DoomsdaysCW · @DoomsdaysCW
1380 followers · 18118 posts · Server

"The press have repeated a statement initially peddled by , that this contaminated water only includes . This is untrue, and tritium is not without its own risks. The water being discussed has been through the various filtration systems on site used to remove . Each system removes some of the radioactive elements in the water. ALPS is the last of these systems. It can remove much of the remaining contamination but not all of it, some radioactive contamination remains in this water.

"We [SimplyInfo] documented back in 2018 that this water contains other problematic radioactive elements including:

(238, 239, 240)

Iodine 129
Cobalt 60
Curium 244
(152, 154)
Selenium 79
Nickel 63
Tin 126 (aka: Sn-126)

"As of 2018 the stored post ALPS water contained 200 billion becquerels of iodine 129, 106, and technetium 99. As stored water increases, so does the total volume of contamination within that water.

"TEPCO and the Japanese government have tried to ease concerns by claiming the water will be diluted before it is dumped into the Pacific ocean. This is a meaningless step. The total amount of radioactive contamination is still dumped into the ocean, you just dumped some additional water beside it at the same time."

#tepco #tritium #radioactive #Isotopes #plutonium #americium #technetium #europium #cesium #strontium #ruthenium #japan #japangovernment #tepcolies #FukushimaDaiIchi #fukushima #FukushimaWater

Last updated 1 year ago

tomsharp · @tomsharp
91 followers · 188 posts · Server

Strontium: atomic number: 38; weight: 87.62; Alkaline earth metal; discovery: 1790,1808—Adair Crawford, William Cruikshank, Humphry Davy (

#poetry #science #history #strontium

Last updated 1 year ago

DoomsdaysCW · @DoomsdaysCW
1186 followers · 15626 posts · Server

Highly Radioactive Leak At Hanford Came From Spent Fuel Experiments

July 1, 2023

"A recent admission that contaminated soil at the 324 Building at the National Lab site was much worse than previously estimated raised concerns this week. A ballpark conversion of the radiation level cited in the article was roughly 1,780 sieverts per hour.

"How did this defunct building at Hanford end up with such soil contamination beneath it? The 324 Building housed hot labs including the B Cell. This large hot lab did various experiments including using liquified highly radioactive 90 and 137 extracted from high burnup spent fuel. This highly radioactive liquid was used in vitrification experiments, a technology to isolate nuclear waste. The B Cell had a history of spills, fires and equipment failures that lead to significant contamination of the facility and ground beneath it.

"The Department of Energy cites that the waste sump for this hot cell was found to have a breach in it that likely allowed waste to leak out of the facility. There also was a history of spills of this highly radioactive liquid extract of spent fuel."

#hanford #radioactive #strontium #cesium #nuclear #waterislife #columbiariver #washingtonstate

Last updated 1 year ago

DoomsdaysCW · @DoomsdaysCW
1037 followers · 13901 posts · Server

From 2014: More Bad News For And

By Andy Tully

"Meanwhile, Bloomberg News calculates that Tepco appears likely to miss a deadline to remove a radioactive isotope linked to leukemia from the water stored at the ruined plant. Tepco President Naomi Hirose had promised Prime Minister Shinzo Abe that all the water would be cleaned by March 31, 2015.

"When a Bloomberg reporter showed a Tepco spokeswoman the new estimate that more time is needed to rid the water of because of equipment delays and a failed effort to stop radioactive contamination of nearby groundwater, Mayumi Yoshida replied that Tepco would do its best to get the job done on time.

"Strontium can enter the food chain by depositing into the bones of fish, and further delays could prolong South Korea’s ban on imports of Japanese seafood."

