Gretchenfrage: Wie hältst du's mit der KI? Die Frage, ob wir eine Starke KI wollen, ist dringender denn je.
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Noch verstehen wir das Bewusstsein nicht.
#ki #ai #strongai #deepneuralnetworks
#JeffreyKaplan - The famous #ChineseRoom #ThoughtExperiment - #JohnSearle (1980)
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An interesting reminder of what researchers call AI (and what we actually can do) and the difference with its public acceptation, which is quite far from it. What were working on is pretty far from "human-level" AI or anything that would try to imitate it. Algorithms we develop are closer to statistics, mathematics, economics etc. I feel very close to the concepts proposed by Michael I Jordan
#research #strongai #artificialintelligence