String and Shadow Puppet Theater, a troupe of artists based in Olympia, Washington, performed “Ship of Fools: A Giant Puppet Odyssey” at Jean Sweeney Park. Maurice Ramirez captured some of the highlights from the performance and the crowd.
#alameda #JeanSweeneyOpenSpace #mimes #musicians #performance #puppeteers #puppets #RhythmixCulturalWorks #ShipOfFools #StringAndShadowPuppetTheater
#alameda #jeansweeneyopenspace #mimes #musicians #performance #puppeteers #puppets #rhythmixculturalworks #shipoffools #stringandshadowpuppettheater
Colin Epstein invites Alameda to embark on a magical journey at Jean Sweeney Open Space Park as String & Shadow Puppet Theater performs their newest work, "Ship of Fools: A Giant Puppet Odyssey," on Friday, August 4, at 6:30 p.m.
#alameda #FamilyActivities #JeanSweeneyOpenSpace #puppets #RhythmixCulturalWorks #StringAndShadowPuppetTheater
#alameda #familyactivities #jeansweeneyopenspace #puppets #rhythmixculturalworks #stringandshadowpuppettheater