Oh wow, the new colors look even better when you put settings in dialog mode. #strixmusic
Today's dose of #strixmusic.
I'm dogfooding the app as my personal music player. Fixing bugs before releasing 0.1.0.
Someone asked how easy it is to make a new Shell - It's plain old XAML and C#, with a lot of planning behind it. Just make a UserControl, pass in a strix dataroot, and use the control normally.
I spun this up as demonstration. I hope I never get used to this.
Might have beat my previous record for largest PR.
The closing of PR 250 in #StrixMusic marks the end of a journey started this time last year, to clean up ALL tech debt in the App and Sdk. The last big push.
We're almost ready for prime time.
It took me 20 minutes to make a plugin that keeps track of how many people are listening to the same thing as you, and another 30 seconds to add AES encryption.
Works for everything that's playable. Library, search results, albums, tracks, artists, everything.
All p2p over #IPFS. No server, just the users.
Let's hope every plugin is this easy to make. I have a lot of plans ๐
#ipfs #strixmusic #programming #coding #ux #uxdesign
I carried on my yearly tradition of having no holiday plans and instead coding the entirety of a BIG feature in one sitting.
In 2020, I created the core merging layer in the Strix SDK. On first run, it loaded the entirety of the MusicBrainz catalog into memory.
In 2021, I created OwlCore.Remoting by converting RPC calls to and from JSON.
For 2022, I've added #IPFS support to #StrixMusic using the tooling I created in OwlCore.Kubo.
#ipfs #strixmusic #coding #dotnet #programming #howdoesthiskeephappening
Just finished the About section for the new Settings UI in #strixmusic.
Pretty proud of how this turned out! ๐ฆ๐
#strixmusic #app #ux #uxdesign #WinUI
Just finished the About section for the new Settings UI in Strix Music.
Pretty proud of how this turned out! ๐ฆ๐
#strixmusic #app #ux #uxdesign #WinUI
If you want to ask questions, get real-time updates or to give feedback on development of #StrixMusic, we have an active presence in the UWP Community Discord server
Find us in the #strix-music channel. The #Road to 0.1.0 thread is open! https://uwpcommunity.com/
If you want to ask questions, get real-time updates or to give feedback on development of #StrixMusic, we have an active presence in the UWP Community Discord server
Find us in the "#strix-music" channel. The "#Road to 0.1.0" thread is open! https://uwpcommunity.com/
Progress so far on #StrixMusic v0.1.0.
The Strix Music SDK was made to build apps on, but our top-level app architecture was made long before the SDK was ready.
So we wiped it.
Last time, I shared the all-new skin selection UI (seen in video).
Now we've made progress reimplementing the "music sources" infrastructure and UI. Basic functionality is back!
We'll flesh this out more and get OneDrive working, then set up the OOBE.
Interested in this project? See thread ๐งต๐
These 3 lines are the final result of 2 years of work.
To reduce clutter and give us space to add things later, we'll likely have the settings UI fill all available space.
Next thing on the list - setup UI for media sources. #strixmusic
Designing the new settings UI for #strixmusic. Coming along nicely!
Thanks to careful planning and recent cleanup, we're now able to multi-instance entire shells, allowing us to use the real shells for previews.
@hexwren Love this, might make this an April Fool's easter egg in #strixmusic