Global News BC: B.C. wildfires: Regional District, BC Wildfire to provide update on Bush Creek wildfire #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #BCwildfires #livestream #Structures #BushCreek #Columbia #Wildfire #Shuswap #Update #Fire
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #BCwildfires #livestream #structures #bushcreek #Columbia #Wildfire #shuswap #update #fire
“The fact is that we seem naturally inclined to infer life and purpose in all manner of complexity: we are prone to what you might call ‘biotic pareidolia’, the analogue of our impulse to see faces in non-living structures (including the rocks of Mars!).”
— Philip Ball, In any shape or form
#Science #Complexity #Life #Structures #ArtificialIntelligence
#artificialintelligence #structures #life #complexity #science
18 months later, a plan is announced. Fees to the city for sidewalk & for street eating, must close for 4 months of parking(!), but at least there's a plan.
#restaurants #diner #sidewalk #dining #structures #must #go by #november '24 #DOT #transportation #cars #parking #over #people #revenue #eatery #city #fees #charge #square #foot #wood #sheds #gone #NewYorkCity #NYC #council #plan #announcement
#restaurants #diner #sidewalk #dining #structures #must #go #november #dot #transportation #cars #parking #over #people #revenue #eatery #city #fees #charge #square #foot #wood #sheds #gone #newyorkcity #nyc #council #plan #announcement
San Francisco Inspectors Still Can’t Get On Roof To #Inspect Elon Musk’s New ‘#X’ Sign source: #deadline #sanfrancisco #bayarea #twitter #marketst #downtown #structures #tech #mkt
#inspect #x #deadline #sanfrancisco #bayarea #twitter #marketst #downtown #structures #tech #mkt
it does more harm than good to prop up the myth of the ‘neurotypical’ who completes tasks cheerfully with no issues. this #person is a #capitalist #fantasy. the more you define yourself in comparison to this myth the more you justify #social #structures staying the same with minor accommodations to the ‘exceptions’ and the continued #pathologizing of discomfort under #hostile #conditions
#person #capitalist #fantasy #social #structures #pathologizing #hostile #conditions
Zum Abschluß der Bild-Reihe 'Strukturierte Oberflächen' ein etwas aussergewöhnliches Foto von Federkleid und Augenpartie eines Graupapageis.
#Structures III
To conclude the series of images 'Structured Surfaces' a somewhat unusual photo of the plumage and eye area of a gray parrot.
#fotografie #photography #nature #naturephotography #art #MastoArt
#Fotomontag #PhotoMonday #huaweip30pro
#structures #fotografie #photography #nature #naturephotography #art #mastoart #fotomontag #photomonday #huaweip30pro
Bei dem 2. Bild der Reihe 'Strukturierte Oberflächen' handelt es sich um die Struktur übereinander geschichteter Reisigbündel aus Schwarzdorn in einem Gradierwerk.
#Structures II
The 2nd image of the series 'Structured Surfaces' is the structure of superimposed bundles of brushwood made of blackthorn in a graduation house.
#fotografie #photography #nature #naturephotography #art #MastoArt
#Fotomontag #PhotoMonday #huaweip30pro
#structures #fotografie #photography #nature #naturephotography #art #mastoart #fotomontag #photomonday #huaweip30pro
Strukturierte Oberflächen wie zum Beispiel die fein geäderten Blätter einer Pflanze (hier ein Mammutblatt - Gunnera manicata) bergen tolle Möglichkeiten für spannende Fotos.
Textured surfaces such as the finely veined leaves of a plant (here a giant rhubarb leaf - Gunnera manicata) hold great possibilities for exciting photos.
#fotografie #photography #nature #naturephotography #art #MastoArt
#Fotomontag #PhotoMonday #huaweip30pro
#structures #fotografie #photography #nature #naturephotography #art #mastoart #fotomontag #photomonday #huaweip30pro
👉 Developing a framework to map #community #structures and #assets will help to:
✅ enable understanding
✅ leverage strengths
✅ provide opportunities,
tailored to #emergency response for communities.
#WHOImpact #WHEBalkanHub #WHOPristinaOffice #RCCE #UnitedActionForBetterHealth
#community #structures #Assets #emergency #whoimpact #whebalkanhub #whopristinaoffice #rcce #unitedactionforbetterhealth
Its ubiquity, not to mention the terrible problems with pollution, has devalued how we see plastic. But it's a precious resource. And Precious Plastic are doing important work to help recycle plastic by type.
#GoodNews #Plastic #Wales #Recycling #Sorting #Remaking #Disability #Prosthetics #Structures
#goodnews #plastic #wales #recycling #sorting #remaking #disability #prosthetics #structures
Statics is also dynamics.
Proof: Newton's first law
#engineering #science #mechanics #physics #structures
Structure is an assemblage of material which can sustain loads.
If we go by that definition then all objects in the universe is structure whether living or non-living.
#science #engineering #structures
I believe that is just a #record of an interaction between two (or more) physical #structures.
Memory requires an entire physical #system able to preserve the #information contained in this record from one moment in time to another until it is retrieved (by the system) and used for something else.
According to #HvFoerster, the “integrated functional circuit” for #Cognition requires three things:
1⃣ #Perception
2⃣ #Memory, and
3⃣ #Prediction
Prediction is essential for drawing (memory-based) #inferences
” without which perception degenerates into #sensation and memory into #recording”.
See pp 105-106 in the quite interesting collection of his thoughts Understanding Understanding
#system #information #perception #memory #prediction #HvFoerster #cognition #inferences #sensation #recording #record #structures
#Life must have emerged from the physical world. This emergence must be understood if our knowledge is not to degenerate (more than it has already) into a collection of disjoint specialized disciplines.
… #physics and #biology require different levels of #models … physical theory is described by rate-dependent dynamical #laws that have no #memory, while #evolution depends, at least to some degree, on #control of dynamics by rate-independent memory #structures.”
#life #physics #biology #models #laws #memory #evolution #control #structures
Build systems that are free from systemic oppression, structural racism, embedded discrimination, pervasive bias & covert prejudice
#tech #technology #internet #websites #webaccess #systems #structures #policies #laws #practices #companies #institutions #individuals #society
#Tech #technology #internet #websites #webaccess #systems #structures #policies #laws #practices #companies #institutions #individuals #society
nice place to have a hug session, right?... 😏✨🤗📸
#kiosk #villages #realde14 #quiosco #structures #relax #photography #history #oldvillage
#kiosk #villages #realde14 #quiosco #structures #relax #photography #history #oldvillage
Meh. I haven't written #C (that's "hashtag C" not "C sharp") in so long that I'm having to relearn the #semantics of #pointers, nested #structures, and pointer dereferencing.
I feel old.
#c #semantics #pointers #structures
#Zoomposium interview with Prof. Dr. #Holger #Lyre": Conscious #structures or structures for #consciousness?"
The interview with Prof. Dr. Lyre focuses primarily on the question of the "constitution of consciousness" from the point of view of structural realism, as he is considered a very well-known representative of this position in philosophy of science.
More on:
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#zoomposium #holger #lyre #structures #consciousness
Hier der Blick vom Ende der Bahnstation auf die geschwungenen #Elbbrücken. Rechts blickt man ins Hafengebiet von Hafencity und Kleiner Grasbrook.
#elbe #architektur #strukturen #hamburg #photography #structures #archtecturephotography
#elbbrucken #elbe #architektur #strukturen #hamburg #photography #structures #archtecturephotography