Microsoft consistencies episode #438: Strikethrough (text)
Excel: CTRL + 5
Word: ALT + H + 4
Outlook: CTRL + D
OneNote: CTRL + Hyphen (-)
Sticky Notes: CTRL + T
How is anyone supposed to remember this?! @thurrott
In 2011, while marching with Occupy protestors to shut down the Port of Oakland, and carrying a sign about wealth disparity, I ran into Ivan Cash, the guy whose Occupy George project inspired by sign.
#EconomicJustice #Occupy #OccupyWallstreet #Oakland #Strikethrough #OccupyGeorge
#economicjustice #occupy #occupywallstreet #oakland #strikethrough #occupygeorge
Join us for one of the final events before Strikethrough closes. Two brilliant creative pairs who mix advocacy with commercial work. It was an honor to include them in the show.
#graphicdesign #protest #activism #design #strikethrough
Faride Mereb’s very thoughtful and fair review of our book: She’s absolutely right; there is so much more visual protest to preserve and document.
#strikethrough #letterformarchive #graphicdesign
A good price for Right On, one of my favorite things in Strikethrough, and until recently one of the most affordable. Snag it:
#protest #strikethrough #1960s #1970s #Books #graphicdesign
On a related note, we had an idea on Fedi tonight while talking to Adam, to use a hosts.txt file in a browser to #strikethrough links that are at bad domains (see #GAFAM, #Twitter etc).
Are there any #openSource extensions that do this? It would be great if when the user hovers over the link a little popup from the extension might say which rule is being broken (eg. breaks "Twitter" rule)
Even better at the OS level but that might break software connections.
#strikethrough #gafam #twitter #opensource
If only we could help people to forget Amazon, Google and Facebook. *wink*
Seriously though, if a person is using Tor, those listings should all be crossed out with a #strikethrough <del> element.
Maybe something to build into #Tor?
An addon perhaps.
Add a hosts file to a browser. How did we not think of this sooner?
#DelBigData #DelAmazon #DelGoogle #DelFacebook #Qwant #Searx #TorBrowser
#strikethrough #tor #DelBigData #DelAmazon #DelGoogle #DelFacebook #qwant #searx #torbrowser