Ambiguous impulses for your own mental cinema. Handcarved rubber stamps and acrylic colours on DIN-A4 paper, no NFTs:
#kunst #contemporaryArt #mentalCinema #handCarvedStamp #noNFT #saveBiodiversity #climateActionNow #systemChange #endFossilFuels #makeArtNotWar #fckFdp #fckAfd #fckPtn #patriarchy #policemen #security #safety #government #lawandorder #staatsgewalt #polizeigewalt #structuralviolence #structuralracism #emblematy #watchingyou #observation #surveillance #secretservice
#kunst #contemporaryart #mentalcinema #handcarvedstamp #noNFT #savebiodiversity #climateactionnow #systemchange #EndFossilFuels #makeartnotwar #fckfdp #fckafd #fckptn #patriarchy #policemen #security #safety #government #lawandorder #staatsgewalt #polizeigewalt #structuralviolence #structuralracism #emblematy #watchingyou #observation #surveillance #SecretService
Texas worker accused of being on drugs was actually dying of heatstroke
Mother of Gabriel Infante, 24, sues employer for $1m, saying construction workers had no protections from extreme heat
#fascismkills #negligentemployer #protectedexploitation #noOSHA #heatstroke #BCommConstructors #SanAntonio #GregAbbott #SocialMurder #StructuralViolence #impunity
#FascismKills #negligentemployer #protectedexploitation #noosha #heatstroke #bcommconstructors #sanantonio #gregabbott #socialmurder #structuralviolence #impunity
Ambiguous impulses for your own mental cinema. Handcarved rubber stamps and acrylic colours on DIN-A4 paper, no NFTs:
#kunst #contemporaryArt #mentalCinema #handCarvedStamp #noNFT #saveBiodiversity #climateActionNow #systemChange #endFossilFuels #makeArtNotWar #fckFdp #fckAfd #fckPtn #dancers #masculinity #dancing #patriarchy #policemen #security #safety #government #lawandorder #staatsgewalt #polizeigewalt #structuralviolence #structuralracism
#kunst #contemporaryart #mentalcinema #handcarvedstamp #noNFT #savebiodiversity #climateactionnow #systemchange #EndFossilFuels #makeartnotwar #fckfdp #fckafd #fckptn #dancers #masculinity #dancing #patriarchy #policemen #security #safety #government #lawandorder #staatsgewalt #polizeigewalt #structuralviolence #structuralracism
HOUSING: Police State and Class War!
a sick society...
In this clip from his "Thinking Out Loud" series, Double D discusses the eviction of "Mom's for Housing" and how it reflects the purpose of militarized police as agents of capital in a class war against working people. He reinforces the idea that police do not exist to protect people, but rather to protect private property. He analyzes how housing has ceased to be viewed as an essential need, but rather as a commodity to be used in investment portfolios.
#eviction #pricegouging #investmentproperty #housing #shelter #houseless #structuralviolence #violencenotassistance
#eviction #pricegouging #investmentproperty #housing #shelter #houseless #structuralviolence #violencenotassistance
Iran’s Morality Police Returns To Streets With Vengeance
The ‘morality’ police in Iran have returned to the streets of Tehran and other cities ahead of the first anniversary of Mahsa Amini's death in police custody.
#womensrights #humanrights #theocracy #tyranny #zealotry #regime #abuse #murder #socialmurder #structuralviolence #delegitimizingreligion
#womensrights #humanrights #theocracy #tyranny #zealotry #regime #abuse #murder #socialmurder #structuralviolence #delegitimizingreligion
Global Capitalism: Capitalism Turns to the Authoritarian State [July 2023]
Global Capitalism Richard D. Wolff Wednesday, July 12, 2023, at 7:30 Capitalism Turns to the Authoritarian State.
#neoliberalism #fascism #corporatism #authoritarianism #structuralviolence #unnecessarydeath #profit #disciplining #classwar
#neoliberalism #fascism #corporatism #authoritarianism #structuralviolence #unnecessarydeath #profit #disciplining #classwar
destroy capitalism
#homeless #vacancies #capitalism #structuralviolence #socialcontract #corruption #sadism
#homeless #Vacancies #capitalism #structuralviolence #socialcontract #corruption #sadism
This Is The Greediest "Non-Profit" Hospital In America
Most of America's hospitals are "nonprofits" that increasingly exist to enrich executives by leveraging huge tax breaks.
We found the greediest one of all, UPMC in Pittsburgh, where execs raked in $225 million while miring working class patients in medical debt.
#debtslavery #greed #nonprofit #profitmotive #structuralviolence #impunity #death
#debtslavery #greed #nonprofit #profitmotive #structuralviolence #impunity #death
LGBTQ+ resources removed from state website after right-wing media pressure
Virginia officials removed LGBTQ+ youth resources from state website because the right-wing media asked about it.
#nazi #christofascism #publictrust #betrayal #structuralviolence #gatekeptresources #discrimination
#nazi #ChristoFascism #publictrust #betrayal #structuralviolence #gatekeptresources #discrimination
Doctors Have a Moral Obligation to Disobey Abortion Bans
Academic medical centers’ lackluster defense of abortion access is moral malpractice. It’s time for civil disobedience.
