Everyone who is looking at the problem can see our democracy is barely that and in trouble of becoming a failed state that cant govern itself. Here is the call to action from every presidential library/foundation. I dont think ppl will know what they actually, literally need do or what they want you to do other than play nice, what do you think are you inspired?
you cant vote for change cause it aint on the ballot, only more of same
#CapitalismIsKillingYOU #StrikeReady2024
#CapitalismIsKillingYou #strikeready2024
in the latest polls, Biden has a 31-33% favorability rating while trump has a solid 31% fav rating with the murican ppl. 64% of this country are absolutely not paying attention in class. So the real question, what are the 36% of us that arent fascist or corpo-slaves supposed to do, vote harder?
#CapitalismIsKillingYOU #StrikeReady2024
#CapitalismIsKillingYou #strikeready2024
even when you have one of those 'good jobs', america is going backwards on worker safety, making US one of the most dangerous for workers in the OECD nations
#CapitalismIsKillingYOU #StrikeReady2024 https://abcnews.go.com/US/wireStory/rail-union-new-rules-improve-conductor-training-wake-102514058
#CapitalismIsKillingYou #strikeready2024
you live in a company town, we all do.
You might not realize it until something like the East Palestine train explosion happens and you find out all the town has been bribed by the corp for just such occassions. Whatever corps want, goes, esp in our courts, but most time it never gets that far, they just buy off the rule makers in the first place
#CorpoCrimeWave #CapitalismIsKillingYOU #StrikeReady2024 https://www.freep.com/story/news/local/michigan/2023/08/23/court-appeals-3m-egle-pfas-nonstick-chemicals-water-michigan/70659198007/
#corpocrimewave #CapitalismIsKillingYou #strikeready2024
this huge marsh fire (yes, vegetation on top of water is on fire) isnt news cause of the oil well fire here thats even bigger, & so is the wildfire in Canada, Spain and Maui. Oh, yeah, cant forget the LA hurricane, earthquake and tornado sandwich. i keep wondering how bad things need to get before ppl stop just going to work as normal and shut this shit down to demand a fix, or at least we try to fix the situation
#climate #climatechange #ClimateCrisis https://www.kplctv.com/2023/08/18/marsh-fire-near-big-lake-under-investigation/
#strikeready2024 #climate #climatechange #ClimateCrisis
we have 6.5yrs to cut emissions by 50%, and almost 50% of GOP dont even think #ClimateCrisis is real.
That makes the Republican party an existential threat to the world if they take back power.
The GOP cant be saved, they must be defeated. We dont have time to do re-education camps. If we be a big enough clhallenge to get #CorpoDems to go against their masters and cut emissions, its impossible if GOP take over the Federal gov along w/ the half of states they control #StrikeReady2024
#ClimateCrisis #corpodems #strikeready2024
there are 600K more realtors than homes for sale right now.
#CapitalismIsKillingYOU #StrikeReady2024
#CapitalismIsKillingYou #strikeready2024
ofc this's the other reason we dont have enough highly skilled labor. the investment is so expensive now that ppl no longer see college as a way out, but a way into debt. we went from $200,000,000,000 in student loan debt 20yrs ago to $1,600,000,000,000 now. It takes ppl as long to pay off student loans as it does to pay off a mortgage. Biden's new plan to help will 'start' w/ ppl who have been paying on loans for 25yrs already #CapitalismIsKillingYOU #StrikeReady2024 https://tradingeconomics.com/united-states/debt-balance-student-loans
#CapitalismIsKillingYou #strikeready2024
i wonder if we are seeing these headlines since that new study came out that says if less than 1% of methane leaks, its as bad as using the dirtiest coal, since methane/LNG hold 80 times more heat than CO2. Currently, the industry lets 8-9% leak annually
#CapitalismIsKillingYOU #StrikeReady2024
#CapitalismIsKillingYou #strikeready2024
From: Climate Defiance
"It is getting worse. We thought it cannot get worse and yet it keeps getting worse. We do not know how far this can go. We do not want to know. We have spent our lives giving warnings. Writing letters. Making calls. We spoke truth to power but power shrugged. So now we rise." #climate #climatechange #ClimateCrisis #StrikeReady2024
#climate #climatechange #ClimateCrisis #strikeready2024
join a workers union today or start one to help fight for a country that actually works for us and not just rich corpos
#CapitalismIsKillingYOU #StrikeReady2024
#corpocrimewave #CapitalismIsKillingYou #strikeready2024
but they can still fire you, family my ass
#CapitalismIsKillingYOU #StrikeReady2024
#CapitalismIsKillingYou #strikeready2024
2/3rds of this country doesnt have anything left for the oligarchs to take, even our rights, so they are coming for ppl who still have stuff to take and rights to crush #CapitalismIsKillingYOU #StrikeReady2024 https://theintercept.com/2023/07/16/class-warfare-1-percent-technocrat/?utm_medium=social&utm_source=twitter&utm_campaign=theintercept
#CapitalismIsKillingYou #strikeready2024
this lil whoopsie cost over-run by the DoD is $25B more than free universal college would cost. #CapitalismIsKillingYOU #StrikeReady2024
"CBO estimates that plans for U.S. nuclear forces, as described in the fiscal year 2023 budget and supporting documents, would cost $756 billion over the 2023–2032 period, $122 billion more than CBO’s 2021 estimate for the 2021–2030 period." http://cbo.gov/publication/59054
#CapitalismIsKillingYou #strikeready2024
when USA had a middle class, it was cause they were unionized and they used that power to strike for a better life #CapitalismIsKillingYOU #StrikeReady2024
#CapitalismIsKillingYou #strikeready2024
there are 2 messages the oligarchs have been cranking up the media consent machine over:
1) they are not fighting #ClimateCrisis unless we make them, get used to it
2) they are cutting Social Security rather than making rich ppl pay there share, esp if Biden wins
#CapitalismIsKillingYOU #StrikeReady2024
#ClimateCrisis #CapitalismIsKillingYou #strikeready2024
"In the 29 states with available data, nearly 2 million people have now been dropped from Medicaid as the pandemic continuous coverage requirement expires. 74% have been disenrolled for "procedural" reasons, and many of them may still be eligible."
Dropping ppl they know still qualify just to put another hurtle in front of the poor to get care is just plain evil. They cant be reasoned with, they must be defeated
#CapitalismIsKillingYOU #StrikeReady2024
#CapitalismIsKillingYou #strikeready2024
anyone who tries to tell me this court has any legitimacy, loses all their credibility
#CapitalismIsKillingYOU #StrikeReady2024 https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2023/jul/12/clarence-thomas-aide-venmo-payments-lawyers-supreme-court
#CapitalismIsKillingYou #strikeready2024