Wrap up from todays racism discussion filled parliament plenary session by Li Anderson (LA). #politics #politicsFI #structuralRacism #discrimation #naziJokeGovernment #racism #racismInFinland #equality
#politics #politicsfi #structuralracism #discrimation #nazijokegovernment #racism #racisminfinland #equality
Ambiguous impulses for your own mental cinema. Handcarved rubber stamps and acrylic colours on DIN-A4 paper, no NFTs:
#kunst #contemporaryArt #makeArtNotWar #mentalCinema #handCarvedStamp #noNFT #saveBiodiversity #climateActionNow #systemChange #endFossilFuels #makeArtNotWar #fckFdp #fckAfd #fckPtn #selfportrait #mySelf #myHeart #oldWhiteMan #privelege #structuralRacism #patriarchy #ants #insects #matriarchy #humanRights #equalRights
#kunst #contemporaryart #makeartnotwar #mentalcinema #handcarvedstamp #noNFT #savebiodiversity #climateactionnow #systemchange #EndFossilFuels #fckfdp #fckafd #fckptn #selfportrait #myself #myheart #oldwhiteman #privelege #structuralracism #patriarchy #ants #insects #matriarchy #humanrights #equalrights
The Index of Deep Disadvantage ranks US counties and cities based on the complexity of a person's life chances being hindered by multiple circumstances. The most disadvantaged places were primarily rural, with many having majority Black or Hispanic populations. These regions share themes of unequal schooling, violence, public corruption, and structural racism embedded in government programs. #DeepDisadvantage #RuralCommunities #StructuralRacism
#deepdisadvantage #ruralcommunities #structuralracism
#MeEmmeVaikene - commentator analyses last week's press conference (read https://meemmevaikene.blogspot.com/2023/08/perustuslaki-6-kysyy-hallitukselta.html) and says:
"Racist motive shines through in government programme"
No amount of watered down “racism pamphlets”, hypocritical “equality papers” or forced “racism statements” change the fact that the government and it’s program are throughout racist, reinforcing structural racism and making life of immigrants more insecure and difficult.
#meemmevaikene #governmentprogramme #racism #structuralracism #politicsfi
Another example of structural racism (that the government “doing the most to fix racism than any other government before” has no interest to interfere with) in Finland.
You may not get a loan for your business if you have a “foreign” name and have no way of proving they’re being racist.
#racism #finland #structuralracism
“We have zero tolerance for racism.” PM Petteri Orpo parrots week after week.
Meanwhile: “Government programme wants to tie unemployment benefits to language skills.
The proposed initiative would mean that those with weaker command of Finnish or Swedish would not be entitled to full unemployment support, but some experts believe that it may be unconstitutional.”
#StructuralRacism #racism #politics #finland #politicsFI #naziJokeGovernment #zeroToleranceForFascists
#structuralracism #racism #politics #finland #politicsfi #nazijokegovernment #zerotoleranceforfascists
“The highest death counts were in counties w/ majority Black, brown & Indigenous residents, suggesting historical gov neglect plays a role in the loss of life in the aftermath of tropical storms, according to the study…” #StructuralRacism #ClimateAction
#structuralracism #climateaction
#UK #union fights #StructuralRacism in #InsecureWork
Number of black and minority ethnic workers in insecure work more than doubled over the last decade.
#union #unions #organize #Exploitation #Capitalism #ClassWar #AbuseOfPower
#uk #union #structuralracism #insecurework #unions #organize #exploitation #capitalism #classwar #abuseofpower
Evidence of #StructuralRacism in the #gigeconomy:
'Research, published by the Trades Union Congress... showed the proportion of BME workers in low-paid & insecure work increased from 12.2% to 17.8% in the last decade. In comparison, the proportion of white workers in insecure work only rose marginally from 10.5% to 10.8%.
During this time period BME workers accounted for two-thirds of the growth of insecure workers – despite making up 14% of the overall UK workforce'!
Research shows that factors contributing to racial disparities in birth outcomes may have roots in structural racism and related stress.
