Die englischsprachigen Menschen können hier auch Material für den Schuluntericht zum Thema bekommen:
Opening in the rundown city of Hiroshima, we witness the events leading up to the bombing through the eyes of Gen, a young boy growing up in post-war Japan. Fortunately when the bomb detonates, Gen is shielded by a stone wall. Others are not so lucky and are burned to death instantly by the 5000 degree heat flash. As Gen runs home to find his family, he sees victims of the bomb blast staggering around shocked and helpless in the rubble, their skin burnt and melting.
When Gen reaches home he finds that his house has collapsed, trapping his father, brother and sister in the wreckage. Pulling his pregnant mother to safety, Gen watches as the rest of his family are burnt alive.
What follows is a night-marish journey into the unimaginable horrors of atomic war and the struggle to survive in a place that has been destroyed by the most devastating device ever conceived by man. [Producer’s description.]
As #teachers know, some classroom materials invariably work, no matter the group of students. Barefoot Gen is one of them.
Barefoot Gen, a Japanese animated feature film, tells the story of Gen (pronounced with a hard “G”), a young boy who, along with his mother, survives the bombing of Hiroshima.
The story chronicles their #struggles as they try to rebuild their lives from the bomb’s ashes. It is based on the critically acclaimed, semi-autobiographical #Japanese comic book series Hadashi no Gen, by Keiji #Nakazawa. Both the #comic strip and the feature #Film oppose the Japanese government’s actions during World War II and include criticism of the intense poverty and suffering forced onto the Japanese people by their government’s war effort.
In the lesson, Haiku and Hiroshima: Teaching About the Atomic Bomb, Wayne Au describes how he introduces the film to high school students and how he follows up with haiku written by survivors of the bombings and students’ own writing. #FeatureFilm
#Teachers #struggles #japanese #nakazawa #comic #Film #featurefilm
"So no writer support?"
Me every time a new gallery site opens they have zero tools to help writers
#furry #furrywriter #writerslife #struggles
#furry #furrywriter #writerslife #struggles
Inside the Mind of an INFP: 10 Struggles and How to Overcome Them https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ir1euDE6jY4
Are you an INFP? Today we're talking about the unique struggles that come with this personality type. From feeling everything so deeply to finding meaningful connections, let's embrace our quirks and keep on thriving in this modern world!
#INFP #Imaginative #Sensitive #Compassionate #Dreamers #Idealistic #Authenticity #Empathetic #Struggles #Socializing #Emotions #DecisionMaking #Idealism #Connections
#connections #Idealism #decisionmaking #emotions #socializing #struggles #empathetic #authenticity #idealistic #dreamers #compassionate #sensitive #imaginative #infp
Navigating the turbulent waters of physician identity: struggles and shifts
#PhysicianIdentity #TrainingChallenges #Comparisons #Rankings #Pressure #ProfessionalTransitions #LeadershipShift #EmployeeVsIndependent #Fulfillment #Struggles #AdaptingToChange
Gail Gazelle is an internal medicine physician, and physician coach.
Listen here: https://kevinmd.com/podcast
#physicianidentity #trainingchallenges #comparisons #rankings #pressure #professionaltransitions #leadershipshift #employeevsindependent #fulfillment #struggles #adaptingtochange
"The most jarring thing about reading #quotes from #republicans during the AIDS #crisis is not how cruel and #bigoted they were (which cannot be overstated), but how familiar they are. Calling to forcibly tattoo #people with AIDS so they could be identified doesn't just sound like an extreme but dated position of the 1980s; powerful republicans are still saying comparable shit every day. Jesse Helms is running for president in the form of Ron DeSantis. When #American #liberals and moderates ask "what happened to the republicans," the answer is nothing. They have been just as brutal and #genocidal for the past 40+ years, and anyone who says otherwise has been ignoring the pleas and #struggles of #persecuted #groups."
