Barbell back squats with Mixed Reality coaching to ensure I hit depth, manage bar speed etc
Plus a live-streamed side-angle from my phone to help me keep an eye on my form
At the Reality Labs Presence Platform Hackathon at Meta, London
#stronglifts #squats #lifting #QuestPro
I'm really coming to enjoy and look forward to this post-workout headspace. Little bit like subspace.
Happy to be moving forward again on my bench and rows, but glad I took the time to step back and focus on form, this feels much better.
#Workout #Strong #StrongLifts
@Paperbacks_n_Frybread I'm still pretty new myself. I only started lifting in September. Been doing the #Stronglifts 5x5 routine and had made consistent progress. I'm looking forward to getting back to it.
A long, overdue #introduction.
Gay male (he/him/his) in my early 50s. I enjoy music of all sorts but love #metal, #punk, #hardcore, and #firstwave.
Amateur #photographer. I enjoy #weightlifting (#StrongLifts 5x5), #concerts, pizza, and the company of good people.
Dog dad to Chuck, a BeagleJack rescue. Caregiver to my aging mother.
I work with patient access/assistance programs. It’s part writing, programming, client management, contact center, IVR, and customer service.
#bfc #concerts #stronglifts #weightlifting #photographer #firstwave #hardcore #punk #metal #introduction
Hates the time change, grabs the barbell anyway. 5x5 done and felt pretty good actually. #stronglifts #weightlifting
Hates the time change, grabs the barbell anyway. 5x5 done and felt pretty good actually. #stronglifts #weightlifting