Fetterman Bill Would Ensure Striking Workers Can Receive Federal Food Aid — "I'm proud to introduce this bill that will eliminate the need for workers to choose between fighting for fair working conditions and putting food on the table for their families," said the Pennsylvania Democrat.
#FettermanBill #StrikingWorkers #FederalFoodAid #FairWorkingConditions #PuttingFoodontheTable #PennsylvaniaDemocrat #Politics #News
#fettermanbill #strikingworkers #federalfoodaid #fairworkingconditions #puttingfoodonthetable #pennsylvaniademocrat #politics #news
Supreme Court Rules Companies Can Sue Striking Workers for 'Sabotage' and 'Destruction,' Misses Entire Point of Striking
#ViceNews #SupremeCourtRuling #StrikingWorkers #Sabotage #Destruction #RightToStrike #Politics #News
#vicenews #supremecourtruling #strikingworkers #sabotage #destruction #righttostrike #politics #news
Drove past doctors and fellow lecturers pickets today, honked in solidarity. ✊ #UnionStrong #UCURising #StrikingWorkers #NHS
#unionstrong #UCUrising #strikingworkers #nhs
Solidarity with all striking workers this week ✊
If you are inconvenienced by industrial action, remember to blame the bosses not the workers. If people had proper pay and working conditions there wouldn’t be a need to strike in the first place.
#strikes #strike #StrikingWorkers #EnoughIsEnough #IndustrialAction #TUC #Drawing #Illustration #TheRaggedTrouseredPhilanthropists
#strikes #strike #strikingworkers #EnoughIsEnough #industrialaction #tuc #drawing #illustration #theraggedtrouseredphilanthropists
They are not mistruths.
They are not misleading statements.
TORY MINISTERS & THE PM ALL LYING ABOUT #TradeUnions / #StrikingWorkers & #RightToStrike
#righttostrike #strikingworkers #tradeunions
@ParaHandy what a vile man he is!
I would like to hope that people will spend their hard earned cash in other, independent restaurants and bars. Plenty of them out there happy to support #StrikingWorkers and take their hard earned cash.
#StrikingWorkersAreNotTheEnemy #ToriesEnemyOfThePeople
#toriesenemyofthepeople #strikingworkersarenottheenemy #strikingworkers
#StrikingWorkers #strikingworkersarenottheenemy We must support all striking workers. This is a fight for our very survival. The nation needs to down tools en masse and take to the streets. Westminster politicians are all Tories, whether blue, red, yellow or green. They are establishment lackeys concerned with their own interests and enrichment only. The psychopaths in charge will always find enough money for their rich backers and to arm and bomb folk. ENOUGH!
#strikingworkersarenottheenemy #strikingworkers
#StrikingWorkers #strikingworkersarenottheenemy We must support all striking workers. This is a fight for our very survival. The nation needs to down tools en masse and take to the streets. Westminster politicians are all Tories, whether blue, red, yellow or green. They are establishment lackeys concerned with their own interests and enrichment only. The psychopaths in charge will always find enough money for their rich backers and to arm and bomb folk. ENOUGH!
#strikingworkersarenottheenemy #strikingworkers
Now try and convince me that #StrikingWorkers are harming this Country.
Thank you @PrivateEyeNews@twitter.com
#toriesdestroyingourcountry #strikingworkersarenottheenemy #strikingworkers