Daily Sketch Challenge 20/01/23: Johnny Alpha
Set a week before I joined the group. That foreshortening on the right arm is awful. Sorry.
#dailysketchchallenge #johnnyalpha #johnny_alpha #strontiumdog #strontium_dog
#dailysketchchallenge #johnnyalpha #johnny_alpha #strontiumdog #strontium_dog
Happy birthday to the mighy 2000 AD! Went on sale on this day back in 1977. Still remember the excitement of reading that first Prog - had no idea that several decades on I would still be reading it, and would have enjoyed chairing events with some of its writers and artists (and a good few pints afterwards!). Thrill Power forever!
(art by the great Carlos Ezquerra)
#comics #BritishComics #2000AD #BandeDessinee #bandedessinée #JudgeDredd #StrontiumDog
#strontiumdog #judgedredd #bandedessinee #2000ad #britishcomics #comics