“I saw an angel beside me toward the left side, in bodily form. He was not very large, but small, very beautiful, his face so blazing with light that he seemed to be one of the very highest angels, who appear all on fire. They must be those they call Cherubim…I saw in his hands a long dart of gold, and at the end of the iron there seemed to me to be a little fire. This I thought he thrust through my heart several times, and that it reached my very entrails. As he withdrew it, I thought it brought them with it, and left me all burning with a great love of God. So great was the pain, that it made me give those moans; and so utter the sweetness that this sharpest of pains gave me, that there was no wanting it to stop, nor is there any contenting of the soul with less than God”. #StTeresaOfAvila #FeastOfTheTransverberation
#stteresaofavila #feastofthetransverberation
Check out St. Teresa of Avila's inspiring poem on our blog! She reminds us to embrace Christ's cross, which is filled with great consolation. It's the path that will lead us to heaven.
🙏 http://carmelitequotes.blog/2023/07/01/teresa-poem19/?utm_source=mastodon&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=fedica-Ahora+Comenzamos
#stteresaofavila #faithjourney
Obedience is the quickest and best means for reaching perfection, says St. Teresa of Avila. Discover why submission to superiors leads her Carmelite nuns to master their own wills. Check out our blog!
"You shouldn’t make the effort to read over those [letters] you send me. I never reread mine. If some word is missing, put it in, and I will do the same here with yours. The meaning is at once clear, and it is a waste of time to reread them unnecessarily."
#writing #proofreader #wasteoftime #letters #Catholic #Carmelite #quotes
#quotes #carmelite #catholic #letters #wasteoftime #proofreader #writing #stteresaofavila
A Carmelite history lesson: The apostolic visitation of Discalced Carmelite religious caused many headaches for St. Teresa of Avila. Today is the anniversary of Pius V’s decision to entrust those visitations to the Dominican friars.
Visit or blog to read St Teresa's reaction to her Dominican visitator and learn why Pope Pius V made his choice
#stteresaofavila #apostolic #visitation #dominicans #carmelites #discalcedcarmelites #history
#history #discalcedcarmelites #carmelites #Dominicans #Visitation #apostolic #stteresaofavila
St. Teresa of Avila pleads: "The world is all in flames; they want to sentence Christ again, so to speak, since they raise a thousand false witnesses against Him; they want to ravage His Church."
🔥 Read more from St Teresa
#stteresaofavila #persecution #catholics #suffering #prayer #urgent #carmelite #quotes
#quotes #carmelite #urgent #prayer #suffering #catholics #persecution #stteresaofavila
St. Teresa addresses a prayer to Christ the King of all nations that is full of praise and longing: “either desire, my King, I beseech You, that all to whom I speak become mad from Your love, or do not permit that I speak to anyone!”
Read our O Antiphon reflection for 22 December
#StTeresaOfAvila #OAntiphons #ORexGentium #prayer #ChristTheKing #praise #longing #love #spirituality #mysticism #Catholic #Carmelite #quote
#quote #carmelite #catholic #mysticism #spirituality #love #longing #praise #ChristTheKing #prayer #orexgentium #oantiphons #stteresaofavila
St. Teresa addresses a prayer to Christ the King of all nations that is full of praise and longing: “either desire, my King, I beseech You, that all to whom I speak become mad from Your love, or do not permit that I speak to anyone!”
Read our O Antiphon reflection for 22 December
#StTeresaOfAvila #OAntiphons #ORexGentium #prayer #ChristTheKing #praise #longing #love #spirituality #mysticism #Catholic #Carmelite #quote
#quote #carmelite #catholic #mysticism #spirituality #love #longing #praise #ChristTheKing #prayer #orexgentium #oantiphons #stteresaofavila
St. Teresa addresses a prayer to Christ the King of all nations that is full of praise and longing: “either desire, my King, I beseech You, that all to whom I speak become mad from Your love, or do not permit that I speak to anyone!”
Read our O Antiphon reflection for 22 December
#StTeresaOfAvila #OAntiphons #ORexGentium #prayer #ChristTheKing #praise #longing #love #spirituality #mysticism #Catholic #Carmelite #quote
#quote #carmelite #catholic #mysticism #spirituality #love #longing #praise #ChristTheKing #prayer #orexgentium #oantiphons #stteresaofavila
St. Teresa addresses a prayer to Christ the King of all nations that is full of praise and longing: “either desire, my King, I beseech You, that all to whom I speak become mad from Your love, or do not permit that I speak to anyone!”
