I had to stay in a #library a few times to use the #wifi since #internet connection is still down in my home. And I came to appreciate libraries because it’s a chill environment for #studying and other relaxing activities. This makes me even more fearful of politicians’ attacks on libraries for having inclusive and informative material. #politics #chill #learning #Books
#Books #learning #chill #Politics #studying #Internet #wifi #library
良き中国語入力ソフトはどこだ https://tkt058.seesaa.net/article/500460233.html @tkt058より
#勉強 #勉強垢さんと繋がりたい #勉強垢 #勉強教えて #勉強垢始めました #搜狗输入法 #チャイニーズライター11 #Language #LanguageLearning #Languages #Chinese #ChineseCulture #中文 #中国語 #中国語学習 #studying #studyabroad #HSK #HanyuShuipingKaoshi
#HanyuShuipingKaoshi #hsk #studyabroad #studying #中国語学習 #中国語 #中文 #chineseculture #chinese #languages #languagelearning #language #チャイニーズライター11 #搜狗输入法 #勉強垢始めました #勉強教えて #勉強垢 #勉強垢さんと繋がりたい #勉強
良き中国語入力ソフトはどこだ https://tkt058.seesaa.net/article/500460233.html @tkt058より
#勉強 #勉強垢さんと繋がりたい #勉強垢 #勉強教えて #勉強垢始めました #搜狗输入法 #チャイニーズライター11 #Language #LanguageLearning #Languages #Chinese #ChineseCulture #中文 #中国語 #中国語学習 #studying #studyabroad #HSK #HanyuShuipingKaoshi
#HanyuShuipingKaoshi #hsk #studyabroad #studying #中国語学習 #中国語 #中文 #chineseculture #chinese #languages #languagelearning #language #チャイニーズライター11 #搜狗输入法 #勉強垢始めました #勉強教えて #勉強垢 #勉強垢さんと繋がりたい #勉強
#today it’s very hard to focus on my #research with the crushing urgency of #wildfires and our utter failure to respond to the #climatecrisis appropriately. Somehow #studying #microplastics and #invasivespecies feels inadequate - I heard 30,000 people in #bc are out of their homes. 20,000 residents of #yellowknife #canpoli
#invasivespecies #bc #canpoli #today #research #climatecrisis #studying #wildfires #microplastics #yellowknife
Never put music on whilst trying to study with any suggestion of “Hits” in the title.
As a minor reoccurring character in a BBC classic situation comedy often said “What a mistake-ah to make-ah!”
Would you expect students’ #cortisol to predict better or worse grades?
In one #STEM class, it depended on whether students were underrepresented, but not in the way I guessed.
Among underrepresented minority (URM) students, cortisol predicted *higher* final scores. No correlation was detected among other students.
#Cortisol #stem #edu #highered #stress #teaching #college #studying
It's amazing how much not study you get done when you should be #studying
#crochet #amigurumi
Made with an #aldi kit
#studying #crochet #amigurumi #aldi
Earlier, during a study break, I was standing here in front of the university, staring at the wall there. Imagined a 2×3 matrix multiplied by a 3×n matrix and wondered why matrix B had to have as many rows as matrix A had columns, and then I kind of saw it on the wall and started doing the multiplication, and then it was all clear to me. Transformation to Sheldon completed.
#math #maths #mathematics #Science #studying #linearalgebra
Our cross-cultural research on 'Problematic Overstudying' has just been accepted for publication in the International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction. Thanks to all my colleagues for the collaboration.
Full paper to be available soon from here: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11469-023-01128-5
#bstas #psychometrics #studying #addiction #psychology
How many times do you pick up your phone while #working or #studying? 📱📚
If your answer is “too many”, you are in the majority! 😅
Head over to EURES and find out more on how to stay focused while working and studying! 👉 https://eures.ec.europa.eu/how-can-we-use-technology-without-getting-distracted-2023-05-04_en
#EURESjobs #technology
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EURESJob/status/1685908149554098178
#working #studying #EURESjobs #Technology
Tellement de stress et de choses à faire ces temps-ci (et encore d'autres à faire pour le future).
Mais enfin j'ai du temps pour faire mes révisions aujourd'hui.
#stress #chosesàfaire #thingstodo #réviser #révisions #study #studying #temps #time #repos #rest #compta #accounting #thirsday
#stress #chosesafaire #thingstodo #reviser #revisions #study #studying #temps #time #repos #rest #compta #accounting #thirsday
This morning is all about be, bê, ba, bâ and bơ, followed by bề, bế, bể and bệ.
#vietnamese #homework #studying #languages
Me, a few weeks ago: "My English isn't good enough for whole books, I just have to look up words all the time!"
Me, today: "Don't they have that math textbook in English?"
Neural plasticity, so useful.
#learning #studying #neuroscience #math #Science #academics
Literally every learning expert in literally every book on learning techniques: "Write down the material in your own words to chunk it!"
Me: "Yeah, yeah."
Several years later, also me: "Boy, it totally helps to write down the material down in your own words! 🤯 I'm a genius!"
Always ahead of the game.
#learning #study #studying #math #Science #academics
#biology #studying #StudentLife
Hello #PKM people, what do you do to ensure that your notes will be properly processed and isn't just stuff to occupy your folders? Meaning, how do you ensure that you extract value from them?
A question I am pondering as I have hundreds of notes now, and while I have made sure to turn some of them into articles, am not sure about everything else. Am curious to know how you extract value from your notes.
#pkm #notes #notetaking #obsidian #evernote #notion #studying
I just got my marks back for my last assessment for #inclusivity and #diversity in the workplace.
Teacher - "I can tell you have a good handle on addressing diversity and inclusion in the workplace."
Makes sense seeing as it's one of my passions in life. Diversity and inclusion all the time! Loved this unit.
#inclusivity #diversity #studying #librarianship
Excuse me while I-
*proceeds to scream into the endless void of studying and exams*
#uni #studying #literature #studentlife #iamtired #whyistherenoendinsight
#whyistherenoendinsight #iamtired #studentlife #literature #studying #uni