#practicingmedicinewithoutlicense #fascism #christofascism #resistance #hippocraticoath #protectpatients #structuralviolence #health #profit
#practicingmedicinewithoutlicense #fascism #ChristoFascism #resistance #hippocraticoath #protectpatients #structuralviolence #health #profit
Advocates concerned as Vancouver moves away from temporary housing model
We have over 3,000 people who are in desperate, desperate need of housing. Until we get enough housing for every single homeless person, we should not be losing anything,” said frmr Coun Jean Swanson at recent protest over the closings.
#homeless #underfunding #invisiblepeople #structuralviolence #fascism
#homeless #underfunding #invisiblepeople #structuralviolence #fascism
June 11, 2023 is a day for International Solidarity With Marius Mason & All Long-Term Anarchist Prisoners
#PoliticalPrisoners #StructuralViolence #Justice #Freedom #AnarchistPrisoners #FreeMariusMason
#politicalprisoners #structuralviolence #justice #freedom #anarchistprisoners #FreeMariusMason
Ambiguous impulses for your own mental cinema. Handcarved rubber stamps and acrylic colours on DIN-A4 paper, no NFTs:
#kunst #contemporaryart #mentalcinema #handcarvedstamp #noNFT #savebiodiversity #climateactionnow #systemchange #endfossilfuels #makeartnotwar #fckfdp #afd #fckptn #standforukraine #selfportrait #identity #oldwhiteman #security #safety #police #governance #structuralviolence #structuralracism #government #staatsgewalt #point #pointerfinger #watchme
#kunst #contemporaryart #mentalcinema #handcarvedstamp #noNFT #savebiodiversity #climateactionnow #systemchange #EndFossilFuels #makeartnotwar #fckfdp #AfD #fckptn #standforukraine #selfportrait #identity #oldwhiteman #security #safety #Police #governance #structuralviolence #structuralracism #government #staatsgewalt #point #pointerfinger #watchme
Living with #ADHD in America in 2023 is having to ration your low risk, long-term substance abuse risk reducing, stimulant medication because Richard Nixon decided he wanted to hurt black people with the War on Drugs as a strategy to retain power.
#Inequity #StructuralRacism #StructuralViolence #fascism #audhd
#adhd #inequity #StructuralRacism #structuralviolence #fascism #AuDHD
This is unimaginably important. Read the 🧵 for the awful details. So excited to read this.
#PHEthx #PHLaw #HistPubHealth #SocEpi #LegalEpi #StructuralViolence #HistoryMatters
(For more on the history of anti-Black racism and TB in particular, be sure to check out “Infectious Fear” by Samuel Kelton Roberts)
H/t @krisnelson
From: @wrigleyfield
#phethx #PHLaw #histpubhealth #socepi #LegalEpi #structuralviolence #HistoryMatters
Senate Republicans fear abortion could derail hopes for majority
Republican senators are looking for a way to avoid the political hit they took on abortion rights in the 2022 midterm election
#ClassWarSystem #VoteRich #PoliticanInequality #PoliticalDomination #StructuralViolence #Statism #Tribalism
#classwarsystem #voterich #politicaninequality #politicaldomination #structuralviolence #statism #tribalism
@tristupe I am so very sorry. Every cycling death is awful, deeply unfair, deeply wrong. I wish people would recognise more that car dominance is a form of #StructuralViolence and that as a society we would stop finding car drivers killing cyclists in any way acceptable.
A bit tangential/far-fetched, i know, but:
Have been reading about the US opioid crisis recently and was struck by how often stories begin with a car crash, then chronic pain, prescriptions etc etc. I wonder if anyone has looked into whether high numbers of car crashes = a lot of chronic pain = a lot of medication as part of overall problem. Anyway car culture is #StructuralViolence
Make Art Not War! Handcarved rubber stamps and acrylic colours on DIN-A4 paper, no NFTs:
#kunst #contemporaryart #handcarvedstamp #nonft #savebiodiversity #climateactionnow #systemchange #fckfdp #endfossilfuels #fckptn #standforukraine #destruction #homeless #unsheltered #noshelter #ruins #displacement #displaced #refugees #catastrophy #Нетвойны #policemen #governance #structuralviolence #structuralracism #monopolyonviolence #heart
#kunst #contemporaryart #handcarvedstamp #noNFT #savebiodiversity #climateactionnow #systemchange #fckfdp #EndFossilFuels #fckptn #standforukraine #destruction #homeless #unsheltered #noshelter #ruins #displacement #displaced #refugees #catastrophy #нетвойны #policemen #governance #structuralviolence #structuralracism #monopolyonviolence #heart
Make Art Not War! Handcarved rubber stamps and acrylic colours on DIN-A4 paper, no NFTs:
#kunst #contemporaryart #handcarvedstamp #nonft #savebiodiversity #climateactionnow #systemchange #fckfdp #endfossilfuels #fckptn #standforukraine #destruction #homeless #unsheltered #noshelter #ruins #displacement #displaced #refugees #catastrophy #Нетвойны #nowar #standforukraine #police #governance #structuralviolence #monopolyonviolence
#kunst #contemporaryart #handcarvedstamp #noNFT #savebiodiversity #climateactionnow #systemchange #fckfdp #EndFossilFuels #fckptn #standforukraine #destruction #homeless #unsheltered #noshelter #ruins #displacement #displaced #refugees #catastrophy #нетвойны #nowar #Police #governance #structuralviolence #monopolyonviolence