A quotation from Joubert, Joseph:
Those who never retract their opinions love themselves more than they love truth.
[Ceux qui ne se rétractent jamais s’aiment phis que la vérité.]
Full quote, sourcing, notes:
#quote #quotes #quotation #changeofmind #dogma #ego #obstinacy #pride #retraction #sticktoit #stubbornness #truth
#quote #quotes #quotation #changeofmind #dogma #ego #obstinacy #pride #retraction #sticktoit #stubbornness #truth
A quotation from Maugham, W. Somerset:
The Vicar of Blackstable would have nothing to do with the scheme which Philip laid before him. He had a great idea that one should stick to whatever one had begun. Like all weak men he laid an exaggerated stress on not changing one’s mind.
Full quote, sourcing, notes:
#quote #quotes #quotation #changeofmind #consistency #determination #inflexibility #meme #sticktoit #stubbornness #weakness
#quote #quotes #quotation #changeofmind #Consistency #determination #inflexibility #meme #sticktoit #stubbornness #weakness
Continuing on with Sadler's Lectures podcast episodes on Aristotle's Nicomachean Ethics book 7, here's one on an important distinction he makes between actual self-control and just plain stubbornness!
#Podcast #Aristotle #Stubbornness #Ethics #Philosophy
#philosophy #ethics #stubbornness #aristotle #podcast
A quotation from Cox, Marcelene:
Children in a family are like flowers in a bouquet: there’s always one determined to face in an opposite direction from the way the arranger desires.
Full quote, sourcing, notes:
#quote #quotes #quotation #child #family #independence #individuality #parenting #stubbornness
#quote #quotes #quotation #child #family #independence #individuality #parenting #stubbornness
" Innocent people #die because of irresponsible migration policy
#german migration policy can only be sold as a success if one #closes one's #eyes to its consequences: it regularly destroys lives. A change of course fails because of #ideological #stubbornness."
#knifeattacks #germany #fail #Ampel #AmpelDesGrauens #illegalmigration
#migrationspolitik #die #german #closes #eyes #ideological #stubbornness #knifeattacks #germany #fail #ampel #ampeldesgrauens #illegalmigration
🧣 Artist: #DavidZinn in City: #AnnArbor USA 🇺🇸 - Title:
🔴 "Marv has decided to remain bundled up until the joys of wintertime show themselves."
🔴 "Marv hat beschlossen, eingepackt zu bleiben, bis sich die Freuden des Winters zeigen." #StreetArt #SidewalkChalk #Art
#CoatWeather #stubbornness
#Mantelwetter #Sturheit
#Streetart #Mastoart #ChalkArt
#chalkart #MastoArt #sturheit #Mantelwetter #stubbornness #coatweather #art #sidewalkchalk #streetart #annarbor #davidzinn
I bought this book in 1968. It was a ‘thing’ in theology biz conversation at the time. To this day I’ve never been able to finish it (and I’ve tried). I’m convinced it’s the single most opaquely written book in the history of the English language. I’ve sworn to finish it before my days on earth end.😇(🤣)
I bought this book in 1968. It was ‘thing’ in theology biz conversation at the time. To this day I’ve never been able to finish it (and I’ve tried). I’m convinced it’s the single most opaquely written book in the history of the English language. I’ve sworn to finish it before my days on earth end.😇(🤣)
A quotation from Gracián, Baltasar:
Every fool stands convinced; and everyone convinced is a fool; and the faultier a man’s judgment, the firmer his conviction.
[Todo necio es persuadido, y todo persuadido necio; y quanto mas erroneo su dictamen, es mayor su tenacidad.]
Full quote, sourcing, notes:
#quote #quotes #quotation #conviction #folly #fool #inflexibility #judgment #opinion #stubbornness
#quote #quotes #quotation #conviction #folly #fool #inflexibility #judgment #opinion #stubbornness