Episode 142 ist fertig und wartet im Internet auf Euch! Daniel schwärmt weiterhin von #thelegendofzelda #TearsoftheKingdom und Manuel berichtet von #FinalFantasyXVI. Außerdem geht es um die Quartalszahlen von #nintendo und #ea sowie neuen Regeln bei #twitch und Entlassungen bei #strikingdistancestudios. Reinhören!
#Podcast #videogames #Videospiele #podcasts #ElectronicArts #playstation #Extrafreunde #xbox
#thelegendofzelda #TearsoftheKingdom #FinalFantasyXVI #nintendo #ea #twitch #strikingdistancestudios #Podcast #videogames #Videospiele #podcasts #ElectronicArts #playstation #extrafreunde #xbox
The Callisto Protocol – Análisis
#Análisis #Destacado #KRAFTON #Meridiemgames #StrikingDistanceStudios #Survivalhorror #TheCallistoProtocol
#analisis #destacado #krafton #meridiemgames #strikingdistancestudios #survivalhorror #thecallistoprotocol
Several Callisto Protocol developers reportedly left out of game’s credits
https://www.destructoid.com/the-callisto-protocol-credits-report-developers-left-off-striking-distance/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=the-callisto-protocol-credits-report-developers-left-off-striking-distance #StrikingDistanceStudios #TheCallistoProtocol #industry #credits #News
#strikingdistancestudios #thecallistoprotocol #industry #credits #News
Shoot, run, stomp, dodge, hack, slash, die, repeat ♻️ #TheCallistoProtocol from #StrikingDistanceStudios keeps you coming back for more, that's for sure!
#thecallistoprotocol #strikingdistancestudios #playstation #UE5 #unrealengine #ps5 #xbox #pc
The Callisto Protocol rolls out initial patches for PC and console
https://www.destructoid.com/the-callisto-protocol-patches-updates-bugs-glitches/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=the-callisto-protocol-patches-updates-bugs-glitches #StrikingDistanceStudios #TheCallistoProtocol #PlayStation #Krafton #Horror #Sci-fi #Update #News #xbox #PC
#strikingdistancestudios #thecallistoprotocol #PlayStation #Krafton #horror #Sci #Update #News #xbox #PC
#TheCallistoProtocol - #PC - #Review unter https://www.pcgamehunters.de/2022/12/03/the-callisto-protocol/
Man merkt hier klar, dass das Spiel Dead Space mehr als nachempfunden ist und das die Entwickler hiervon kommen. Das ist aber insgesamt nicht schlimm, da das Spiel trotzdem weitergedacht wurde. Mehr erfahrt ihr im Test.
#Action #Horror #ThirdPerson #DeadSpace #test #tests #reviews #screenshot #screenshots #Video #videos #gameplay #pcgaming #PCGamer #pcgame #pcgames
#CallistoTheGame #StrikingDistanceStudios #KraftonInc
#TheCallistoProtocol #pc #review #action #horror #thirdperson #deadspace #test #tests #reviews #screenshot #screenshots #video #videos #gameplay #pcgaming #pcgamer #pcgame #pcgames #callistothegame #strikingdistancestudios #kraftoninc
Here are the beefy PC specifications for The Callisto Protocol
https://www.destructoid.com/the-callisto-protocol-pc-specs-requirements-specifications-krafton/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=the-callisto-protocol-pc-specs-requirements-specifications-krafton #StrikingDistanceStudios #TheCallistoProtocol #PlayStation #Krafton #Horror #Sci-fi #specs #Steam #News #xbox #PC
#strikingdistancestudios #thecallistoprotocol #PlayStation #Krafton #horror #Sci #specs #Steam #News #xbox #PC
El esperado survival horror de ciencia ficción, The Callisto Protocol, ya está disponible para PlayStation y Xbox
El juego de supervivencia y ciencia ficción protagonizado por Josh Duhamel y Karen Fukuhara
Striking Distance Studios, un estudio de KRAFTON
#Noticias #KraftonInc. #Meridiemgames #StrikingDistanceStudios #Survivalhorror #TheCallistoProtocol
#noticias #kraftoninc #meridiemgames #strikingdistancestudios #survivalhorror #thecallistoprotocol
The Callisto Protocol anuncia un polémico contenido en su pase de temporada
El pase de temporada contendrá, entre otras cosas, contenido descargable de la historia.