Learn more: https://www.kidsdata.org/blog/?p=10797
#InfantMortality #SDOH #BirthOutcomes #StructuralRacism #HealthEquity
#infantmortality #SDOH #birthoutcomes #structuralracism #healthequity
Ambiguous impulses for your own mental cinema. Handcarved rubber stamps and acrylic colours on DIN-A4 paper, no NFTs:
#kunst #contemporaryArt #mentalCinema #handCarvedStamp #noNFT #saveBiodiversity #climateActionNow #systemChange #endFossilFuels #makeArtNotWar #fckFdp #fckAfd #fckPtn #patriarchy #policemen #security #safety #government #lawandorder #staatsgewalt #polizeigewalt #structuralviolence #structuralracism #emblematy #watchingyou #observation #surveillance #secretservice
#kunst #contemporaryart #mentalcinema #handcarvedstamp #noNFT #savebiodiversity #climateactionnow #systemchange #EndFossilFuels #makeartnotwar #fckfdp #fckafd #fckptn #patriarchy #policemen #security #safety #government #lawandorder #staatsgewalt #polizeigewalt #structuralviolence #structuralracism #emblematy #watchingyou #observation #surveillance #SecretService
Ambiguous impulses for your own mental cinema. Handcarved rubber stamps and acrylic colours on DIN-A4 paper, no NFTs:
#kunst #contemporaryArt #mentalCinema #handCarvedStamp #noNFT #saveBiodiversity #climateActionNow #systemChange #endFossilFuels #makeArtNotWar #fckFdp #fckAfd #fckPtn #dancers #masculinity #dancing #patriarchy #policemen #security #safety #government #lawandorder #staatsgewalt #polizeigewalt #structuralviolence #structuralracism
#kunst #contemporaryart #mentalcinema #handcarvedstamp #noNFT #savebiodiversity #climateactionnow #systemchange #EndFossilFuels #makeartnotwar #fckfdp #fckafd #fckptn #dancers #masculinity #dancing #patriarchy #policemen #security #safety #government #lawandorder #staatsgewalt #polizeigewalt #structuralviolence #structuralracism
Federal judges ruled that a revised redistricting map would "need to include two districts in which Black voters either comprise a voting-age majority or something quite close to it." Instead, the new map devised by the Alabama Legislature contains one Black-majority district and one district that leans Republic with a voting-age population that is only 42% Black. https://fivethirtyeight.com/features/alabama-redistricting-congressional-map-black-voters/ #USPol #Alabama #votingRights #structuralRacism #gerrymandering
#uspol #alabama #VotingRights #structuralracism #gerrymandering
The #FarmBill could address #climatechange and #structuralracism
#farmbill #climatechange #structuralracism
Ambiguous impulses for your own mental cinema. Handcarved rubber stamps and acrylic colours on DIN-A4 paper, no NFTs:
#kunst #contemporaryart #mentalcinema #handcarvedstamp #noNFT #savebiodiversity #climateactionnow #systemchange #endfossilfuels #makeartnotwar #fckfdp #afd #fckptn #standforukraine #selfportrait #identity #oldwhiteman #security #safety #police #governance #structuralviolence #structuralracism #government #staatsgewalt #point #pointerfinger #watchme
#kunst #contemporaryart #mentalcinema #handcarvedstamp #noNFT #savebiodiversity #climateactionnow #systemchange #EndFossilFuels #makeartnotwar #fckfdp #AfD #fckptn #standforukraine #selfportrait #identity #oldwhiteman #security #safety #Police #governance #structuralviolence #structuralracism #government #staatsgewalt #point #pointerfinger #watchme
Months ago #VicPol top cop said that police had #structuralracism issues at #yoorrook. Now they deny that they racially profiled.
What's the story vicpol?
#vicpol #structuralracism #yoorrook
Working #immigrants living in #Finland organized a demonstration against the new conservative-far right government and their #immigration policy.
#racism #StructuralRacism #FinPol #politics #Suomi #äärioikeisto #FarRight #konservatiivit #consevatives #laitaoikeistohallitus #sinimustahallitus #hallitus #government #politiikka #hallitusohjelma
#immigrants #finland #immigration #racism #structuralracism #finpol #politics #suomi #aarioikeisto #farright #konservatiivit #consevatives #laitaoikeistohallitus #sinimustahallitus #hallitus #government #politiikka #hallitusohjelma
According to 2016-2020 estimates, around 1 in 15 American Indian/Alaska Native children ages 0-18 in California had no health insurance coverage, compared with 1 in 25 Hispanic/Latino children, and fewer than 1 in 40 white children. https://www.kidsdata.org/topic/776/health-insurance-race-10k/bar#loc=2&tf=156&pdist=73&ch=201,7,11,726,10,72,9,73
#FactOfTheDay #Health #Healthcare #HealthInsurance #SDOH #RaceEquity #StructuralRacism #Children #ChildHealth #MedMastodon @medmastodon
#factoftheday #health #healthcare #healthinsurance #SDOH #raceequity #structuralracism #children #childhealth #MedMastodon
An (I hope) explosive article about #Permaculture #Regen #ReFi #blockchain #racism #accountability #StructuralRacism #BlackInTech #PermacultureMeToo
Please boost and reshare widely. Public outcry is the only thing that will hold these people and organisations to account.
#permaculture #regen #refi #blockchain #racism #accountability #structuralracism #BlackInTech #permaculturemetoo