In Panama, an Indigenous kingdom fights for its right to the forest
CHANGUINOLA, Panama — Long before the Naso peoples in the northern jungles of Panama won the fight for their land, before a king came from far away to lead them against the invaders and cattle ranchers, the bureaucrats and corporations who wanted the territory to themselves — long before all of that, the Naso people lived on the Caribbean coast battling enemy tribes and Spanish colonists.
#panama #indigenous #struggle #autonomy #sovereignty
Aesop Rock- One Brick (ft. Illogic)
Platforms have been erected
Effigies built
Slogans coined, songs have been written
Rumors have been circulated
Autographs faked
The hourglass smashed and didn't leave me an escape
#AesopRock #Illogic #OneBrick #hiphop #art #poetry #commoditized #culture #struggle #beinghuman
#aesoprock #illogic #onebrick #hiphop #art #poetry #commoditized #culture #struggle #beinghuman
Hercules and Antaeus
- by Seamus Heaney
#hercules #antaeus #poetry #SeamusHeaney #wrestling
#fight #power #chthonic #struggle #origins
#hercules #antaeus #poetry #seamusheaney #wrestling #fight #power #chthonic #struggle #origins
#news 🔥
#مكتبة سبيل هي مشاع معرفي #فلسطيني مبني على التشارك في الموارد والعمل. تهدف مكتبة سبيل لتعميم المعرفة حول #فلسطين ونضالها.
بإمكانكم تصفح المواد المتوفرة في المكتبة والبحث داخل نصوصها، كما وإضافة مواد جديدة.
Sabīl: a #Palestinian #public #library built on the sharing of labor and resources. It aims to make #knowledge on #Palestine and its #anticolonial #struggle more accessible.
You can browse the material in the library & search within its texts and add material.
links: (AR) (EN)
Instagram: @maktabat.sabil
#News #مكتبة #فلسطيني #فلسطين #palestinian #Public #library #knowledge #palestine #anticolonial #struggle #Research #archives #digital #arabic #نضال #أؤشيف
#news 🔥
#مكتبة سبيل هي مشاع معرفي #فلسطيني مبني على التشارك في الموارد والعمل. تهدف مكتبة سبيل لتعميم المعرفة حول #فلسطين ونضالها.
بإمكانكم تصفح المواد المتوفرة في المكتبة والبحث داخل نصوصها، كما وإضافة مواد جديدة.
Sabīl: a #Palestinian #public #library built on the sharing of labor and resources. It aims to make #knowledge on #Palestine and its #anticolonial #struggle more accessible.
You can browse the material in the library & search within its texts and add material.
links: (AR) (EN)
Instagram: @maktabat.sabil
#News #مكتبة #فلسطيني #فلسطين #palestinian #Public #library #knowledge #palestine #anticolonial #struggle #Research #archives #digital #arabic #نضال #أؤشيف #عربي
Latex-forming mitts block his hands for messing with the suit. It also harders and block any movement within.
Will his boyfriend get him out of this stuff... or play with him for a very long time? Whatever happened, he lost his NNN challenge.
#rubber #transformation #latex #encasement #goo #lion #suit #chastity #struggle #mitten
#rubber #transformation #latex #encasement #goo #lion #suit #chastity #struggle #mitten
Tucking it, pulling with all his strength. He lost his view sight and his cock became harder each second. Something comes into his anus and pumps in.
He's losing his concentration and the suit makes him so horny.
*Can't... hold this... No...*
#rubber #transformation #latex #encasement #goo #lion #suit #chastity #struggle
#rubber #transformation #latex #encasement #goo #lion #suit #chastity #struggle
His boyfriend volunteers to do anything if he wins.
But this suit covers his body so tight and sensitively with each move. He can't even make any sound, only *squeaking noises*.
Now he regrets his choice, and this is a challenging way to reverse it.
#rubber #transformation #latex #encasement #goo #lion #suit #chastity #struggle
#rubber #transformation #latex #encasement #goo #lion #suit #chastity #struggle
He get a phone call and a strange box showed up at his home door.
His boyfriend who had lost since the second day of this month challenged him to try out this suit.
The rule is straightforward. Just don't break his NNN record and the suit will be unlocked.
#rubber #transformation #latex #encasement #goo #lion #suit #chastity #struggle
#rubber #transformation #latex #encasement #goo #lion #suit #chastity #struggle
"Don't feel entitled to anything you didn't sweat and struggle for."
- Marian Wright Edelman
You can do it!
#quote #activism #gamedev #indiedev #selftaught #struggle #learning #encouragement
#quote #activism #gamedev #indiedev #selftaught #struggle #learning #encouragement
"You’re more likely to unlock a big leap in performance by trying differently than by trying harder. You might be able to work 10% harder, but a different approach might work 10x better. Remain focused on the core problem, but explore a new line of attack. Persistence is not just about effort, but also strategy. Don’t merely try harder, try differently." — James Clear — — — #JamesClear #quote #quotes #hard #different #differently #focus #harder #working #struggle #efficient
#jamesclear #quote #quotes #hard #different #differently #focus #harder #working #struggle #efficient
#TheLeft under #BrandonJohnson: Accommodation or #Struggle?
Brandon Johnson’s meteoric rise to the mayor’s office inaugurates a new political period for #Chicago. Winning necessary reforms going forward will require independent #organizing and confrontation with #therich.
#theleft #brandonjohnson #struggle #chicago #organizing #therich
Canada: generations old and new scramble to contain fires burning at record pace
As the country suffers it worst wildfire season in on record, Canada’s retiring fire master is passing on the lessons learned from a life on the frontline.
#canada #burns #wildfires #struggle #climate #climateaction
Philippe Blouin on the book "The Mohawk Warrior Society A Handbook on Sovereignty and Survival"—Free City Radio
An interview with author and activist Philippe Blouin who was a co-editor of the important collection “The Mohawk Warrior Society: A Handbook on Sovereignty and Survival.”
The first collection of its kind, this anthology by members of the Mohawk Warrior Society uncovers a hidden history and paints a bold portrait of the spectacular experience of Kanien’kehá:ka survival and self-defense.
#selfdefense #communitydefense #colonialism #struggle #identity #life #mohawk #warrior #society
#selfdefense #communitydefense #colonialism #struggle #identity #life #mohawk #warrior #society
Ideas about a #future #society won't in themselves bring us to a better future, but ideas can function as points of orientation for collective #struggle. What should the communism we fight for look like?
#communism #freedom #future #society #struggle
Managed to do the oil and filter on my Ridgeline today. The joys of owning a truck. Didn't have to jack it up. The downsides. If i did have to jack it up, I don't have a jack that'll both fit underneath, and deal with the frankly silly suspension travel. And my running boards are 90% in the way of my jacking spots, so I can't pick it up with the forklift at work, either.
Other than that, went surprisingly well. Brakes next.
The endless struggle to clean up Rio de Janeiro’s highly polluted Guanabara Bay
Once a nursery for marine life, Guanabara Bay in Rio de Janeiro is now dying from the dumping of thousands of liters of sewage into its waters; artisanal fishermen now survive by picking up the garbage that floats in the bay.
#pollution #Brazil #RioDeJaneiro #guanabarabay #rawsewage #poisoned #ecosystem #struggle #cleanup #governmentinaction
#pollution #brazil #riodejaneiro #guanabarabay #rawsewage #poisoned #ecosystem #struggle #cleanup #governmentinaction