Christine guest stars in a very special - Murder She Wrote
#murdershewrote #angelalansbury #Valoretracksuit #Christine #TVguide #80stvseries #tvad #tombosley #vanjohnson #juneallyson #claudeakins #edwardalbert #Pattidarbanville #stuartwhitman
#murdershewrote #angelalansbury #valoretracksuit #christine #tvguide #80stvseries #tvad #tombosley #vanjohnson #juneallyson #claudeakins #edwardalbert #pattidarbanville #stuartwhitman
63 years ago:
The Story of Ruth (US)
Ruth is an unusual character in the Bible. First she's a female protagonist, one of a select few there. Secondly her story gets its own book in the Old Testament, a short item of only four chapters. Lastly she's the first non-Hebrew protagonist in the Bible since Abraham sired the Hebrew people. It'...
#TheStoryofRuth #HenryKoster #StuartWhitman #TomTryon #PeggyWood #20thCenturyFox #ClassicFilm
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@QuirkyFilms I think Night of the Lepus is my favorite movie of the "eco-horror" monster zeitgeist in the early 70s! All of them are really interesting cultural artifacts of the early environmental movement; still, probably not what Rachel Carson had in mind when writing Silent Spring! 🤣👍📼
#NightOfTheLepus #StuartWhitman #MonsterMovies #Art
#nightofthelepus #stuartwhitman #monstermovies #art
Christine guest stars in a very special - Murder She Wrote.
#murdershewrote #angelalansbury #Velourtracksuit #Christine #TVguide #80stv #80stvseries #tvad #tombosley #vanjohnson #juneallyson #claudeakins #edwardalbert #Pattid’arbanville #stuartwhitman #retro #vintage
#murdershewrote #angelalansbury #velourtracksuit #christine #tvguide #80stv #80stvseries #tvad #tombosley #vanjohnson #juneallyson #claudeakins #edwardalbert #pattid #stuartwhitman #retro #vintage
46 years ago:
Oil (IT,RO)
Original title: Cuibul salamandrelor
When a huge fire erupts at an oil field in the wilds of the Sahara Desert, an American who specializes in fighting oil-field fires and his team are called in to put it out. As the fire rages out of control, the expert finds that he not only has to battle the fire but greed and political corruption a...
#Oil #RayMilland #StuartWhitman #WoodyStrode #ClassicFilm #ClassicMovies #Movies
#oil #raymilland #stuartwhitman #WoodyStrode #classicfilm #classicmovies #movies
65 years ago:
Darby's Rangers (US)
Stationed in Scotland, Maj. William Darby and the men under his command are trained by British commandos, becoming the U.S. Army's 1st Ranger Battalion. Their drilling period is rigorous, but the men find time to romance local women before being deployed to fight the Nazis. U.S. forces battle from F...
#DarbysRangers #JamesGarner #JackWarden #StuartWhitman #ClassicFilm #ClassicMovies #Movies #Film
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