Having read (and mostly enjoyed) books by Max Tegmark, Stuart Russell, Ray Kurzweil, Brian Christian, Ajay Agrawal and Nick Bostrom in recent months, its been Melanie Mitchell (AI: a guide for thinking humans), D'Iganzio & Klein (Data Feminism) and Erica Thompson (Escape from Model Land) that I think have provided some of the most balanced and insightful perspectives on AI and data science.
#maxtegmark #stuartrussell #raykurzweil #brianchristian #ajayagrawal #nickbostrom #melaniemitchell #d #klein #ericathompson
[en] AI #scientist Prof. Russel, #Berkeley: "We don't understand how AI works"
"We know in China, Russia, North Korea large teams of people who pump out #disinformation and we've just given them a power tool."
"The only way we have control is basically to say: "bad dog" ... not a very reassuring method of control for systems that can affect the lives of millions of people."
#ridge #skynews #stuartrussell #ai #llm #gpt4 #ml #manipulation #deepfakes #chatgpt
#chatgpt #deepfakes #manipulation #ml #gpt4 #llm #ai #stuartrussell #skynews #ridge #disinformation #berkeley #scientist
Whatever you may think of #ElonMusk, I wouldn't call #StuartRussell alarmist. This call for a 6 months moratorium on #LLM #AI development deserves attention. https://futureoflife.org/open-letter/pause-giant-ai-experiments/
#AI #LLM #stuartrussell #ElonMusk
Have recently read 'Power & Prediction' by Agrawal, Gans & Goldfarb, and re-read 'Life 3.0' by Max Tegmark and 'Human Compatible' by Stuart Russell.
Anyone have other recommendations in these areas?
#stuartrussell #maxtegmark #goldfarb #AI #prediction
Künstliche Intelligenz:
#Algorithmen sind wie Drogen
Deswegen Mastodon! Hier können wir uns unsere (Informations-)Drogen selbst aussuchen :blobthinksmart:
#algorithmen #ki #stuartrussell #science