, and I’ve found it helpful as a way to shift my mind, even if just for a bit, into that space. But, even if it only lasts a few seconds, it makes gratitude more easily achieved for the rest of the day. Who doesn’t want that?
What’s your favorite way to remind yourself to be grateful? Let me know!
#limitingbeliefs #stuckinthinking #ownyourattitude #ownyourlife #mindshift #gratitude #attitudeofgratitude #intentionalgrowth #mentalfitness #blessed #emotionalhealth #emotionalfitness #stressmanagement #professionalcoach #successmindset #mindsetcoaching
#limitingbeliefs #stuckinthinking #ownyourattitude #ownyourlife #mindshift #gratitude #attitudeofgratitude #intentionalgrowth #mentalfitness #blessed #emotionalhealth #emotionalfitness #stressmanagement #professionalcoach #successmindset #mindsetcoaching
Since most of us judge ourselves by other people’s personas, and since most people put on a confident show most of the time, it’s easy to think that being certain and confident is a requirement. It’s not. Being human comes with having doubts, or being unsure, or wondering what our place really is.
As I embrace my humanity and let go of the need to be perfect, I get to be more comfortable showing up in the world. I also become more effective, because I’m not fighting against my own mind as much. If you have doubts, that’s okay. And, if you’re struggling with your doubts, feel free to reach out for a free consult to see how I can help.
What’s your favorite way to remember that it’s okay to be human? Let me know!
#limitingbeliefs #stuckinthinking #ownyourattitude #ownyourlife #mindshift #selfawareness #thinkingtraps #personalresponsibility #mentalfitness #emotionalhealth #emotionalfitness #stressmanagement #professionalcoach #successmindset #mindsetcoaching #okaytodoubt #okaytobeunsure
#limitingbeliefs #stuckinthinking #ownyourattitude #ownyourlife #mindshift #selfawareness #thinkingtraps #personalresponsibility #mentalfitness #emotionalhealth #emotionalfitness #stressmanagement #professionalcoach #successmindset #mindsetcoaching #okaytodoubt #okaytobeunsure
Make Use Of: How to Use Technology to Rest Your Brain With a Microbreak #Tech #MakeUseOf #TechNews #IT via @morganeogerbc #StressManagement #MentalHealth #Relaxation #Wellness
#Tech #MakeUseOf #technews #it #stressmanagement #mentalhealth #relaxation #wellness
NEW PROGRAM ALERT! And it's just $49.
Starting Sunday, we're taking a month to get our sh** together. Every week, you'll get a video from me on the week's theme, and then you'll get five days of bite-sized prompts from me to get it done daily in fifteen minutes or less.
JOIN US. We're stoked about this one, and I'm doing it right along with you.
Link in bio to join!
#stress #stressmanagement #overwhelm #getyourshittogether #leadership #womensleadership
#womensleadership #leadership #getyourshittogether #overwhelm #stressmanagement #stress
I’ve gotten much better at this, but there was a long period of time when I was too quick to insert myself in situations where I really didn’t belong. My intentions were almost always good, but I’d offer unsolicited advice, or try to problem-solve when compassion or empathy were more appropriate. Or, I’d try to be an active participant in a situation where I was really just a spectator.
Today, I find that I’m much calmer and serene as a result of keeping myself out of situations where I don’t belong. As a consequence, I’m much more able to be effective in the situations where I do belong.
How about you? What are your favorite strategies for remembering what is and isn’t an appropriate place for you to act? Let me know!
#limitingbeliefs #stuckinthinking #ownyourattitude #ownyourlife #mindshift #selfawareness #thinkingtraps #intentionalgrowth #personalresponsibility #mentalfitness #emotionalhealth #emotionalfitness #stressmanagement #professionalcoach #successmindset #mindsetcoaching
#limitingbeliefs #stuckinthinking #ownyourattitude #ownyourlife #mindshift #selfawareness #thinkingtraps #intentionalgrowth #personalresponsibility #mentalfitness #emotionalhealth #emotionalfitness #stressmanagement #professionalcoach #successmindset #mindsetcoaching
A Two-Minute Burnout Checkup
Check it out! 👇
#DigitalArticle #ManagingYourself #Wellness #StressManagement #Burnout
#digitalarticle #managingyourself #wellness #stressmanagement #burnout
Vacations are important, yet why do we dread them? The answer lies in construal level theory. As your next vacation approaches, remember to focus on the benefits and not the logistics. Take the time off and recharge, your future self will thank you. #vacation #stressmanagement #mentalhealth
#vacation #stressmanagement #mentalhealth
Make Use Of: Reviewing the Breath Hub Personalized Breathing App #Tech #MakeUseOf #TechNews #IT via @morganeogerbc #StressManagement #MentalHealth #AndroidApps #Wellness #iOSApps
#Tech #MakeUseOf #technews #it #stressmanagement #mentalhealth #AndroidApps #wellness #iOSApps
One of my favorite strategies for getting out of limiting beliefs or paranoid, unpleasant thinking is to ask myself “How do I know? What’s my evidence? Where’s my proof? How else could I explain this?” and then take the exercise seriously.
Almost every time I try that, I find that I don’t actually know. My head is just making things up, and not to my benefit. If I can seriously go through this exercise, it almost always seriously shifts my attitude.
How about you? What are your favorite strategies for getting out of limiting beliefs? Let me know!
#limitingbeliefs #stuckinthinking #ownyourattitude #mindshift #selfawareness #alwaysthinking #thinkingtraps #personalresponsibility #mentalfitness #emotionalhealth #emotionalfitness #stressmanagement #professionalcoach #successmindset #mindsetcoaching
#limitingbeliefs #stuckinthinking #ownyourattitude #mindshift #selfawareness #alwaysthinking #thinkingtraps #personalresponsibility #mentalfitness #emotionalhealth #emotionalfitness #stressmanagement #professionalcoach #successmindset #mindsetcoaching
Make Use Of: 10 Ways Your Smartphone Can Help You Control Stress Eating #Tech #MakeUseOf #TechNews #IT via @morganeogerbc #StressManagement #MentalHealth #AndroidApps #Wellness #iOSApps #Health #Food
#Tech #MakeUseOf #technews #it #stressmanagement #mentalhealth #AndroidApps #wellness #iOSApps #health #food