For the past two years, #EDSSI L2 has been progressing the digitalisation of #ErasmusPlus and the European #StudentCard Initiative, aiming at providing a seamless #StudentMobility experience for the entire European #HigherEducation Area.
Read how EDSSI L2 solutions are making #Erasmus+ administrative processes faster, more accessible, and more secure than ever in this article by Debora Lucque (European University Foundation)👉
#connect42 #erasmus #Highereducation #studentmobility #studentcard #erasmusplus #edssi
#introduction #NewInstance #medievodons #histodons
I am a #medieval and #EarlyModern #histodon, living in Italy and interested in #StudentMobility and #HistoryOfUniversities. I work for the digital research project Repertorium Academicum (#REPAC) at the University of #Bern and I am currently waiting for my PhD defense at the University of #Mainz.
#introduction #newinstance #medievodons #histodons #medieval #earlymodern #histodon #studentmobility #historyofuniversities #repac #bern #mainz
In this episode, I’m joined by Dr Raul Sanchez-Urribarri, Senior Lecturer in Crime, Justice and Legal Studies at La Trobe University in Melbourne.
#internationalrelations #populism #studentmobility #academic
00:00:00 Introduction.
00:02:55 Populisms in this world-historic moment.
00:08:29 Rise and fall of the Chavizmo system in Venezuela.
00:10:52 Top-down and bottom-up elements of Chavismo.
00:14:45 Nicholas Maduro and Venezuela's post-populist moment.
00:16:21 The global populist moment.
00:17:19 Populism and the Trump presidency in the United States.
00:20:40 Erosion of the norm of 'loyal opposition'.
00:22:25 Precarity and the 'fuck you' impulse in the United States.
00:27:55 Inequality and precarity in Venezuela.
00:29:45 Culture wars.
00:32:17 The Faustian pact of the petro-state in Venezuela.
00:36:37 Ida, Katrina and the hurricane vulnerability of New Orleans.
00:40:19 Climate change and institutional fragility in the Caribbean.
00:41:17 Leading a New Orleans-Memphis undergraduate study tour.
00:43:38 New Orleans as an example of where the best music comes from the margins.
00:45:22 Extraordinary geography of New Orleans and the Mississippi delta.
00:47:54 Challenges and opportunities for international short-program study post-COVID.
00:51:40 Teaching in times of (ongoing) catastrophe(s), a tale from Melbourne.
00:54:17 Humility in the face of the evaporation of 'normality'.
#internationalrelations #populism #studentmobility #academic