Ricardo Harvin · @ricardoharvin
1251 followers · 9698 posts · Server mstdn.social

: is definitely the best , and may be the best . That includes , which I think is a truly great , and and , either separately or together.

There's so much happening it's like four movies, and the exceeds any I've seen, including , the only I've watched so far.

Some parts look like film 🤯

Beautiful, hilarious, serious, and a great story, told well ❤️👏🏿

#acrossthespiderverse #studioghibili #kikisdeliveryservice #Animation #endgame #infintywar #Film #WakandaForever #Flick #mcu #spiderman

Last updated 1 year ago

Welcome to the Boomtown · @boomtownpodcast
153 followers · 583 posts · Server mstdn.social

35 years ago today, My Neighbor Totoro (1988) was released in Japan. It would be released in the United States in 1990.

#studioghibili #80movie #80s

Last updated 1 year ago