Peter Kahlert · @PeterKahlert
620 followers · 1360 posts · Server

is an empty signifier of the human condition, but a special case of a floating one because it is not simply instantiated semantically but reproducing a transtextual vanishing point of negativity and shift. Just like god, or mana, which indeed marks the origin of the concept.
Thus creativity can act in realms of formalisation even when formalisation is missing, can strive for a solution when there is none.

#structuralism #creativity

Last updated 1 year ago

Philo Sophies · @philosophies
7 followers · 141 posts · Server

Guest contribution by : "Sketch of a - A Minimalist Theory of Experience"

More at:

There is an orange translation button "Google Translator" at the bottom left of my page.

#heinz #luediger #negative #structuralism

Last updated 1 year ago

meika · @meika
0 followers · 50 posts · Server
Ted Underwood · @TedUnderwood
3534 followers · 2576 posts · Server

It seems that telling a language model "don't argue with the user" actually has the effect of tempting it TO argue with the user! This has been christened "the effect" (since it involves summoning evil doppelgangers) and here's a long slightly insane blog post connecting the Waluigi effect to and Derrida.

#waluigi #structuralism

Last updated 2 years ago

Peter Kahlert · @PeterKahlert
549 followers · 939 posts · Server

is and I think there is a specific, new class of empty, floating signifiers to discover this weekend. Maybe this class is a fliating signifier itself. Oh the excitement!

#structuralism #anthropology #mana #creativity

Last updated 2 years ago

nope · @stacked_automation
123 followers · 6948 posts · Server
Paul Dablemont · @paul
198 followers · 71 posts · Server

Finally reading this so important E. A. tale “The purloined letter” [1846]. Crucial to and his eponymous seminar.

Never fully read it because I assumed I knew the story from the multiple short summaries including in papers and books about Lacan.

More on and is coming. Stay tuned!

#Poe #Lacan #structuralism

Last updated 2 years ago

Thomson & Craighead · @jonandali
287 followers · 25 posts · Server
Thomson & Craighead · @jonandali
287 followers · 25 posts · Server
Diakhôra · @diakhora
3 followers · 1 posts · Server

Hello w̶o̶r̶l̶d̶ Set-of-interconnected-self-actualising-machines!

I intend this to be somewhat of an introduction, although I do realise that it would constitute a rather bizarre greeting in real life. This won't be a personal account, by that I mean I don't intend to post personal content (i.e. about my real world identity). This isn't really for anonymity, despite admittedly being quite a shy person, I think it's more to do with not wanting to attempt a serious explanation of my context, something which I doubt is achievable through this medium. For me underrepresentation is better than misrepresentation, although I understand if people find my presentation here dishonest or unaccountable.

I'll use this account partly for listening, a sampling spoon through which to experience the soup of conversation and thought. I'll also do some tooting, I like this word, I might have said contributing, tossing new, or maybe reused, ingredients into the soup, but that gives the impression, I think, of some final objective, an endpoint. Most likely, listening will be the larger of these two parts, and at least for the short term, both parts, the whole, will occupy very little of my time. Expect sporadicity and inconsistency!

I also wanted to say something about what I am interested in, this is difficult since if I just say a lot of words then what is there to relate my meaning, my intentions, to the meaning which you understand? "Language disguises thought" - Wittgenstein. Well after much deliberation and many sleepless nights I decided to... just say a lot of words, although do bear in mind that the following list is just that, merely a collection of words that I, at the time of writing, happened to perceive as having meanings that corresponded, perhaps imperfectly, to topics that I am interested in. Interested does not necessarily mean fully-endorse/believe/would-describe-myself-as/is-knowledgeable-about.

#philosophy #absurdism #existentialism #anarchism #communism #anticapitalism #MutualAid #prefiguration #ontology #phenomenology #poststructuralism #structuralism #mathematics #Chaos #topology #imagination #Art #education #linguistics #Literature #Music #machines #networks #cybernetics #systems #sustainability #ecology #technology #sciencefiction #utopia #davidgraeber #davidwengrow #murraybookchin #noamchomsky #peterkropotkin #adamcurtis #kenloach #albertcamus #gillesdeleuze #JacquesDerrida #jeanpaulsartre #MarkFisher #simonedebeauvoir #FranzKafka #georgeorwell #PercyByssheShelley #maryshelley #ursulakleguin

Last updated 2 years ago

SciHi Blog · @scihiblog
96 followers · 15 posts · Server

On November 28, 1908, French anthropologist and ethnologist Claude Lévi-Strauss was born. Lévi-Strauss’ work was key in the development of the theory of structuralism and structural anthropology. He argued that the “savage” mind had the same structures as the “civilized” mind and that human characteristics are the same everywhere.

#structuralism #ethnology #sociology #historyofscience #otd #anthropology

Last updated 2 years ago

hello i'm j! 👋 30s, they/them. i'm borgevino or jlr7245 or, less frequently, mu1tiplicity on other platforms!

mostly i post about:
- whatever or books i'm reading
- my normal life, specifically the other creatures who live in my home (wife, cats)
- my job (i'm in of the software variety)
- and
- various random interests ( )

glad to be here 😌

#introduction #scifi #fantasy #sff #history #engineering #knitting #quilting #labyrinths #architecture #structuralism #iwtv #astrophysics

Last updated 2 years ago