Im Allee-Center in #Leipzig #Grünau hat die #StudyHall für mehr Bildung und Chancengleichheit seine Türen geöffnet. Eine feine Sache da besonders im dortigen Kiez Unterstützung dringend benötigt wird. Allerdings wird die Polizei bald zu tun bekommen wenn die Banden mitbekommen was dort herumsteht.
#JohnGreen: "I'm going back to college"
#VlogBrothers video in which John discusses #StudyHall and his #college experience in general, both past and future.
#johngreen #vlogbrothers #studyhall #college #dftba #nerdfighter #nerdfighteria #community
Mentioned #StudyHall and #CrashCourse to my fellow community college learning specialists today and they were so excited. The study hall math class is gonna help some of our students who struggle the most with math and crash course science will help both our students *and* some of my colleagues' kids!
NBC News: "Hank and John Green launch program that allows people to earn college credit with YouTube courses"
It's times like these I'm so proud to be a part of this community 💖🙅🏻♀️
#DFTBA #Nerdfighter #Nerdfighteria #VlogBrothers #JohnGreen #StudyHall
#college #AlternativeEducation @hankgreen #CrashCourse
#dftba #nerdfighter #nerdfighteria #vlogbrothers #johngreen #studyhall #college #alternativeeducation #CrashCourse
Amazing. #YouTube star brothers and VidCon founders Hank & John Green have launched #StudyHall, a YouTube tuition platform that can offer college credit.