@wood5y I quite like the Scottish one, "Sharny", as in "Sharny arse", much used in Stuart MacBride's books. #StuartMacBride
@wood5y I quite like the Scottish one, "Sharny", as in "Sharny arse", much used in Stuart MacBride's books. #StuartMacBride
Wer die Krimis von Stuart MacBride mag und sich fragt ob Engländerinnen auch so schottische Krimis schreiben können, wie dieser abgedrehte Schotte? (https://www.stuartmacbride.com/a-bit-about-stuart/)
Ja, sie können! Zumindest Helen Fields mit ihrer Luc Callanach Reihe! (https://www.helenfields.com/)
#buchtipp #schottland #stuartmacbride #helenfields
#WhatWereReading : some of our fave reading recommendations of 2022.
Marie also loved What Just Happened?! by Marina Hyde, published Faber, and Stuart MacBride's No Less the Devil (published Penguin)
#books #BooksOf2022 #MarinaHyde #WhatJustHappened #StuartMacBride #CrimeFiction #NoLessTheDevil #livres #EdinburghBookshop #bookshops #librairie
#librairie #bookshops #edinburghbookshop #livres #nolessthedevil #crimefiction #stuartmacbride #whatjusthappened #MarinaHyde #booksof2022 #books #whatwerereading
Oh deep joy; thank goodness for Mr Mac.
#Weather #Rain #MoreRain #EvenMoreRain #Ducks #Books #Reading #CrimeFiction #StuartMacbride #NoLessTheDevil
#weather #rain #morerain #evenmorerain #ducks #books #reading #crimefiction #stuartmacbride #nolessthedevil
Authors I read, nearly all crime related; #RJBarker #RJDark, #ChrisBrookmyre, #MarkBillingham, #BenAaronovitch, #AndrewCartmell, #LeeChild, #MichaelConnelly, #JohnConnolly, #JeffreyDeaver, #JasperFforde, #CarlHiaasen, #StuartMacBride, #CharlotKing, #ValMcDermid, #VaseemKhan, #AbirMukherjee, #WilburSmith, #SimonBeckett, #AhathaChristie, #SophieHannah, #AnthonyHorowitz and others.
#rjbarker #rjdark #chrisbrookmyre #markbillingham #benaaronovitch #andrewcartmell #leechild #michaelconnelly #johnconnolly #jeffreydeaver #jasperfforde #carlhiaasen #stuartmacbride #charlotking #valmcdermid #vaseemkhan #abirmukherjee #wilbursmith #simonbeckett #ahathachristie #sophiehannah #anthonyhorowitz