#quotes #republicans #crisis #bigoted #people #american #liberals #genocidal #struggles #persecuted #groups
"#Solidarity is not a natural state of affairs. It does not emerge from thin air based on theoretical similarities. It emerges from the difficult #work of building solidarity between #groups despite their differences and conflicts. Of course #oppressed #peoples share #commonalities in who their #oppressors are and how their #oppression functions. But this is not immediately obvious without #political #education and active participation in #liberation #struggles.
Solidarity can only #exist once we realize #mutual benefit in our shared #alliance against the ruling class." :antifa_100: :heart_cyber:
#solidarity #work #groups #oppressed #peoples #commonalities #oppressors #oppression #political #education #liberation #struggles #exist #mutual #alliance
through most of my Days:
Struggles, Questions, Memories.
I barely make It.
#Haiku #Grief #Loss #Memories #MentalHealth #Parenthood #Adulting #YouDecideYourOwnLevelOfInvolvement #Indifference #Struggles #Stress #Questions #Haikoot #YouNeverReallyKnowWhatWarSomeoneElseIsLosing
#haiku #grief #loss #Memories #mentalhealth #parenthood #adulting #youdecideyourownlevelofinvolvement #indifference #struggles #stress #questions #haikoot #youneverreallyknowwhatwarsomeoneelseislosing
What kind of struggles do you build into your characters? How do you balance those with the story so they don't become overwhelming to the reader?
#Discussion #Writers #Writer #WritersOfMastodon #Author #Authors #Writing #WritingTips #WritingTips#Bookstodon @Bookstodon #IAmWriting #struggles #characterization
#characterization #struggles #iamwriting #writingtips #writing #authors #author #writersofmastodon #writer #writers #discussion
How I Feel the Best I Can Despite My #Struggles with #Depression and #Anxiety
#struggles #depression #anxiety
"Prime Minister Anthony #Albanese pledges $240 million for #Hobart stadium to fuck over the #public living day to day #struggles and #poverty under #capitalism"
#ausgov #auspol #tasgov #taspol #politas #australia #classwar
#Albanese #hobart #public #struggles #poverty #capitalism #AusGov #auspol #tasgov #taspol #politas #australia #classwar
Today I cat-called another cis-male crossing the street because I liked his outfit, but in the heat of the moment I chose to say "Why you so dripped out son!?" which--in retrospect--likely he misinterpreted. #straight #male #struggles
lost Cabin Pressure;
Emergency Exit Door;
Mental Health Issues.
#haiku #mentalhealth #struggles #suicide #haikoot
"Jakie są zasady gry?
(English below)
Nasze media to nie internetowe kółko debatowe ani platforma dla wszelkiego rodzaju idiotów do głoszenia swoich poglądów.
Być może niektórzy zastanawiają się , dlaczego usuwamy niektóre komentarze i blokujemy niektóre osoby z naszych mediów. Sprawa jest prosta. Nasze profile służą do informowania o ważnych dla nas sprawach, toczących się walkach społecznych, przedstawianiu ciekawych analiz z pozycji anarchistycznych (choć nie tylko) i przypominaniu zapomnianych historii ruchu antyfaszystowskiego i antyautorytarnego.
Zdecydowanie NIE jest to miejsce dla wszelkiego rodzaju prawicowych czy skrajnie prawicowych pajaców. Macie swoje własne strony i grupy, gdzie możecie dzielić się swoimi „mądrościami” z dupy. Ani nas one nie interesują, ani nie zamierzamy dawać wam za darmo miejsca do szerzenia swoich głupot.
Zdecydowanie NIE jest to też miejsce dla różnego rodzaju idiotów z lewicy autorytarnej. Mamy dość wszelkiego rodzaju zachodnich „specjalistów” od spraw Europy Wschodniej, powielających kremlowską propagandę i operujących dwubiegunowym modelem świata (Ameryka- źle , wszystko co przeciwko Ameryce-dobrze). Nie mamy zamiaru udostępniać miejsca na wywody jakiś hiszpańskich komunistycznych kretynów czy amerykańskich dzieci z sierpami i młotami na swoich profilach. Wasze poglądy to trucizna, nie stoimy po tej samej stronie i nigdy nie będziemy stali. Nie spotka was tutaj żadne zrozumienie, nie będziemy marnować czasu na jałowe debaty z politycznymi płaskoziemcami. Nie zapraszamy do dyskusji.
