Najlepsze aplikacje na #MacOS
3. #Structured - @structured - aplikacja pokazująca w przystępny sposób czas trwania wydarzeń z kalendarza. Można synchronizować z istniejącym kalendarzem lub dodawać wydarzenia bezpośrednio w aplikacji. Jest też opcjonalne wsparcie AI, które można wykorzystać do zaplanowania czegoś. Dostępna jest wersja pro z możliwością wykupienia wersji dożywotniej. Często są promocje, więc warto.
@structured I would love it because I wanna be able to add an event in #Structured and have it show up on my calendar for my wife to see
Inauguramos sección con el programa Structured.
Quizá en recuerdo de mi antiguo Podcast, Applenosol, hace años desaparecido, me ha parecido interesante desvelar el misterio de aplicaciones que nos son útiles para la vida diaria. Analizarlas como siempre de manera independiente, para diferenciarme de todas esas páginas que sólo hablan maravillas, para que s
#structured #agenda #utilidades #productividad #podcast #con nombre de podcast
#structured #agenda #utilidades #productividad #podcast #con
RED DE ESPIONAJE | Con Nombre de Podcast 04x18
Las historias sobre espías y red de espionaje apasionan al gran público. Numerosos ejemplos en la literatura, cine y series tenemos de ellos. Es muy difícil conocer a los espías del presente.
#utilidades #cielo #guerra #armenia #productividad #redes #espionaje #servicios secretos #agenda #neandertales #estrellas #ciencia #podcast #structured #sexo #con nombre de podcast #prehistoria
#utilidades #cielo #guerra #Armenia #productividad #redes #espionaje #servicios #agenda #neandertales #estrellas #ciencia #podcast #structured #sexo #con #prehistoria
Welcome to the second part of my #syslog_ng #tutorial series. In this part, we cover some of the basic #concepts behind syslog-ng:
- What is syslog-ng?
- Why #central #logging?
- The four major roles of syslog-ng
- Free-form log messages
- #Structured logging
#syslog_ng #tutorial #concepts #central #logging #structured
#Structured 3.0 #ios #app hat Neuerungen im Gepäck
Eine sehr gute App Made in Germany 😀
Tagesplaner Structured: Version 3.0 bringt Drag-and-Drop-Unterstützung
Der Tagesplaner Structured erlaubt es in der neu veröffentlichten Version 3.0 nun auch, einzelne Aufgaben auch per Drag & Drop zu verschieben. Der Entwickler reicht damit eine der von Anwendern am meisten vermissten Funktionen nach. Darüber hinaus bringt das „runde“ Update für die App die Möglichkeit, Aufgaben mit bestimmten Zeitzonen zu verknüpfen sowie verschiedene optische […]
Hey @frederik & @leomehlig, congrats on the big launch and the collab.
Honestly, I have tried to use #Structured and #OneSec regularly, but never found the discipline or structure to keep going.
Now, I am eager to try once again. 💪🏻🔥
One question or wish: can I somehow select which (iCloud-enabled?) calendar to use for the integration? The entry was created in our shared family calendar and all devices go off every time the entry is changed.
App-Kooperation: one sec sorgt dafür, dass Structured-Aufgaben erledigt werden
Die iOS-Anwendungen Structured und one sec dürfen regelmäßigen Lesern geläufig sein. Beide stammen aus deutscher Entwicklung, und während es sich bei Structured um einen Tagesplaner handelt, der eine To-Do-Liste und einen Terminkalender integriert, will one sec dafür sorgen, dass man seinen Fokus nicht verliert und Social-Media-Portale und sonstige Dienste mit hohem Ablenkungspotenzial bewusst und in […]
Structured Cabling Market worth $15.0 billion by 2027
The report expected to reach USD 15.0 billion by 2027 from an estimated USD 11.7 billion in 2022, at a CAGR of 5.1% from 2022 to 2027. The growth of the structured cabling market can also be attributed to the spurring communication infrastructure and rising emergency of smart cities.
#Structured #Cabling #industry #CAT6 #CAT5E #CAT6A #IT #Telecommunications #Commercial
#structured #cabling #industry #cat6 #cat5e #cat6a #it #telecommunications #commercial
Today @frederik and I are releasing a nice integration between our apps #onesec and #structured, to automatically block social media apps while you have uncompleted tasks.
This has been a super fun project to work!
Recorded screen recordings for a #structured update tonight and yelled action and cut for every take.
There’s a thing called ‘social jet lag’ - defined by an inconsistency of sleep schedules and our circadian rhythms. Am addicted to my sleep app and with a month off the road - not doing sessions - am registering close to 8 hours good sleep. Probably double what I get when on the wall! #structured #visual #thinking #sleep #sleepless #social #jetlag
#structured #visual #thinking #sleep #sleepless #social #jetlag
We deal with #constraints over #structured outputs.
E.g., when predicting edges in a grid for #routing, they need to form #valid paths.
When predicting user #preferences, it shall output valid #rankings and in multi-label classification should respect the labels #hierarchy!
#constraints #structured #routing #valid #preferences #rankings #hierarchy
Frameworks have magic in them. Applied properly they leave nothing of value out and everything that’s not stays out. #framework #strategy #criticalthinking #structured #visual #thinking
#framework #strategy #criticalthinking #structured #visual #thinking
More examples of previous work (either more technical 🧮 or closer to the social sciences):
#groupsize 👨🔧👨🔧👨🔧 effects in #collectiveaction ✊ problems:
#multiplayer #games 🎲 in #spatially #structured populations 🌐 🏝️:
#introduction #groupsize #collectiveaction #multiplayer #games #spatially #structured
Time for #introduction, bit empty!
I’m at staff research scientist at #DeepMind London, working on Unsupervised RL (or whatever it’s called these days)
More precisely, use #structured object-centric representations for RL, model-based planning, HRL, exploration, hypothesis testing and all of that.
And because RL is hard, I’m also playing with diffusion models on the side 😆
Apart from that, you’ll find me at random concerts/festival 🎸come to #Portals to discover cool #heavy bands in London!
#Introduction #DeepMind #structured #Portals #heavy
The truth is...
It's impossible to write a program in Pascal that will loop forever.
#Earth #forever #loop #universe
#pascal #computer #structured #programming #definitions
#context #perpetual #motion
#big #bang
TruthBeTold = A statement that is logically or literally true (or partly true), but seems to imply something that isn't true or is just plain weird. (for rhetoric, logic or propaganda studies... or just for fun)
pic credit: I.hidekazu
#earth #forever #pascal #computer #context #perpetual #motion #big #bang #truthbetold #loop #universe #structured #programming #definitions