I signed the petition calling on the @GOVUK@twitter.com to end the #strikechaos and pay workers fairly. Will you sign too? https://you.38degrees.org.uk/petitions/end-the-strike-chaos-by-paying-workers-fairly?source=twitter-share-email-button&utm_medium=socialshare&utm_source=twitter via @38degrees@twitter.com
Doctors and nurses want to care for patients (us), the RMT wants a safe rail network (for us), the government wants happy bankers (most likely, not us).
Adam Bienkov @adambienkov making some salient points about the current public sector strike issues in the UK #strikechaos #UKstrikes https://www.bylinesupplement.com/p/the-one-big-question-the-media-isnt?publication_id=1162849&isFreemail=true