#fukushima #tepco #strontium #waterislife #StopTEPCO #tepcolies #nodumping #FukushimaWater

Last updated 1 year ago

DoomsdaysCW · @DoomsdaysCW
913 followers · 12539 posts · Server

Wood pellets ash – radioactive contamination and cesium 137 measured values

"In the event of a accident in which radionuclides are released into the biosphere, radioactive contamination of forests can become a significant potential source of public radiation exposure. 137 and 90 remain in the upper soil layers in forest ecosystems for a long time. These get into the wood via the roots and can thus store radioactivity and represent a potential radiation exposure for humans. We provide an overview of our radioactive measurements as well as a literature review on wood, pellets and ash with a focus on cesium 137

"Two of these accidents – the accident in the Urals in the USSR (now the Russian Federation) in 1957 and the accident in the USSR (now Ukraine) in 1986 – resulted in significant contamination of thousands of square kilometers of forest land with radionuclide mixtures, including long-lived fission products such as Cs 137 and Sr 90. Measurements and modeling of forest ecosystems after both accidents have shown that after initial contamination, the activity concentration of long-lived radionuclides in wood gradually increases over one to two decades and slowly decreases over the following decades Period. The longevity of contamination is due to the slow migration and persistent bioavailability of radionuclides in the forest soil profile, leading to long-term transfer into wood through the tree root system.

"The transfer of cesium-137 from the soil into the wood of trees is relatively low. Wood from Germany is radiobiological harmless to humans. In the ashes, however, the radiocesium activity can be up to 100 times higher than in wood."

#nuclear #cesium #strontium #radionuclides #kyshtim #chernobyl #nonukes #nonewnukes #nowar #airquality #airpollution #wildfires #ClimateCrisis #climate #environment #radiation

Last updated 1 year ago

Alexander Rogge · @alexanderrogge
39 followers · 1329 posts · Server
DoomsdaysCW · @DoomsdaysCW
795 followers · 9228 posts · Server

Japanese environment economist says ALPS-treated radioactive wastewater still contains radionuclides, urging Tokyo to stop dumping plan

By Xu Keyue
Published: Mar 27, 2023

"Kenichi Oshima, professor at Ryukoku University, told the Global Times that the Japanese government and TEPCO should not release the nuclear-contaminated wastewater.

"The Japanese government and TEPCO plan to use ALPS - Advanced Liquid Processing System - to treat the nuclear-contaminated wastewater from the Fukushima nuclear accident and then release the treated water into the ocean. The treated water contains radionuclides including , -90 and -129, in addition to , Oshima noted."

#fukushima #ruthenium #strontium #iodine #tritium #nonukes #nodumping #waterislife #StopTEPCO #japan

Last updated 2 years ago

DoomsdaysCW · @DoomsdaysCW
699 followers · 7577 posts · Server

Will Japan release Fukushima water into the Pacific?

Officials in Japan have claimed that water exposed to radiation in the Fukushima nuclear disaster is now safe to dump into the Pacific. Environmentalists say the water is too contaminated.

by Julian Ryall , November 20, 2019

" and the government [of ] have long believed that the best way to dispose of the water is to simply release it into the . They claimed until this year that contaminated water had been cleansed by a so-called advanced liquid processing system to the point that virtually all the radionuclides had been reduced to 'non-detect' levels.

"Leaked TEPCO documents, however, show that varying amounts of 62 radionuclides — including , , and — have not been removed from the water.

"The company has also been criticized for refusing to permit independent organizations to test the water that is being stored at the site.

"Nevertheless, environmentalists fear that preparations are under way to release the water into the environment.

"'Even a year ago, when the first report on options for disposing the treated water was presented to the committee, it seemed clear to me even then that the preferred option was to release it into the ocean,' said Azby Brown, the lead researcher for Tokyo-based nuclear monitoring organization Japan. Other options included and burying the water.

"'My take on this is that they have already reached a decision and that all these discussions now on the options are purely theater.'"

#tepco #japan #ocean #strontium #iodine #cesium #cobalt #Safecast #evaporation #FukushimaWater #nodumping #waterislife #StopTEPCO #nonukes #tepcolies #optepco #pacificocean #fukushimaanniversary #nonewnukes #atomkraftneindanke #antiatom

Last updated 2 years ago

DoomsdaysCW · @DoomsdaysCW
699 followers · 7575 posts · Server

With a half-life of 29 years, "Everyone is exposed to small amounts of Sr-90, since it is widely dispersed in the environment and the food chain. -90 was widely dispersed in the 1950s and 1960s in from the atmospheric testing of nuclear weapons.