Read our O Antiphon reflection for 22 December
#StTeresaOfAvila #OAntiphons #ORexGentium #prayer #ChristTheKing #praise #longing #love #spirituality #mysticism #Catholic #Carmelite #quote
#quote #carmelite #catholic #mysticism #spirituality #love #longing #praise #ChristTheKing #prayer #orexgentium #oantiphons #stteresaofavila
St. Teresa of Avila & the Paris Carmelites lead our Advent reflection: “I don’t know how one can think about the Queen of Angels and about when she went through so much with the Infant Jesus without giving thanks to St. Joseph.”
Learn more:
✝️ https://carmelitequotes.blog
#advent #stteresaofavila #virginmary #queenofangels #stjoseph #infantjesus #blog #catholic #carmelite #quotes
#quotes #carmelite #catholic #blog #infantjesus #stjoseph #queenofangels #virginmary #stteresaofavila #Advent
St. Teresa of Avila & the Paris Carmelites lead our Advent reflection: “I don’t know how one can think about the Queen of Angels and about when she went through so much with the Infant Jesus without giving thanks to St. Joseph.”
Learn more:
✝️ https://carmelitequotes.blog
#advent #stteresaofavila #virginmary #queenofangels #stjoseph #infantjesus #blog #catholic #carmelite #quotes
#quotes #carmelite #catholic #blog #infantjesus #stjoseph #queenofangels #virginmary #stteresaofavila #Advent
St. Teresa of Avila & the Paris Carmelites lead our Advent reflection: “I don’t know how one can think about the Queen of Angels and about when she went through so much with the Infant Jesus without giving thanks to St. Joseph.”
Learn more:
✝️ carmelitequotes.blog #linkinbio
#advent #stteresaofavila #virginmary #queenofangels #stjoseph #infantjesus #blog #catholic #carmelite #quotes
#quotes #carmelite #catholic #blog #infantjesus #stjoseph #queenofangels #virginmary #stteresaofavila #Advent #linkinbio
St. Teresa of Avila & the Paris Carmelites lead our Advent reflection: “I don’t know how one can think about the Queen of Angels and about when she went through so much with the Infant Jesus without giving thanks to St. Joseph.”
Learn more:
✝️ carmelitequotes.blog #linkinbio
#advent #stteresaofavila #virginmary #queenofangels #stjoseph #infantjesus #blog #catholic #carmelite #quotes
#quotes #carmelite #catholic #blog #infantjesus #stjoseph #queenofangels #virginmary #stteresaofavila #Advent #linkinbio
St. Teresa of Avila helps us to observe Gaudete Sunday! Read more of Teresa's Soliloquy no. 7 on our blog 💗 #advent #gaudete #rejoice #stteresaofavila #Catholic #quote #Carmelite
#carmelite #quote #catholic #stteresaofavila #rejoice #gaudete #Advent
"Love, when it is grown, cannot be without action."
#carmelites #quotes #catholic #stteresaofavila
St Teresa of Avila finished writing The Interior Castle on St Andrew's Eve in the year 1577. Visit our blog to read the opening paragraphs of this masterpiece and quotes from her epilogue: "now that I am finished I admit the work has brought me much happiness."
🏰 https://carmelitequotes.blog
#StTeresaOfAvila #TheInteriorCastle #StAndrew #StAndrewsDay
#quotes #OnThisDay
#masterpiece #SpanishLiterature
#spirituality #prayer
#prayer #spirituality #spanishliterature #masterpiece #onthisday #quotes #StAndrewsDay #standrew #theinteriorcastle #stteresaofavila
On 29 November 1638, Blesseds Denis of the Nativity & Redemptus of the Cross were martyred at Aceh, Indonesia. Learn about their mission to the Sultan of Aceh and St. Teresa of Avila’s prophetic words written 60 years earlier.
Visit our blog to read more!
🙏🏽 https://carmelitequotes.blog
#blessedsdenisandredemptus #denisofthenativity #redemptusofthecross #stteresaofavila #martyrs #aceh #missionaries #carmelites #catholics #muslims #indonesia #history #inspiration
#inspiration #history #indonesia #muslims #catholics #carmelites #missionaries #aceh #martyrs #stteresaofavila #redemptusofthecross #denisofthenativity #blessedsdenisandredemptus
"There is no lack of the cross in this life, however much we may do to escape it, if we belong to the party of the Crucified One."
(Letter 194, 9 May 1577)
#Carmelite #quote #Catholic #cross #ChristCrucified
#christcrucified #cross #catholic #quote #carmelite #stteresaofavila
Why? "There is no lack of the cross in this life, however much we may do to escape it, if we belong to the party of the Crucified One."
#StTeresaOfAvila #cross #Catholic #quote #Carmelite #ChristCrucified
(Letter 194, 9 May 1577)
#christcrucified #carmelite #quote #catholic #cross #stteresaofavila