A bright new light in the sky leads travelers who study the stars to witness the birth of a baby who could change the future of humanity. #STTMP is my favorite #ChristmasMovie (well, Epiphany, at any rate!) Happy holidays all! #AllStarTrek #MeTVStarTrek #StarTrek
#sttmp #christmasmovie #allstartrek #metvstartrek #startrek
Spock! Spock! Maybe if i call his name one more time he'll wake up! Spock! #STTMP
this movie is really just a few looong shooots interspersed w/ Kirk Love Shots and Decker Looks Angry, isn't it. #STTMP
ah, the classic Transporter Accident. always good for some sci-fi horror~ #STTMP
15 full minutes of screen time with James T Kirk staring teary-eyed and lusty at the new enterprise. #STTMP