The Callisto Protocol se trata de uno de los títulos más esperados para los fans de los survival horror de terror cósmicos de los
#Noticias #EdiciónDeluxe #Pasedetemporada #Steam #StrikingDistanceStudios #TheCallistoProtocol
#noticias #ediciondeluxe #pasedetemporada #steam #strikingdistancestudios #thecallistoprotocol
Light, shadow, reflections, and terror: How a scary game does scary lighting - Directed by Sean Dacanay. Produced by Justin Wolfson. Edited by Jeremy Smolnik, wi... - https://arstechnica.com/?p=1899437 #strikingdistancestudios #thecallistoprotocol #arstechnicavideos #callistoprotocol #gaming&culture #glenschofield #deadspace #scifigame #videogame #features #lighting #horror #fps #vfx
#vfx #fps #horror #lighting #features #videogame #scifigame #deadspace #glenschofield #gaming #callistoprotocol #arstechnicavideos #thecallistoprotocol #strikingdistancestudios
Light, shadow, reflections, and terror: How a scary game does scary lighting https://arstechnica.com/?p=1899437 #strikingdistancestudios #thecallistoprotocol #ArsTechnicaVideos #CallistoProtocol #Gaming&Culture #GlenSchofield #DeadSpace #scifigame #Videogame #Features #lighting #horror #fps #vfx
#Features #strikingdistancestudios #thecallistoprotocol #ArsTechnicaVideos #CallistoProtocol #GlenSchofield #DeadSpace #scifigame #Videogame #horror #fps #Gaming #lighting #vfx
The Callisto Protocol od Glena Schofielda už zanedlouho vyjde, a tak se připomíná povedeným launch trailerem. Ten je opět děsivý a ukazuje jak monstra, tak vězně z vězení Black Iron. Těšíte se?
#TheCallistoProtocol #StrikingDistanceStudios
#thecallistoprotocol #strikingdistancestudios
Definitivamente el 2 de diciembre le echaré el guante a "The Callisto Protocol" para PS5; creo que me va a gustar tanto como en su día lo hizo "Dead Space".
El tráiler de lanzamiento no tiene desperdicio: https://youtu.be/IT7swHyN8FQ
#gaming #ps5 #thecallistoprotocol #strikingdistancestudios #krafton #sony 🎮
#gaming #ps5 #thecallistoprotocol #strikingdistancestudios #krafton #sony
The Callisto Protocol muestra su aterradora atmósfera en su tráiler de lanzamiento
Experimenta la aterradora atmósfera, la tensión y la brutalidad de la Prisión de Hierro Negro de esta aventura de supervivencia y terror cósmico.
Striking Distance Studios se complace en pre
#Noticias #Meridiemgames #StrikingDistanceStudios #Survivalhorror #TheCallistoProtocol #Tráilerdelanzamiento
#noticias #meridiemgames #strikingdistancestudios #survivalhorror #thecallistoprotocol #trailerdelanzamiento
Callisto Protocol shows how audio design elevates a game from scary to terrifying - Directed by Sean Dacanay. Produced by Justin Wolfson. Edited by Jeremy Smolnik, wi... - https://arstechnica.com/?p=1897843 #strikingdistancestudios #thecallistoprotocol #arstechnicavideos #callistoprotocol #gaming&culture #videogamemusic #glenschofield #deadspace #scifigame #videogame #horror #audio #music #sound #fps
#fps #sound #music #audio #horror #videogame #scifigame #deadspace #glenschofield #videogamemusic #gaming #callistoprotocol #arstechnicavideos #thecallistoprotocol #strikingdistancestudios
Callisto Protocol shows how audio design elevates a game from scary to terrifying https://arstechnica.com/?p=1897843 #strikingdistancestudios #thecallistoprotocol #ArsTechnicaVideos #CallistoProtocol #Gaming&Culture #videogamemusic #GlenSchofield #DeadSpace #scifigame #Videogame #horror #audio #music #sound #fps
#Gaming #music #strikingdistancestudios #thecallistoprotocol #ArsTechnicaVideos #CallistoProtocol #videogamemusic #GlenSchofield #DeadSpace #scifigame #Videogame #horror #audio #sound #fps
Ars has exclusive behind-the-scenes video from The Callisto Protocol - Directed by Sean Dacanay. Produced by Justin Wolfson. Edited by Jeremy Smolnik, wi... - https://arstechnica.com/?p=1895898 #strikingdistancestudios #thecallistoprotocol #arstechnicavideos #callistoprotocol #gaming&culture #glenschofield #deadspace #scifigame #videogame #features #feature #horror #fps
#fps #horror #feature #features #videogame #scifigame #deadspace #glenschofield #gaming #callistoprotocol #arstechnicavideos #thecallistoprotocol #strikingdistancestudios