I'm not exactly impressed by not seeing any answer to our question in the Q&A forum on that matter. Surely we're my colleague and myself who asked the question were not the first in 21 years to ask this?
I mean, maybe the subject is so stable that there was literally nothing new in all this time but then you could make a point out of stating that somewhere in the material.
Next up: "Multi-Agent Systems"
I started reading up on the topic and I expect this to be just as fascinating.
I'm wondering how the timing will look like. This module starts in September in October it ends. That means that after one month of break we'll start the next (Robotics) in December? Uff.
That'll be a challenging ride...
CSCK503 "Machine Learning in Practice" was a 8 week long, fast paced practical introduction to machine learning and I can say I rather enjoyed it. The group assignment (training 3 models with the LAEI dataset & produce a video) was a bit of a pain (yes, I will keep bitching about group assignments until the very end of this degree.)
It helps that my colleagues are a lot of fun to work with though.
Today we got our grade for this. 69% which lands me at 65% for the module.
The machine learning module ends today...
Overall it was well worth it. Every week walked us through a new set of #ML algorithms. For each we learned how to prepare the data, engineer the features and how to train these models. We were using skikit-learn and pandas in Google Colab or Jupyter Notebooks.
For the final (group) project we analyzed the London Atmospheric Emissions Inventory which was a big and interesting dataset.
I got punished in my mid-module assignment because I did understand the instruction to include the python code for my solution wrong. I thought that it had to be copied into the appendix of the report. My tutor informed me that this was "just unacceptable". Hmpf.
Well, it happens. But it kinda pisses me off that activities in the module come with indicative solutions that are python code pasted into a PDF document.
Today our end of module assignment opened. We have 3 weeks to analyse data from the London Atmospheric Emissions Inventory using 3 different machine learning models and write up a report that explains our choice, show the implementation and outlines the results we get.
I was excited until I discovered that all dataset links we're supposed to download from land me on a 404. Sigh.
#livuni #studylog #machinelearning #studyexperience
The current module is "machine learning in practice" and I'm having a blast 🙂
The only negative is that it features another assessed group task. I'd rather write two more papers than coordinating group assignment. I'm not doing remote study to meet people, I'm doing it for the self-paced learning...
My end of module essay on Transfomers received a 75% grade and I'm quite happy about that. Next up: Machine Learning in Practice! 🙂
Meanwhile I'm wondering if it is actually allowed to post my paper somewhere?
Many discuss how #LLMs may write entire essays but completely miss what else they do
I just used chatGPT as a partner researching a paper. I asked questions, asked it to explain concepts, then went on to research deeper in Google Scholar, read papers in the #LivUni library system, collected references in Zotero (which generates them for me later)
I don't need someone to write essays for me. The true power lies in having a conversational research partner to help me think faster. #StudyLog
Discovered by accident that my discussion posts for my current module at the #LivUni were not graded because the system seem to think that I had made no attempt.
I though that my task was done after submitting to the forum (esp. since I got a turnitin ID when I did) but it looks like a separate submission may have been necessary? WTF?
ARGL. Hopefully my lecturer can help. I'd hate to stumble over stupid sh*t like this...
#livuni #studylog #studyexperience
Our mid-module assignment will be a group work.
I HATE these things. There is a reason why I prefer self-directed online study over other forms: It normally allows me to work on my own time.
Group assignments break that pattern, especially with time zone or bank holiday issues that make availability a challenge.
Thus, I'm mildly annoyed but decided to embrace it anyhow and went ahead proposing structures, creating groups etc.
This week we were asked to debate whether current developments will lead to intelligence superior to humans.
It is interesting to see how often my fellow students make the argument "humans train AIs, therefore AIs are limited by human intelligence".
If that would be true, how do we explain that we're even able to create systems that are as good as todays AIs? Each one of them supersedes human abilities by far already...
#studylog #uol #livuni #compsci #ai #studyexperience
My first module kicked off this week, it'll run for two weeks and mostly introduces us to the systems and processes. However, in week 2 it'll require to submit the first (baby-) paper discussing the use of AI in the field of law. What a rabbit hole :-)