"Strontium-90 is also found in waste from reactors. The accident at the nuclear power plant introduced a large amount of Sr-90 into the environment. Strontium-90 was also released during the 2011 Japanese nuclear incident at the Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant.

"Strontium-90 can be inhaled, but ingestion in food and water is the greatest health concern. Once in the body, Sr-90 acts like calcium and is readily incorporated into bones and teeth, where it can cause of the bone, bone marrow, and soft tissues around the bone. Because Sr-90 acts like calcium, milk monitoring will be important after a large release."

#strontium #nuclear #chernobyl #fukushima #cancers #FukushimaWater #nodumping #waterislife #StopTEPCO #nonukes #nowar #tepcolies #optepco #pacificocean #fukushimaanniversary #foodchain #bioaccumulation

Last updated 2 years ago

DoomsdaysCW · @DoomsdaysCW
699 followers · 7574 posts · Server

's Contaminated Wastewater May Be A Bigger Problem Than Realized

Tom Hale, August 2020

"But a new study published in the journal Science suggests this plan is currently a riskier move than previously assumed.

Marine chemists at the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution argue that is not the only problem after finding that other isotopes including carbon-14, -60, and -90 still remain in the treated wastewater.

"'The concentrations of these radioactive isotopes are orders of magnitude lower than tritium but highly variable from tank to tank,' the study authors write.

“More than 70 percent of the tanks would need secondary treatment to reduce concentrations below that required by law for their release,' they added."

#fukushima #tritium #cobalt #strontium #FukushimaWater #nodumping #waterislife #StopTEPCO #nonukes #tepcolies #optepco #pacificocean #fukushimaanniversary

Last updated 2 years ago

DoomsdaysCW · @DoomsdaysCW
529 followers · 4866 posts · Server

Daiichi Water: The World is Watching… or Should Be

Published on May 6, 2021 by Azby Brown

"In late 2018, however, [] admitted that roughly 80% of the water —890,000 of the 1.1 million tons of treated water then in storage— still contained above-limit levels of 90, 60, 106 and many other that the [ALPS] system had failed to adequately remove. Upon learning that this fact had been intentionally concealed by Tepco, the public was outraged. Those supporting the release plan seem to hope that this massive betrayal of trust has been forgotten."

Read more:

#fukushima #tepco #strontium #cobalt #ruthenium #radionuclides #nonukes #FukushimaWater #tepcolies #StopTEPCO #OpFukushima #waterislife

Last updated 2 years ago

Quincy ([a-df-z]|...)* · @quincy
21 followers · 118 posts · Server


Last updated 2 years ago

Fornvännen Journal · @Fornvannen
93 followers · 13 posts · Server

C. Ahlström Arcini, R. Mills, A. Konsmar & R. Hedvall (2022). Folk från kungens gårdar? Fornvännen 117(2).
Short report in Swedish on the 12th C early Christian cemetery discovered near Vreta cloister, Sweden in 2019.
Who were the people buried here and how do they relate to the cloister. ,

#openaccess #archaeology #medieval #osteology #strontium

Last updated 2 years ago

taqshinano · @taqshinano
4 followers · 54 posts · Server


#作物栄養 #農学部 #北大 #nuclearaccident #soybean #strontium #porassium

Last updated 2 years ago

taqshinano · @taqshinano
7 followers · 108 posts · Server


#作物栄養 #農学部 #北大 #nuclearaccident #soybean #strontium #porassium

Last updated 2 years ago · @physorg_bot
282 followers · 8458 posts · Server
Andrew Turnbull · @andrewdturnbull
100 followers · 76 posts · Server

Strontium Dog - The Final Solution

I started regularly reading 2000ad in the middle of what was at the time the last story with Johnny Alpha, and have a lot of love for Simon Harrison's take on the character.

Did this a while back drawn on the Remarkable2 e-ink tablet.


#strontium #2000ad #comics #MastoArt

Last updated 2 years ago

Alexander Rogge · @alexanderrogge
34 followers · 906 posts · Server
ITSEC News · @itsecbot
687 followers · 32461 posts · Server