‘A Historical Introduction to English Law: Genesis of the Common Law’, my new textbook from Cambridge University Press for new law students, is out soon.
Get 20% off with code SANDBERG23: https://www.cambridge.org/gb/academic/subjects/law/legal-history/historical-introduction-english-law-genesis-common-law?format=PB
Read the prologue and see full contents at: https://assets.cambridge.org/97811070/90583/frontmatter/9781107090583_frontmatter.pdf
#law #university #students #legalhistory #legaleducation #anglosaxon #norman #normans #magnacarta #plantagenet #plantagenets #blackdeath #tudor #tudors #stuart #stuarts #civilwar
#civilwar #stuarts #stuart #tudors #tudor #blackdeath #plantagenets #plantagenet #magnacarta #normans #norman #anglosaxon #legaleducation #legalhistory #students #university #law
#law #university #lawstudent #lawstudents #legaleducation #commonlaw #history #legalhistory #historyoflaw #englishlaw #lawandhistory #constitution #constitutionallaw #publiclaw #criminallaw #criminal #contracts #contractlaw #tort #tortlaw #labourlaw #propertylaw #property #land #landlaw #equity #trusts #trustsandwills #trustsandestates #equityandtrusts #anglosaxon #norman #medieval #plantagenet #magnacarta #blackdeath #tudors #stuarts #themanoflaw
#themanoflaw #stuarts #tudors #blackdeath #magnacarta #plantagenet #medieval #norman #anglosaxon #equityandtrusts #trustsandestates #trustsandwills #trusts #equity #landlaw #land #property #propertylaw #labourlaw #tortlaw #Tort #contractlaw #contracts #criminal #criminallaw #publiclaw #constitutionallaw #constitution #lawandhistory #englishlaw #historyoflaw #legalhistory #history #commonlaw #legaleducation #lawstudents #lawstudent #university #law
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#courts #commonlaw #labourlaw #equity #trusts #landlaw #propertylaw #contractlaw #contract #tortlaw #Tort #criminallaw #publiclaw #constitutionallaw #constitution #thecivilwar #stuart #stuarts #tudors #tudor #blackdeath #magnacarta #plantagenets #plantagenet #normans #norman #anglosaxon #anglosaxons #criticalracetheory #feminism #legalhistory #legaleducation #history #lawstudent #lawstudents #university #law
Just listened to this, the latest episode of Dr Susannah Lipscombe's podcast Not Just The Tudors with George Lasry, in the news recently as one of the cryptologists who discovered the batch of letters belonging to Mary Queen of Scots. He and his colleagues decoded over 50 letters, and proved that Mary wrote them during her 19 years of imprisonment.
#cryptology #Tudor #history #Stuarts
#cryptology #tudor #history #stuarts
#histodons I seem to have gone down a #custard rabbit hole. I've found 3 #earlymodern sources saying that the Lord Mayor's Feast included a custard with 24 corners.
Does anyone know why there were 24?
#foodhistory #historicfood #twitterstorians #histodon #cook #cookery #cooking #LordMayor #LordMayorofLondon #custardpie #Tudors #Stuarts #16thCentury #17thCentury #CivicHistory #LondonHistory #LondonHistorians #history @histodons @histodon @earlymodern
#histodons #custard #earlymodern #foodhistory #historicfood #twitterstorians #histodon #cook #cookery #cooking #lordmayor #lordmayoroflondon #custardpie #tudors #stuarts #16thcentury #17thcentury #civichistory #londonhistory #londonhistorians #history
#OTD 1606 the trial of Guy Fawkes & 7 others, for attempting to blow up the Parliament House, began in Westminster Hall. The Attorney General, Sir Edward Coke, prosecuted the case, and spectators paid up to 10s for admittance. There was never any doubt as to the verdict – all eight were condemned and executed by being hanged, drawn and quartered. The background to the plot is explained in the masterly ‘God’s Traitors’ by Jessie Childs – reviewed here. http://bit.ly/1BjGCTu #stuarts #histodons
#OTD 1591 b. Robert to Robert, Earl of Essex and his wife, Frances Walsingham. Young Robert's marital career was disastrous. His 1st m. to Frances Howard was annulled for lack of consummation. She was later convicted for the murder of Sir Thomas Overbury, http://bit.ly/2gq0MHf . He had an similarly unsuccessful second marriage, and died without heirs. Like all his family, he was an evangelical Protestant, joined the Parliamentarians in the Civil War & commaded at Edgehill. #histodons #stuarts
Twelve Days of Mortality History Christmas - Day Six🎄💀: This enamelled gold mourning slide features four skulls (a choir of sorts), accompanied by crossed bones, a winged hourglass and leaves. The slide could be worn on a ribbon which was threaded through the loops visible on either side of the slide. Mid 17th cent. (@V_and_A) #MementoMori #skull #17thcentury #history #histodons #stuarts #WeirdHistory
