Country Music (A Night In Hell) by Stuart Hamm (1988)
One for the bass players! 🎸 👍
Steeped in 80s production, yes, but this is still one I return to on occasion, out of nostalgia.
Released within a year of Joe Satriani's Surfing With The Alien, Hamm was, for my bass playing friends, kind of a revelation. If Jaco was the Hendrix of bass, Hamm was the Vai or Satriani.
Good times.
#ronniejamesdio #rush #s #santana #sarahblackwood #savagemessiah #sinergy #sinner #sixfeetunder #sixx #skeletonwitch #Skyforger #slash #slayer #socialdistortion #sodom #soilwork #sonataarctica #sonsofliberty #steelprophet #steve #stevesouza #stevevai #stormtroopersofdeath #stratovarius #stuarthamm #suicidaltendencies #swornenemy #t #tsol
Jon Anderson - '1000 Hands - Chapter One' (2020)
#JonAnderson creates a 'classic' #Anderson album with lotsa musical friends (hence the title). Pop, prog, jazz, world, even politics plus the uplifting songs and heavenly voice as ever...
#ChrisSquire #AlanWhite #LarryCoryell #BillyCobham #CarmineAppice #PatTravers #IanAnderson #TommyCalton #TimFranklin #MichaelFranklin #JerryGoodman #JeanLucPonty #SteveMorse #ZapMama #ChickCorea #StuartHamm #JaneAnderson
#janeanderson #stuarthamm #chickcorea #zapmama #stevemorse #jeanlucponty #jerrygoodman #michaelfranklin #timfranklin #tommycalton #iananderson #pattravers #carmineappice #billycobham #larrycoryell #AlanWhite #chrissquire #anderson #JonAnderson #NowPlaying #NP