Our social #media are not an #internet #debating #club, nor they are a #platform for all sorts of idiots to spread their #ideas.
Maybe some of you wondered why we delete some comments and ban some people from our media. Its very simple. Our profiles are here to inform about things important to us, about #social #struggles, to present interesting analysis from #anarchist (and not only) positions and to #remind forgotten #histories of #antifascist and #antiauthoritarian movement.
It is definitely NOT a place for all sorts of right wing and far right clowns. You have your own pages and #groups, where you can share your „wisdom” pulled out of your ass. We are neither interested, nor we are planning on giving you space to share them for free.
It is also definitely NOT a place for all sorts of authoritarian left idiots. We are fed up with all sorts of Western „specialists” of Eastern Europe, sharing Kremlin's propaganda and operating in two dimensional world (America-bad, everything against America-good). We are not planning on giving space to some Spanish communist idiots or American kids with hammers and sickles in their profiles. Your ideas are a poison, we are not on the same side and we will never be. You will not find any understanding here, we will not waste time on futile debates with political flat earthers. We do not invite you to the discussion."
👉 161crew.bzzz.net
:antifa_100: :af: :anarchoheart3: :ironfront: :solidarity: :squat: :txt_eff_the_cops: :acab2: :acab: :tankies:
#media #internet #debating #club #platform #ideas #social #struggles #Anarchist #remind #Histories #antifascist #antiauthoritarian #groups
These Democrats Don't Just Have John Fetterman's Back, But Everyone Who Struggles With Mental Health Issues https://www.wonkette.com/these-democrats-don-t-just-have-john-fetterman-s-back-but-everyone-who-struggles-with-mental-health-issues
#Feterman #Struggles #Congress #Depression #Health #Tina_smith #Ruben_gallego #Seth_moulton #Ritchie_torres #Posttraumatic_stress_disorder #Iraq #Four_democrats_mental_health
#Four_democrats_mental_health #iraq #Posttraumatic_stress_disorder #Ritchie_torres #Seth_moulton #Ruben_gallego #Tina_smith #health #depression #congress #struggles #Feterman
And we’re off to a dramarama start in the house this morning. We’ve got small group/family politics, power dynamics, courtesy, respect, and why we can’t have nice things. Gonna be a banger of a day. I look forward to empty nesting.
#Parenting #Teenager #Stress #Struggles #BurnedOut
#parenting #teenager #stress #struggles #burnedout
Re-tooting on the occasion of another Stressful Morning.
Why won't you just work?
Fucking hate Computers!!
I need a Hammer…
#Haiku #Computers #Frustration #Struggles #Stress #Windows #Microsoft #CreativeSolutions #Haikoot
#haiku #computers #frustration #struggles #stress #windows #microsoft #creativesolutions #haikoot
Don't think I shared this one yet?
Progress? https://cynnisblog.wordpress.com/2023/03/20/progress/
>Don’t cheer too quickly… While I write this, I’ve had a good week. When I post this, I may have extended that week to two… Or I may have messed it up again… I would …
#AmWriting #Blog #WordPress #JetPack #MyLife #Weight #Struggles
#BlogPost #AmWriting #blog #WordPress #jetpack #mylife #weight #struggles
“How are you doing?”
“Just another stupid day…”
#Haiku #MentalHealth #Struggles #Seasons #Questions #BurnedOut #Haikoot
#haiku #mentalhealth #struggles #seasons #questions #burnedout #haikoot
Through most of my days:
Struggles, Questions, Memories.
I barely make it.
#Haiku #Grief #Loss #Memories #MentalHealth #Parenthood #Adulting #YouDecideYourOwnLevelOfInvolvement #Indifference #Struggles #Stress #Questions #YouNeverReallyKnowWhatWarSomeoneElseIsLosing
#haiku #grief #loss #Memories #mentalhealth #parenthood #adulting #youdecideyourownlevelofinvolvement #indifference #struggles #stress #questions #youneverreallyknowwhatwarsomeoneelseislosing