#MementoMori #skull #17thcentury #history #histodons #stuarts #weirdhistory
#OTD 1521, the Scottish government led by John, Duke of Albany (pic) during the minority of James V, agreed a treaty that was both offensive and defensive, with France. It was expressed largely as a treaty to protect both countries from invasion by England. King James was to be married to one of the daughters of King Francois, when they reached a suitable age. http://bit.ly/1SiDvSC #stewarts #stuarts #jamesv #francoisI #scotland #scottishhistory
#ScottishHistory #scotland #francoisi #jamesv #stuarts #stewarts #otd
Twelve Days of Mortality History Christmas - Day Two🎄💀: A skeleton with dart and hourglass on the copper halfpenny token of John Morse of Watford. - the presence of death is a pun as 'mors' sounds quite similar to 'morse’ 1666 (@britishmuseum) #MementoMori #coins #stuarts #17thcentury #history #histodons
#MementoMori #coins #stuarts #17thcentury #history #histodons
As you can tell from my #introduction - Im a death historian who enjoys shiny objects. Such as this gold mourning ring where a toothy skull peeks out from the hoop at us. The ring is inscribed for J.A. who died 25 July 1698 aged 37. Found in Carmarthenshire (Portable Antiquities) #MementoMori #skull #rings #17thcentury #stuarts #histodons #history
#introduction #MementoMori #skull #rings #17thcentury #stuarts #histodons #history
#OTD 1566 in the royal chapel at Stirling Castle, the baptism of the son of Mary, Queen of Scots, Charles James Stuart took place. Within a year, Mary was forced to abdicate in his favour. He ruled as James VI of Scotland & later as later James I of England. http://bit.ly/1rtwOCT #stuarts #stewarts #jamesvi&i #maryqueenofscots #stirlingcastle
#stirlingcastle #maryqueenofscots #jamesvi #stewarts #stuarts #otd
#ICYMI earlier this year Dr David Scott and Dr Sarah Mortimer began our new blog series, Revolutionary Stuart Parliaments, looking into the politics behind the abolition of the House of Lords in 1649. Read the inaugural blog here: http://ow.ly/XRTs50KQwrz
@histodons @histodon #Histodons #Stuarts #Parliament #HouseOfLords #17thCentury
#17thCentury #houseoflords #parliament #stuarts #histodons #icymi
#ICYMI earlier this year Dr David Scott and Dr Sarah Mortimer began our new blog series, Revolutionary Stuart Parliaments, looking into the politics behind the abolition of the House of Lords in 1649. Read the inaugural blog here: http://ow.ly/XRTs50KQwrz
@histodons @histodon #Histodons #Stuarts #Parliament #HouseOfLords #17thCentury
#17thCentury #houseoflords #parliament #stuarts #histodons #icymi
#OTD 1574 b. Anna (or Anne as she was known in Scotland) of Denmark. Her father, Frederick II died when Anne was 14. Her mother, Sophia of Mecklenburg-Güstrow ensured that Anne’s previously arranged marriage to James VI of Scotland should proceed. After James acceded to the English throne in 1603, Anne became a great patron of the arts & architecture – Inigo Jones and Marcus Gheerhaerts were proteges of hers. Her court masques were famous. http://bit.ly/2fx4hID #queens #histodons #stuarts
#stuarts #histodons #queens #otd
A grinning skeleton wraps around the hoop of this enamelled gold mourning ring. The skeleton is accompanied by an hourglass and crossed bones - reminders of the inevitability of death and transience of time. An inscription inside indicates that the ring was given by John Pinder. 17th cent (Museum of London) #MementoMori #histodons #history #jewellery #17thcentury #stuarts #London #introduction #ring
#MementoMori #histodons #history #jewellery #17thcentury #stuarts #london #introduction #ring
#OTD 1545 Margaret Douglas, Countess of Lennox http://bit.ly/1jfsR1x bore a son. Henry, known as Lord Darnley, or in Scotland the Master of Darnley, grew up to be a handsome, charming and attractive young man. Unfortunately he also proved to be vain, arrogant & ‘entitled’. Margaret schemed night and day for him to marry her niece Mary, Queen of Scots. She achieved this in 1565 but it ended in tears when Darnley was assassinated in 1567. #stuarts #stewarts #maryqueenofscots #scottishhistory
#ScottishHistory #maryqueenofscots #stewarts #stuarts #otd
Why is a religious martyr like a red herring? Because he’s been hanged and smoked! Boom! Boom! Find out why and how this joke was used by Shakespeare, Jonson & Nashe, 1597 - 99; how bad taste can give rise to great literature… a rich & extraordinary story. #C16thLit #Shakespeare #censorship #conspiracy #elizabethan #stuarts #jokes https://www.herripedia.com/red-herring-joke-the
#c16thlit #shakespeare #censorship #conspiracy #elizabethan #stuarts #jokes